

Reasons, evidence, etc.... not just "because you dont wear gloves ont he street"

because it builds defenses. with gloves(which are big), its easy to block, but open fists are more challenging.
There are many kinds of gloves used when training. I can see the big boxing gloves fitting that description.

I train with fingerless 'bag' gloves. Some padding on the knuckles and palms, but otherwise open. They've saved some wear-n-tear on my knuckles when working on the bag, but still allow enough finger motion to allow for traps and catches.

Anyone else have thoughts on gloved/gloveless?
Deffinatly the open finger gloves you are talking about. I use those sometimes.
i dont use wraps or gloves anymore when working the bag. My wrists took a bit of damage and i wish i would ahve bin a bit more delicate, but what can ya do? My wrists are pretty strong now(though i get those funny popping noises when i make circles with them:confused: )
I use wraps when working out on the bag. Other than that, except in sparring, where its required, most of my workouts are openhand.
Training with the big bad gloves make your open hands much faster. ;)
Try working out with a pair of 16 oz boxing gloves on then see how much faster your hands are when you're not using them.

It made a difference in my hand speed anyways :)

yeah my JKD instructor had us all get 16 oz gloves, after you get used to them,. when you take them off you feal like you could just go all day. Also if you train with the added weight on your hands it has two advantages, one you will tend to hit harder because you are used to accelerating the extra weight, and two you will protect your knuckles a little better when hitting a bag, even with wraps and bag gloves you can still cause some dammage to your hands from long term use of a bag.. of course some people don't see any dammage..

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