old farts



I want to know how all of you deal with soreness and injuries. Any advice for a guy who's beginning to learn what is meant by feeling your age. i know im nobody's grandfather yet, but the old injuries are starting to take their toll.
so what do you do for muscle soreness, or achy joints and such? do you follow regiments for stretching, eating, sleeping or anything that you believe improves your overall energy and health?
I take a supplement called Blue Green Algae and another called Spectrabiotic from Cell Tech. My arthritis has left me alone and muscle soreness is minimal even after hard workouts. Age 47 tomorrow.

Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

take joint supplement, Glucosmine/Chondroitin

I'm only 28 but their a must for my life. I just can't take the kicking like I used to.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

Hot Showers and I take joint supplement, Glucosmine/Chondroitin

aha! that must be the traitor 's formula.

just kiddin;) ive heard that some people dont respond to glucosamine.

I take a supplement called Blue Green Algae and another called Spectrabiotic from Cell Tech. My arthritis has left me alone and muscle soreness is minimal even after hard workouts. Age 47 tomorrow.

happy birthday!!!!
how did you come across these supplements?
ShadowMike's Hard Lemonade and Jack Daniels takes away some of my ach and pain.
Other than that I use a dit dat jow thweat I pick up at a local shop and some white lotus joint med(about the same but it smells better)
I agree with the hot shower or a long hot bath.;)
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

ShadowMike's Hard Lemonade and Jack Daniels takes away some of my ach and pain.
Other than that I use a dit dat jow thweat I pick up at a local shop and some white lotus joint med(about the same but it smells better)
I agree with the hot shower or a long hot bath.;)
I like Doc's Lemonade
My wife is a Chiropractor. She sells them in her office to patients as part of nutritional treatment if their interested.

Hot Showers are good:D
Gluecose is good too.

A cold Swim After a hard
Work out works for me.
jfarnsworth wrote,

"I'm only 28 but their a must for my life. I just can't take the kicking like I used to."

Hey! I'm 27 and I just got into tricks :p Well, I actually learned basic tricks early last year. I do get a little sore, but I bounce back after a day or two of rest :) I guess I'm an over-grown kid hehehehehehe
Ice packs, heat packs, Icy Hot and pop Motrins like candy. After training crack open a frosty one to deaden the senses :cheers:

But, what really has helped me is learning to pace myself and not always trying to keep up with the youngsters. In a few years they'll start feeling our pain too. Also, when I first began I used to train quite a bit, over train I guess because I enjoyed it so much. But, when my knee used to swell as if someone took a friggin' crowbar to it I realized, R. it's time to slow down a bit you greybeard. Last thing I want is to be using a walker when I hit 45...
I am 37 , and I'm very far from being old , but I never let the young guns ever see me limp ,flinch,or slow to get up that would be like a drop of blood in an ocean full of sharks. I like your attitude kenpo tess.
Originally posted by D_Brady

I am 37 , and I'm very far from being old , but I never let the young guns ever see me limp ,flinch,or slow to get up that would be like a drop of blood in an ocean full of sharks. I like your attitude kenpo tess.

Thank you Sir.. *S*
Tape glue a few screws and Dr. Pepper keep me together.
Vioxx and becoming good friends with my Orthopedic surgeon's nurse. Oxycotin works too, right Ace?
Ya the nurse is a good thing Lee. Oxycotin is awsome for headaches but it makes me real hyper lol. That isn't so good when screws are holding you together
Well I got the screw to hold the ankle in place but it needs a little help from my friend Mr. tape, And the Dr. Pepper keeps me strong. Lol but soon I won't have the screw anymore