gettin hitched


Richard S.

tomorrow is my wedding day. my wife is interested in the martial arts. but, Wing Chun isnt her cup of tea. she wants the health benefits and the confidence that studying a martial art instills but, doesnt know which way to go. there is no shortage of different schools in our general area so i put it to you, learned colleagues, suggestions?
Congrats! :)

Well, health aspects... I'd recomend Tai Chi. Easy flowing, yet a good workout both mentally and physically.

If she's looking for Flexibility / Aerobic type action, perhaps Savate, or a good (one designed for competition, not just working a sweat) Kickboxing class.

For mental stimulation, try Kenpo and/or Iaido. I've heard that Iaido has a nice meditative aspect to it (which sadly I haven't gotten to yet), and with Kenpo, theres enough variation in there to keep you going.

If she likes stick work, simple (as in easy to follow) techniques for the beginner and a good variety, try Modern Arnis.

Good luck. :)

Congrats.... im getting married later this.... nervous times
It sounds like Tai Chi might be the thing. Of course, I would check out the different schools to see which one is best. Also, encourage to look at different styles because she might find one that clicks for her.

Also, it seems there are a few people on the forum who are to be wed, as I am one also! Congrats!


As for a MA for your bride, check out all the schools and we can bounce around ideas.


PS - have you tried telling your new bride that Wing Chun is traditionally believed to have been created by a woman? Maybe that'll snare her ;)

Hi Richard,

Finding a martial art that suits us is sometimes a very long road. I studied different martial arts for some years before finding one that just "fit". I'd honestly support her and be patient in helping her find a school/art that allows her to grow from the standpoint of who and what she is.

Take care,

Congratulations! Sounds like you have quite a woman. My wife is anti-anything I like. If I want to practice, or watch a MA movie or UFC, all hell breaks loose. I almost can't put up with the constant whining I hear every time I walk out the door to go to TKD class.

It's the same with hunting or other sports.
Originally posted by Ty K. Doe

Congratulations! Sounds like you have quite a woman. My wife is anti-anything I like. If I want to practice, or watch a MA movie or UFC, all hell breaks loose. I almost can't put up with the constant whining I hear every time I walk out the door to go to TKD class.

It's the same with hunting or other sports.

*cough* *cough* I wouldn't know anything about that at all!

*cough* *cough* I wouldn't know anything about that at all!

If I could bottle all that whine I'd make a fortune and a lot of people tipsy.

Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, I just have to fake my hearing test.:D

p.s. *wispering* I hear perfectly fine. ;)
If she is looking for something meditative, your wife might look at Iaido (Japanese sword drawing). Women tend to be more relaxed in that art, and do much better than guys, generally. Plus, you get to swing a sword, which is always fun...;)

My wife has been a practitioner and teacher of Chen Style Tai Chi for many years now, and loves it. It is the "original" family of Tai Chi, with strong martial application. Tai Chi is good for general health and is much more applicable than many people think.

Also, I would suggest aikido. Your wife could gain a lot of confidence and enjoyment from the knowledge that she could toss around big lugs that might get lippy.

The best thing would be to have her look into a bunch of different schools and styles, and go with what she feels the best about.

Finally, have you taken your wife to class with you? Are you *sure* she doesn't like the Wing Tsun? Have you told her that she would get an opportunity to beat up on *you*?? That is always a strong motivator, in my book.......worked wonders for me...;) wife *loves* to show me new stuff she's learned.....with me being the dummy, of course.....

Peace, and congratulations!!
Originally posted by daniel_r

Congrats.... im getting married later this.... nervous times

I learned shortly after the ring was on my finger that they have Lojack in all the guys wedding rings. She will know where you are and what you are doing til the day you die. She will often ask what you were doing just to make sure you are being honest.

But all in all it is not that bad of an experience.:rofl:

Remember there 3 rings to a good relationship.

1 Engagement ring- You already took care of it
2. Wedding ring- happens today
3. Suffering- what did you think inlaws are for
Haha..... so its all good stuff then huh rob?
gentlemen, (and ladies), first of all, thankyou for the congrats. im glad i took the plunge (so far...hehheh) secondly, thanks for the suggestions. now, believe me ive tried to get this woman into Wing Chun even telling her about the "practicing on me" part. but, shes still not into it. as of this minute its a toss-up between a Modern Arnis school here in town or the Wudang Taiji class im involved with. whichever she chooses i know she will do herself (and me) proud............grateful respects.
If I have not said it befor Congratulations.:)
May you both have the best inall things and grow old and wise togeather. Remember it's a two fold relationship both must give in order to take of the love