Pasadena Group Photo

Actually, you all are doing very well. I was there so...I know you're right. I just posted this pic on my site ( Brought back many memories. There was a comment about Jim Mitchell teaching there...well he did at one time. But when this picture was taking he WAS NOT (Mitchell's site has this pic and it says it was taken in '79 and he was the running the school...well he wasn't then and the pic is vintage 1981)... the people running the Pasadena school at that time was Frank Trejo, Paul Girard, and know.. that good looking guy seated front row and second from the left! (Ha!) And for a time...I DID live there...literally(as much as I hate to admit that)! I'm talking sleep on the mats, clean the school, sort out the mail for Frank and Mr. Parker, teach classes, etc.

Thank you I knew he taught there I did not say it was at the time of the picture. If I offended anyone I apologize, I did asked a question not a comment, it was not written right. The truth is he did teach there maybe not when the picture was, but he did teach there. Thats what I should have said. As to blind faith, it sounds like I was right and he did teach as one time.

Doc said he never did well according to the above he did.

Lets move on to something else.
Thank you I knew he taught there I did not say it was at the time of the picture. If I offended anyone I apologize, I did asked a question not a comment, it was not written right. The truth is he did teach there maybe not when the picture was, but he did teach there. Thats what I should have said. As to blind faith, it sounds like I was right and he did teach as one time.

Doc said he never did well according to the above he did.

Lets move on to something else.

Yeah let's move on....but before we do. Why ask a question that you're sure you know the answer to? And notice when someone disagreed with you, you dismissed it and even said "Only one person said it" about Mr. Mitchell NOT teaching at the Pasadena school. But now "only one person" (Dragondog1) says that Mr. Mitchell DID teach at the Pasadena school and you're like "sounds like I was right!" Believe what you wish as it's really largely inconsequential to more important matters (like your current training for one)..but..getting offended for ONE answer not agreeing with you and then using ONE answer as evidence to support your own opinion is....nevermind this will probably just offend again. :deadhorse

Random Note: Dragondog1 just joined the forum on 2/3/07 and only posted twice on this topic to support your viewpoint. Someone is bound to bring that up as a "coincidence" so I'll just throw it out and shoot it down right now "so what!". Now we can get back to intelligent discussion of hopefully the actual topic as the question that started all the "hostilities" wasn't even on topic to begin with.

Gentlemen I apologize for all this, it was not my intent. We sound like a bunch of bickering old housewives.

Can we drop it and get back to more important subjects like the Kenpo we all love.

Can anyone tell me when the Grande Nationals are going to be this year.
Yup..true...I just joined and only posted twice on this topic (this makes three posts...yeah!). I was perusing the web yesterday...saw this forum which sparked my interest since it was a pic of my BB testing/promotion and thought it was interesting that everyone was trying to name who was in the pic, so I joined so I could 'join' in the discussion. Its also a good way to say hi to some old friends (Rick Hughes[yeah it was your 2nd black test], Ron 'Doc' Chapel, and others..).

It wasn't until afterward that I realized there was a 'second' discussion going on. Which, I agree, is WAY off topic. I knew Jim Mitchell during his 'Parker days'...even taught at his San Diego Parker school for a short time in '79 before we parted ways and I started training with Frank at Pasadena.

Now...back to the point of this discussion...did we get all people in the picture identified? And hey..not only who were they ...but where are they all now? I know where some are..but not all..
AKA Grand Nationals Martial Arts Championships
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center · Rosemont, IL
January 26-27, 2007
Yeah let's move on....but before we do. Why ask a question that you're sure you know the answer to? And notice when someone disagreed with you, you dismissed it and even said "Only one person said it" about Mr. Mitchell NOT teaching at the Pasadena school. But now "only one person" (Dragondog1) says that Mr. Mitchell DID teach at the Pasadena school and you're like "sounds like I was right!" Believe what you wish as it's really largely inconsequential to more important matters (like your current training for one)..but..getting offended for ONE answer not agreeing with you and then using ONE answer as evidence to support your own opinion is....nevermind this will probably just offend again. :deadhorse

Random Note: Dragondog1 just joined the forum on 2/3/07 and only posted twice on this topic to support your viewpoint. Someone is bound to bring that up as a "coincidence" so I'll just throw it out and shoot it down right now "so wh everat!". Now we can get back to intelligent discussion of hopefully the actual topic as the question that started all the "hostilities" wasn't even on topic to begin with.


