Okay...THIS is number 1,000


Senior Master
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Bloomington, Indiana
I thought an earlier post made it, but this one should be the one.

I hit a thousand today. Only one tenth those of Bob, durn it. It took me a year, give or take. I can't remember.

This is one addictive site, lemme tell ya.


You forgot. The Urusai Bar and Grill posts don't count. Find a different thread...

- Ceicei
They don't count?

Well, snap me with a towel and make me bend over and pick up a bar of soap.

I'm outta here.



Will this do? or


- Ceicei
hopefully by the time i get this posted...you've hit 1000 somewhere else...reading this write after you finished posting the last one...congrats....
hmmm, I wonder what would happen if I did make them count in here and recalculated the totals?

Kaith Rustaz said:
hmmm, I wonder what would happen if I did make them count in here and recalculated the totals?

You'd have A LOT of people who are instant black belts!! Talk about a mcdojo operation!

- Ceicei
Naw....I don't make money off em....hmmm.....

an MT Belt test fee..... :rofl:
Huzzah, Steve! Not only do I think you are radiant being, a fabulous person, and a dizzying intellect, but I like your posts, too.

(not bad, huh?)
Feisty Mouse said:
Huzzah, Steve! Not only do I think you are radiant being, a fabulous person, and a dizzying intellect, but I like your posts, too.

(not bad, huh?)
Wow how's that for flattery!!
Why, thenk yew.

And what of my rippling physique? You took no notice of that?

I liked the part about my dizzying intellect. I think it really does make some people dizzy. I've actually made people throw up when I talk to them at length.


lol - nice combination of emoticons, MA Caver!

But I meant everything I said!

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