

Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
So, Obama is not going to allow oil drilling in the gulf or the Atlantic for seven years. Wow. At least we have those reserves of magical pixie dust that will allow us to heat our homes, fuel our vehicles and help us become less dependent on terrorist supporting oil countries. I cannot wait for 2012.
So, Obama is not going to allow oil drilling in the gulf or the Atlantic for seven years. Wow. At least we have those reserves of magical pixie dust that will allow us to heat our homes, fuel our vehicles and help us become less dependent on terrorist supporting oil countries. I cannot wait for 2012.

Hmm, are you going to pay for the damages the oil spill caused?

maybe, just maybe, the solution lies by exploring measures to not use oil. Like driving more economic, smaller cars, produce less plastic waste, or, heaven forbid, recycle.

Not to mention the oil resources are limited and not replenishable and probably a reason for global warming. You know, releasing Carbon into the atmosphere that was bound under ground for a few million years...

but that is just an educated estimation.
Smaller cars cause more traffic deaths. Global warming is already so bad that they say by June temperatures in North America will rise by 40 or 50 degrees. I'm all for nuke plants.
Smaller cars cause more traffic deaths. Global warming is already so bad that they say by June temperatures in North America will rise by 40 or 50 degrees. I'm all for nuke plants.

Take a trip to Tschernobyl then. Nuke plants are really great...

also, if everybody drives a small car it evens out. Or people need to actually pay attention and put the cell phone down.
You can do safe nuclear. Nuclear is an idea that's very attractive to me, if done right its very safe and clean. Right now France has the highest rate of nuclear use at 75%, the US is a little over 22%.

Don't use Russia as an example. As the old saying goes "Russia, good ideas, bad implementation."
You can do safe nuclear. Nuclear is an idea that's very attractive to me, if done right its very safe and clean. Right now France has the highest rate of nuclear use at 75%, the US is a little over 22%.

Don't use Russia as an example. As the old saying goes "Russia, good ideas, bad implementation."

The followup cost is simply too high. There are piles and piles of used uranium and plutonium that won't be safe to be exposed to for a long long time.

The example was to show that when things go bad with a reactor it worse than the greatest assumable problem...Maybe one had to have been in Europe when it blew: The sun is shining the grass is green and yet you are to remain indoors...

There are better options already available. Arguably many patents are hidden in the vaults of the big companies as they would cut into their market share and profits.
Smaller cars cause more traffic deaths. Global warming is already so bad that they say by June temperatures in North America will rise by 40 or 50 degrees. I'm all for nuke plants.
Have you completely abandoned reason or are you intentionally trying to muddy the waters with blatant hyperbole?

In this very short post, you make two assertions I'd like to see you support:

    1. Smaller cars cause more traffic deaths.
    2. "They" say by June temperatures in North America will rise by 40 or 50 degrees. (While I'm hoping you're making a lame Summer vs Winter joke, I'm not holding my breath)
Can you support either?
help us become less dependent on terrorist supporting oil countries.

Because the main country you are depending for oil is that terrorist state of Canada. Oh wait, we're worse than that, we're socialists.
Yahoo "Small car death rates" and you will find the info. Smaller cars are more dangerous for the people inside of them during collisions, more people will die. Of course this helps the healthcare system. Instead of an Ambulance, you can send an organ harvesting wagon to the scene of small car accidents. More dead people also lowers the burden on the healthcare system so I see your point about forcing people to drive them.

Yeah, if you check out weather experts they will tell you that global warming is so extreme now that by June of this year temperatures in North America are going to go up about 40 to 50 degrees. That is pretty intense. How will we survive?

Also, the fact that we will not get the oil from the gulf and the pacific will not help you with your global warming. Obama has given, I think I heard, 10 million, or is it billion dollars to Brazil to increase their oil drilling in the gulf. I think his friend George Soros has something to do with that. Also, China, Russia, Venezuela, all the usual bad guys will also be drilling in the gulf. So the countries with the worst pollution problems will be getting the most oil, and eventually they may be selling it back to us. I cannot wait till 2012 rollls around.
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm sure you will if I am wrong, but isn't the ban on NEW drilling.

