Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism


Mar 1, 2003
Reaction score
This movie may be a bit harder to find than Fahrenheit 911, but it may be more interesting. Although, I am sure some 30% of the people have already formed the opinion that this film is not worth the celluloid it's printed on.


You can view the trailer and see film clips at the above site.

Submitted for you review - Mike

P.S. Does anyone actually watch FoxNews?
If you want to see the movie free this Sunday evening (7/18), MoveOn.org members are holding Outfoxed parties in their homes across the country. (For those of you not familiar with MoveOn.org, it's a progressive internet-based grass roots organization dedicated to increasing the participation of ordinary citizens in the political process). More than 3,000 parties are already planned--these are NOT fund-raisers, and you will not be asked to contribute to anything. If you're interested, you can sign up to attend a party, or to buy a CD/DVD of Outfoxed, at http://www.moveon.org/front/ I hosted a MoveOn.org sponsored activity, and I've attended activities at other members' homes, and the people are usually pretty cool.
I just heard about this - sounds interesting. Phoenix44, glad you posted about the house parties, I'll try to find someone in town who might be hosting one. I'd like to see this.
if you join the moveon.org elist, you can search for parties in your area, and if there are none, you can host one yourself.

I, for one, will be out of town in New Orleans, so I'll be renting the film at a later date.
The blatantness of the memos ARE refreshing. It's so obvious!

I'm still a bit sick. so I think I won't go to a house party and hack all over some nice strangers... I'll try to order it later. I'd love to hear all about it from those of you who do see it tonight.
Along with the flick, make sure to read Al Franken's "Lies and the lying liars that tell them". He takes on Murdoch, bodyslams Sean Hannity, and craps all over Bill O'Reilly...the latter action is absolutely enjoyable. I do so detest O'Reilly.

On Hannity...do you get the sense that during commercial breaks he gives "swirlies" to Alan Colmes in the Executive Washroom at Fox?

Colmes is a wimp. I hate to indulge in stereotypes, but where did they get this bespectacled pencil neck?


I saw Outfoxed last night at a MoveOn.org party. I was really shocked...I don't watch Fox News, so it was a real eye opener. Telling your guests "SHUT UP" because you don't like what they have to say? Cutting off their microphones? Counting down the days until "President Bush is re-elected"?

I'm really angry, too, because Fox is using the public airwaves...the airwaves WE own for cryin' out loud...for a political agenda, and then calling it "Fair and Balanced" news!!! Hey, I don't care if they're expressing a right-wing agenda, but don't call it "NEWS" on the airwaves that you are using by the good graces of the American people, and then make a huge profit off it! Call it "OPINION."
Write your congressman & senators.

I ordered the DVD last week .. I am hoping it shows up in the mail today. Although, they changed their purchasing so that it is now through Yahoo. We'll see.
michaeledward said:
Write your congressman & senators.
What do you suggest we say to them? I'm certain they all are aware of Fox' bias, and Freedom of the Press happens to guarantee their right to be misinforming dirtbags.

Since it's a cable news network, they're not even really using public airwaves to broadcast their message of insanity.
Write Fox's sponsors...the ones paying for commercial time. Hit 'em in the wallet.

It may not work, but if you're going to put something to paper, this might be more effective than writing a Senator. I fail to see how a legislator could make a lasting impact with this.


PeachMonkey said:
What do you suggest we say to them? I'm certain they all are aware of Fox' bias, and Freedom of the Press happens to guarantee their right to be misinforming dirtbags.

Since it's a cable news network, they're not even really using public airwaves to broadcast their message of insanity.
I would suggest that we the people strongly voice our opinion that the loss of the "Fairness Doctrine" has been a detriment to society. I would suggest that we the people strongly voice our opinion that the consolidation of media has been a dis-service to the American People. I would suggest that we the people strongly voice our opinion that nepotism has no place in American Politics (The son of the US Secretary of State is the head of the Federal Communications Commission ... what's up with that).

I would further suggest that we the people strongly voice our opinion that the First Amendment is something that we cherish; but if those who control the airwaves, control all of the airwaves, our free speech can not be voiced.

I would suggest that we the people strongly voice our opinion that the Federal Communications Commission should strictly codify those speech items for which broadcasters and journalists may be penalized for when presenting material.

