ok, Rousey is the real deal, clearly

Womens MMA is in the embryo stage...a one trick pony such as Rousey can still win...we have allot of great women athletes who will come into the sport and change that...Ms Rousey will need to continue to work on her striking or she won't be winning 3 years from now...I am a big fan of hers and she is putting WMMA on the map but she will have to improve!

5 years from now WMMA will be allot better and I am looking forward to it!
oh lord, is this another "ROSIE SEXTON OR NOTHING" post from you?


You really should suck less lemons you know. There's been more than Rosi who's fought in America but hey if you're being sarky to me at least you are leaving someone else alone rofl.


EDIT: Oh, never mind. I Googled her.....who? :lfao:

She's a good friend of mine, you'd like her, smart and and can fight probably why TF doesn't like her rofl. Actually I was thinking of other fighters but there you go.
Tez, serious question for you. Why do you think it's so difficult for the top quality fighters in the UK to sign with the larger promotions?
Tez, serious question for you. Why do you think it's so difficult for the top quality fighters in the UK to sign with the larger promotions?

MMA here is a very small sport, apart from about three fighters I know of all fighters here are amateurs in that while they may fight under pro rules and receive a purse they all have day jobs. They simply cannot afford to give up those jobs to seek a full time fight career. Few can afford to train full time, training is done at nights and weekends at the expense of time with families. Employers aren't willing to or can't give time off to attend things like TUF auditions etc. Few are as lucky as Martin Stapleton who appeared on one TUF series as he's a Royal Marine and was given time off to be on the show, for him the choice was between his military career and fighting, he chose the military,in fact he's just resuming his fighting again after a tour in Afghan.
In Bisping's early days on UFC he was still working various jobs until he moved to America. Dan Hardy gave up his university degree course to become a fighter, he wasn't working and was single, on benefits for a while. Other Brit fighters on the UFC have also been working as well as fighting. Being an MMA fighter simply isn't a job that pays enough to warrant the huge sacrifices fighters and their families would have to make to get to the so called top.
Perhaps when we finally get a governing body and the sport gets bigger you will see more Brit fighters.
why wasnt cyborg banned for life?

Because nobody is on their first violation. Look at the list of guys who have been caught roiding. Royce Gracie comes to mind when he fought Sakuraba the 2nd time.

I would be in agreement if they are caught roiding then the fight is declared a NC and doesn't add a win/loss to anyone's record.
British women have come and fought in the US, not sure how you could have missed them tbh.

Because in the US, we don't see anyone fight in kickboxing. You might get lucky and catch something late night or off hours on ESPN 2 or 3, but it's not mainstream at all. Even when K-1 was huge, you couldn't find it here very easily.
She probably didn't do it to avoid Gina Carano or Cyborg, though-she did it because it put her four minutes away from a championship....:lol:

Exactly, look at how many fighters in the UFC have bumped around in weight classes at the lower weights to try and get a title shot or the belt. It's how the game is played. Why wouldn't you go to a different class if one division is completely stacked and the next one isn't and you could go in either class with no problems.
Because in the US, we don't see anyone fight in kickboxing. You might get lucky and catch something late night or off hours on ESPN 2 or 3, but it's not mainstream at all. Even when K-1 was huge, you couldn't find it here very easily.

I wasn't talking about kickboxers I was meaning MMA fighters, Lisa Higo for one.
I wasn't talking about kickboxers I was meaning MMA fighters, Lisa Higo for one.

Oops, but sorry haven't heard of any UK female fighters period. Unless they have fought in a hyped match, the US audience isn't really exposed to any female fighters.
Cyborg would be unheard of if she hadn't fought Carano. Rousey wouldn't have been heard of if she hadn't hyped herself and talked about her looks. That's the bad thing with women's MMA in the US right now, it is still seen as a "curiosity" and not taken seriously as a womens's sport. Rousey didn't do women or the sprot any favors by talking about her looks and getting it judged by the "hotness" of the contestants.
i would say she has done her sport a LOT of good by totally dominating everyone they put in front of her and doing so LIKE A BOSS
So, the question I have is, is it any wonder we haven't heard of them? Tez has said that it's just not big enough in the UK to support high level professional fighters. I understand that. But if that's the case, is it any wonder that we don't see any high level female MMA fighters on the horizon who can compete with Rhonda Rousey? That is, after all, the topic of this thread.

Tez, is there anyone in the UK who you think has the chops to defeat Rousey? If so, who?

The point remains that she is, right now, clearly head and shoulders above anyone else in women's MMA with the possible exception of Cyborg.
Let's get the British fighters over here so the Yanks can1776 em! Lol!
i would say she has done her sport a LOT of good by totally dominating everyone they put in front of her and doing so LIKE A BOSS

Yeah, way to play the 'sex sells' card. She has also made comments about her looks being good for the sport. I'm not so sure (my opinion only of couse). Why do you need to hype the fighters looks instead of what they can do? As an athlete, you are right she is a good fighter and has dominated her competition. Let it stand as that though.
The face is lovely but the body? Large shoulders and hipbones jutting out like an anorexic. Certainly no boobs or backside, disappointing that it's a look thats being hyped buying into the skinny thing rather than the athletic look of Kyra Gracie. Has it been airbrushed?
Oh and I'm not jealous of the Rousey look. I'm not against that type of photo there's some very nice ones of male MMA fighters but I am against hyping the anorexic look.

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