As far as vehicle deaths go, SUVs and pickups have a higher rate of mortality in accidents that small cars for the last 10 years.
Wall street journal reports the brazil and Soros connection but factcheck.org says that it is not true. I guess more checking is needed. Just back, Soros was manipulating his options in a way that fact check didn't get into. Check out the bloomberg business site where they write about the reason he took one type of stock over the other. Essentially, he made more money.
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Yahoo "Small car death rates" and you will find the info. Smaller cars are more dangerous for the people inside of them during collisions, more people will die. Of course this helps the healthcare system. Instead of an Ambulance, you can send an organ harvesting wagon to the scene of small car accidents. More dead people also lowers the burden on the healthcare system so I see your point about forcing people to drive them.
Why don't you try giving me some actual support for your assertion. Which small cars? How small? Are you looking at crash test ratings? Have you found a site that catalogues crashes by make and model? Are you limiting your statement to late model cars or are you including 1970's era "small cars" like the Datsun B210? Does the Yugo count or an early '80s Hyundai? I'd agree, if you're including those, that they're pretty sketchy in a crash.

Late model cars like the MINI Cooper, the VW Beetle or Golf, the Ford Focus, the Toyota Yaris and others got 4 or 5 stars in crash tests, and overall, small cars are pretty safe in a crash.

I did go to Yahoo and searched for "small car death rates." The first site that came up was this one:


It's an interesting read, and makes sense. The lighter the car, the more dangerous in a head on collision. But then it goes on to talk about rollovers and bigger SUVs are, statistically more dangerous.

The IIHS website has its list of "safe cars". There are a number of small cars and even a "minicar". The Ford Focus got very good ratings all the way around.


The second link is an article that talks about the death rate of cars in general... not quite relevant. But the third link. That was interesting:


The death rate for drivers for small cars continues to fall and are now at the same rate as drivers of large pick-up trucks giving small car scared cats a glimpse of the reality that big vehicles are not safer for the vast majority of families.

Now, don't get me wrong. In a head on crash, physics is physics. If you're in a lighter, smaller car in a head on with something bigger it's not going to go well for you. The point I'm making is that I think you're making things up as you go, trying to twist facts to fit your opinion rather than shaping your opinion to facts.

All told, I'd prefer to avoid crashes altogether, but I've driven small cars all my life, and my personal opinion is that the single most important safety feature in any car is an undistracted, defensive driver.
Bjj I gave you the way to find the data and from what you pointed to I am correct. Smaller cars are more dangerous in collisions, did I say roll overs?
Bjj I gave you the way to find the data and from what you pointed to I am correct. Smaller cars are more dangerous in collisions, did I say roll overs?
Rollovers are an SUV thing...and still car accidents.
this thread has so much fail its a win lol
I get sick of people trying to tell me what i have to do though. they can take the small cars and shove them, I wont drive them, its either motorcycles or SuVs for me, although I do like some of the newer crossovers.
I didnt see one fact listed in this thread by either side so far that does not have completely opposite "evidence" refuting it... from the small cars being the worst, to the big ones being the worst, to oil being limited, to anything i read.
it is humorous though, other then those know it alls who keep trying to tell me i have to drive what they think i have to drive. They just disgust me. I dont tell you how to chose what you drive, where you live, or how you live as long as you are not threatening my way of life. My driving a big car doesnt threaten your way of life, I pay more then my share of taxes because of it too, so I see no problem there
But luckyboxer, you are killing the planet with your gas guzzling S.U.V. Do you feel any guilt for your crime?
Making the planet a little less hospitable to human life perhaps. Earth'll do just fine after we're long gone.

What is for sure is that setting fire to oil to make lumps of metal move, whether those metal bits are cars, air-con units or computers is about the least useful thing you can do with it.

The big problem is that it is proving darned difficult to come up with a viable alternative for a mobile power-source. We're getting there tho', allbeit with baby-steps. When we do, it'll still be a shame that the sound of roaring flat-sixes, lovely rumbling V8's and silky V12's will fade away :(.

But at least we'll be able to use what oil reserves are left for something more enduringly useful than transport or electricity generation.
Bjj I gave you the way to find the data and from what you pointed to I am correct. Smaller cars are more dangerous in collisions, did I say roll overs?

No. you didn't. You said smaller cars cause more traffic deaths. Very different.

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