

Master of Blades

Not sure how to spell that correctly but anyway, what do you guys think of this weapon? I personally dont like it cuz you have more chance of hurting yourself then anything and prefer to go for the more suttle sword or stick. What about you guys?
this happens to be my favorite weapon. my father gave me my first pair when i first started MA, and i still own them.

i have since taught them in different schools i have attended. they have always interested me the most. i guess the fact that there are so many ways i which to apply them helps alot too.
It seems a good weapon

You can read the book about them from Ed Parker
Absolutely great!
mob, how is a stick or a sword more subtle than nunchaku? imo the only really subtle weapon would be a fan or a rope dart.
they seem to be a powerful weapon to me, though i havent used them properly, not unlike the 3 section staff which i have used a bit. i would have to say that if i was proficient in the 3sectional, it would probably be my fave.
I've never been a big fan of the nunchuku's, but only because I can't use them very well! I am, however, really interested in the 3 sectional staff. I really wish I could use it well.
I love the nunchaku. i guess that's because they look good, although i'm not great with them. they're not real practical as a self-defense weapon, although they have helped me learn control a little better. i have worked with them for about 3 years, and have never hurt myself more than a very small bruise. not too bad. they're great for demonstrations. i generally place a person on either die of me with a short carrot in their mouth, do a short kata, then chop the carrots out of my victim...uh, i mean helper's mouth. great weapon though!!

Not being proficient in any weapons I may be talking out of somewhere other than my mouth...
I would ask if this question is at all similar to asking if a certain style of MA is effective. Wouldn't it depend on whether or not you've put the time and effort into training with that particular weapon? I would guess that some are more intuitive than others but you could become proficient in any if you were dedicated enough.

Originally posted by Master of Blades

Not sure how to spell that correctly but anyway, what do you guys think of this weapon? I personally dont like it cuz you have more chance of hurting yourself then anything and prefer to go for the more suttle sword or stick. What about you guys?

The most common spelling I think is nunchaku.
Most people hurt themselves for several reasons.

1)They do the flashy looking crap that Bruce Lee did in his movie. Lee's usage looked good for screen but it is not the proper way to use the weapon.

2) They don't have a qualified instructor and more often than not "wing it"

Nunchaku are mainly used for trapping, limbs, weapons and so on with the occasional swing-strike.
If someone is teaching the "Bruce Lee style" then they are not teaching the real deal.
well nunchaku will hit silly if u go havn't trained properly...just ask anyone to hit tree with it n see them hit funny themselves.;)
i m training with this weapon, it's good...
and about hurting urself...then there is chance to hurt urself with almost every weapon more specailly the one which r flexible(3 sectional staff, chain, whip, sword)
Originally posted by thesensei

I love the nunchaku. i guess that's because they look good, although i'm not great with them. they're not real practical as a self-defense weapon, although they have helped me learn control a little better. i have worked with them for about 3 years, and have never hurt myself more than a very small bruise. not too bad. they're great for demonstrations. i generally place a person on either die of me with a short carrot in their mouth, do a short kata, then chop the carrots out of my victim...uh, i mean helper's mouth. great weapon though!!


It is a common misconception that Nunchaku are not good for self-defense............they are extremely good IF you know how to use the properly.

I saw some Karate weapons tournament on ESPN where one of the competitors did a glowing nunchaku kata, with back flips and music............I about puked.
REAL Nunchaku kata are rather "boring" and uneventful.
Originally posted by TkdWarrior

well nunchaku will hit silly if u go havn't trained properly...just ask anyone to hit tree with it n see them hit funny themselves.;)


This weapon is better suited for hitting smaller more mobile objects, arms, hands, weapons etc... rather than big sturdy objects.
They are great for a Work out.
I like "em"
I apoligise to all those that thought I was dissing Nunchuku but I was just voicing my opinion. When I know how to use this weapon to full effect then I will come back and my opinion would have changed. Still, Im just a huge fan of the sword.

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:
Originally posted by Master of Blades

I apoligise to all those that thought I was dissing Nunchuku but I was just voicing my opinion. When I know how to use this weapon to full effect then I will come back and my opinion would have changed. Still, Im just a huge fan of the sword.

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:

I haven't trained in them yet, mostly because carrying them is
illegal here. I "study" :rolleyes: Kali ... I can carry a cane with
me, not get into any trouble, and use it as a kali stick if the need
ever arised. But if not even carrying a cane, a pool cue, umbrella,
etc can be used like a kali stick. That's another reason I want
to learn staff.

Related question here. Are weapons supposed to be something
quicker to learn? Or are we encouraged by our instructors to
study weapons that are more of an extension to the art we
study? I know kali compliments EPAK, and that seems to be the
consensus. But in regards to most arts, is a single weapon
discipline "easier" to pick up than empty hands, or is it that
they're so similar, the weapon is a quick study?
Im not sure......because Kali was and still is my only main art, Ive never tried to get a grip on anything else. But when I did a few lessons of Wing Chun I grasped it pretty easily. What you make of that is up to you. The reason according to my teachers teacher for learning the armed combat system first is because you are never without a weapon. So if you know how to use a weapon effectivly then you should be able to defend yourself as is neccesary. And most of the unarmed stuff that you learn is almost as exactly the same as the knife work we do.

In other news, I havnt done much of it, but the Staff is a hell of a lot of fun to use. And it feels better then when I use a stick too, not sure if thats cuz of the weight or whatever.

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:
The only weapons I have trained with are the staff, the knife, and the nunchaku. I like the nunchaku, it's just fun to whip around and impress your friends. But a few years ago, I was trying to pass the nunchaku behind my head and managed to knock myself out.
Lesson: practice with a padded nunchaku until proficiency is gained.

Originally posted by kenposcum

I was trying to pass the nunchaku behind my head and managed to knock myself out.
Lesson: practice with a padded nunchaku until proficiency is gained.


Or how about this.............if it doesn't work in the dojo it probably won't work in real life.
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

It is a common misconception that Nunchaku are not good for self-defense............they are extremely good IF you know how to use the properly.

i did not mean that they are not good self-defense weapons, i simply meant that they are not practical. if you are stuck in a SD situation, how many people are going to have a pair of nunchaku within easy reach? ;->

although, i did have a friend who made an ankle holster for his...but that is illegal!

Originally posted by thesensei

i did not mean that they are not good self-defense weapons, i simply meant that they are not practical.

I understand.