Get over it and yourself, if you ever come to Washington look me up!!!!!!!
The truth is, almost everyone "taught" in Pasadena at one time or another including myself. Teaching a class or three was not unusal. But if someone asks me if I taught at Pasadena, I assume they are asking if I ran the school or was a part of its regular teaching staff. I did not, and neither was he.
Get over it and yourself, if you ever come to Washington look me up!!!!!!!

Ummm What? Look you up for what purpose? Depending on the answer it may be worth the trip as I have another Kenpoist in Washington I'm already due to visit in a short while. A little more info Bryant?

Random side note: I've yet to say anything derogatory about you, I simply disagreed with your comments and your methods of "proving" your point. SO what warranted the "get over..." comment? Excellent example you're setting here with the humility and all. Again my apologies for offending you by daring to have an opposing view.

Yup..true...I just joined and only posted twice on this topic (this makes three posts...yeah!). I was perusing the web yesterday...saw this forum which sparked my interest since it was a pic of my BB testing/promotion and thought it was interesting that everyone was trying to name who was in the pic, so I joined so I could 'join' in the discussion. Its also a good way to say hi to some old friends (Rick Hughes[yeah it was your 2nd black test], Ron 'Doc' Chapel, and others..).

It wasn't until afterward that I realized there was a 'second' discussion going on. Which, I agree, is WAY off topic. I knew Jim Mitchell during his 'Parker days'...even taught at his San Diego Parker school for a short time in '79 before we parted ways and I started training with Frank at Pasadena.

Now...back to the point of this discussion...did we get all people in the picture identified? And hey..not only who were they ...but where are they all now? I know where some are..but not all..

Well I was just trying to figure out where Doc's hair went...but then I looked in the mirror and realized I needed to be concerned with finding my own. :)
Ummm What? Look you up for what purpose? Depending on the answer it may be worth the trip as I have another Kenpoist in Washington I'm already due to visit in a short while. A little more info Bryant?

Random side note: I've yet to say anything derogatory about you, I simply disagreed with your comments and your methods of "proving" your point. SO what warranted the "get over..." comment? Excellent example you're setting here with the humility and all. Again my apologies for offending you by daring to have an opposing view.


I would love to meet you in person and not for the reason you are thinking, that would solve nothing. We sound like a bunch of high schoolers. I will send you an email.
The truth is, almost everyone "taught" in Pasadena at one time or another including myself. Teaching a class or three was not unusal. But if someone asks me if I taught at Pasadena, I assume they are asking if I ran the school or was anythinga part of its regular teaching staff. I did not, and neither was he.

Ed Parker never had a a school that was a "franchise." He did have loose business agreements with some, but only actually owned two schools. Santa Monica, which became West L.A. when it moved accross the street, and Pasadena.
Thank you for displaying your ratiionale and feelings. You are of course entitled to your opinion even though you weren't there. And as far as where the BS lies, perhaps you should look a tad closer to home. My only displeasure is you took us through this cherade of seeking information, when if the answer didn't agree with what you were already told, it would be regarded as BS. Under these circumstances, why even ask the question (3 times). Clearly you were looking for comfirmation of what you thought you already knew. Unfortunately, to put it politely, you and your source of information are both incorrect. There are plenty of people around who can verify my answer, who were actually there. Having faith in an instructor is commendable. Having blind faith in anything and everything a man says, is stupid and dangerous and smacks of a cult-like mentality.
Please don't tell my students that, tho, OK? :D I've just about got them trained to think I know everything. :lol: Sorry, OT, now back to business and identifying people in the photo....
Please don't tell my students that, tho, OK? :D I've just about got them trained to think I know everything. :lol: Sorry, OT, now back to business and identifying people in the photo....

As long as you don't tell my grand daughters. (My daughters are already lost)

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