no control

When someone wants to push me around I let them. When they get tired I throw them.

Overly aggresive Judoka tend to pull and sometimes even tear muscles. Not very bright.

I'm not so sure about stinky people.
I can't help but laugh when that happens to me sometimes. It's
not uncommon for a 14 yr old that started when they were 4 to
twist me up like a pretzel. I'm totally not in control when it's
happening, and I can't help but laugh. It's an odd feeling, let me
tell ya. One 14 yr old girl threw me and had me roll about 10 ft.
away. My buddy who doesn't study (yet) was LHAO big time!
Just wait ... his turn is coming .. he'll have to do a tech circle with
that gal too! :D
the school isnt desperate, its the only school available that teaches MT. the chief instuctor told him not to come for a week, but still came anyway. if he is kicked out, and comes back, we cant litterally throw him or push him out. hell consider it harrasment
First of all, he should be banned from the school.. bottom line.

Secondly, if he comes back after being banned or suspended than someone should be calling the cops to remove a tresspasser. No need to make a scene and risk a law suit, the cops get paid to do this dirty work for us.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by hand2handCombat
the school isnt desperate, its the only school available that teaches MT. the chief instuctor told him not to come for a week, but still came anyway. if he is kicked out, and comes back, we cant litterally throw him or push him out. hell consider it harrasment

Tell him to get out. Don't be a wuss! if he doesn't want to go call the cops and have them escort him out. But come on, it's a martial arts school! Kick ... him ... out!
Ya Gou...but sounds like this guy is ALWAYS threatening a law suit unless I read this thread wrong, guys like that can be a real pain in the *** if you give them a reason to use the law to their advantage.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Then the best thing to do IS call the police. That way it's documented and no one can be misunderstood as to what went on.

Sever this relationship A.S.A.P. in my humble opinion.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Then the best thing to do IS call the police. That way it's documented and no one can be misunderstood as to what went on.

Sever this relationship A.S.A.P. in my humble opinion.

I agree with Gou...if the guy keeps threatening you with the law, use the law to toss his butt out.

Poetic justice, I say :)