I would suggest that we the people demand that FCC obscenity legislation should be passed on its own merit, and not buried within the annual Military Appropriations Bill (as it is this year).

Those are some of my suggestions.

I might also recommend 'FAIR' Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting as a place to look for suggestions. www.fair.org

Thanks - Mike
Hey Mike,

I'm a supporter and follower of FAIR... great resource. You'll note that their efforts focus on documenting bias, hate speech, and inaccuracy in the press, calling them on it, and educating others.

I agree with you about news fairness, conolidation, and nepotism. These are issues that we can deal with through the government.

I still feel, however, that Fox News is entitled to whatever bias and ridiculousness they wish to have. I shy away from telling individuals or organizations what they can or can't say... it's a dangerous, slippery slope.
Write Fox's sponsors...the ones paying for commercial time. Hit 'em in the wallet.

It may not work, but if you're going to put something to paper, this might be more effective than writing a Senator. I fail to see how a legislator could make a lasting impact with this.
In our captialism-rules society, this is a good approach. I'll have to start watching FOX news and writing down the names of the companies advertising.
PeachMonkey said:
I still feel, however, that Fox News is entitled to whatever bias and ridiculousness they wish to have. I shy away from telling individuals or organizations what they can or can't say... it's a dangerous, slippery slope.
They absolutely have can say what ever they want to say. And perhaps our best recourse there is to contact advertisers, as someone mentioned. But, as others have pointed out, many of the advertisers are not your local neighborhood vendor, they are multi-national companies purchasing advertising time to influence the country's movers and shakers (General Electric, United Technologies, etc.).

What is needed is to restrict the number of television stations one company can own. In a single market, the company should not be able to own a television station and the newspaper (I say 'the' newspaper, because most major cities are now down to just a single paper). Broadcasters should not be able to own more than a certain number of Radio Stations (Does any actually know where that god-awful Delilah actually sits to do her radio show? - But we are all hearing the exact same garbage).

I like Free Speech. I get amused that Bill O'Reilly is out there making an *** out of himself 5 days a week (on radio and tv) ... but really need to be able to have some voices saying different things.

We have surveyed on this message board the Presidential Race .... The opinion seems to be Kerry at about 80% and Bush at about 20%. ... some have argued that the Bush supporters don't speak up in this forum. They point to national polls that the contest is pretty even. Could it be that the contest is not pretty even at all ... but rather the media (huge multinational corporations doing really well under Bush) are working to spin an even race?

I try not to get sucked into conspiracy theories ... but, here in New England, that is the vibe I am getting. Thanks for listening.

PeachMonkey said:
I still feel, however, that Fox News is entitled to whatever bias and ridiculousness they wish to have. I shy away from telling individuals or organizations what they can or can't say... it's a dangerous, slippery slope.

I agree. Leave the attempts at censorship to THEM.

We meet them in the marketplace of ideas, and we kick their a**es. That's the American way, and that's the fun way.

Bring 'em on. Ooops...sorry.


Thesemindz said:
How many of you guys watch Fox News?
I make a point of watching as much corporate news as possible... at the very least, Fox and CNN. It's important to keep an eye on what the public is being fed (and more importantly, what we're NOT being told).
Thesemindz said:
How many of you guys watch Fox News?
I very rarely watch television at all. Certainly, not the news.

Law & Order in all its incarnations
Angel - Series has ended.

Other than that ... doesn't seem to be much on. I do listen to radio quite a bit, I have lots of windshield time in my current position. I listen to WBUR (the NPR station in Boston), & WTKK (Imus, O'Reilly, Ingraham and other Right wing nuts).

I especially enjoy when I travel to Burlington Vermont ... They have the best public radio stations up there ... at least from my POV.

I have a question. Why is it when one source spins things in favor of a Liberal adgenda you guys feel its being "honest" or at best its denied that it is "biased" that way, but when one does it in favor of conservatives its wrong and evil, and should not be allowed, etc?

I'm sure the hardcore conservatives feel the same way about the liberals, but here at least, on MT I see far more of the liberals shouting about how stupid the conservatives are.

Being on the side of "Niether of the Above", I am just wondering why that is?

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