being open can give you MA a bad name



i encounterd this tough guy on the street. he started problems with me. how it started: i bumped into him and apologized, he said "what where youre goin idiot".
me: "are you talking to me ?"
i was surprised. then he said "wtf", you want trouble dont you". so i tried to walk away but for no reason said get back here puss and kicked me. i was so surprised at this very ackward situation. someone is trying to start a fight with me!

so since he hit me, i turned and he got into a stance. then said, "im a black belt in [not mentioning arts]. then did some moves on the air and then came at me. i knocked him down with only a kcik and waked away. the embarrasement he went through when ppl were just watching. he gave that art a bad name.

I have had similar experiences before. IT does not turn out well. I am glad you were not hurt during the stun portion of the fight when you were just shocked by this guy attacking you.

Best Regards

today when i was lookin for a dojong. i was interested in some tkd. after that encounter, i wasnt so interested.
darn wierd coinsidence
Probably said to that guy two years ago, "That's right, you are guaranteed a Black Belt within two years of signing this contract!" :rolleyes: Stupid McDojo's... *grumble, grumble*
Being *open* can give your MA a bad name?

More like, "Being STUPID can give your MA a bad name". Hey, if you want to advertise, wait until you get in a real tight situation against someone like a terrorist. Then, at a critical moment, in view of the news cameras, take the guy out decisively. Once he is incapacitated, you can tell everyone proudly what art you study and at what school.

Better yet, just get a life and a little bit of humility. No one gives two hoots what style you're a Black Belt in, especially the guy you may be fighting. All that person is gonna care about is if his "no belt" in "kick-your-a$$-do" is gonna work. Remember: with just one well-placed strike, a no-belt can beat even a 10th Dan. Belts don't protect you, and stupidity protects you even less.

'Course, I *like* the guys that brag about what style and rank they are. Saves me a lot of guesswork. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by hand2handCombat

today when i was lookin for a dojong. i was interested in some tkd. after that encounter, i wasnt so interested.
darn wierd coinsidence

That encounter should not used to judge TKD as a MA. THe episode only reflects on that individual and his school. And they certainly do not represent TKD.
Originally posted by KennethKu

That encounter should not used to judge TKD as a MA. THe episode only reflects on that individual and his school. And they certainly do not represent TKD.

All too true!
i suppose you guys are rihgt. i will revisit to sorry for mentioning the art, didnt mean too.
Even if he didnt study he would probebly have acted the same way. Most people who are jerks seem sto have it inside at all times.
Thats a crazy story. Good thinking on your half.
For not hurting him badly like he should have gotten.
Your friend Judo-kid:p
Wow, that guy was a jerk! :( I hate it when people think they are invicible and so tough if they take MA! :mad: It gives whatever his art is, a bad name. :waah: I hope that guy learned his lesson and will be more humble in the future.

Robyn :boing2:
The story that hand2hand relayed reminds me of a scene in the movie "Rising Sun".....Sean Connery goes to see a person about a crime that has been committed. There is a party going on at the person's house, and a large bouncer is standing at the door, with another large bouncer behind him. As Connery tries to talk his way past the bouncer, he (the bouncer) puts his hand on Connery's shoulder and says calmly, "I think you should know, I'm a Black Belt. And so is Jeff" (indicating bouncer #2). Connery, unfazed, says, "Of course you are." Right after that, Connery taps the guy in the throat with a poison thumb (the tip of the thumb protruding over a vertical fist). As the guy gasps and clutches at his throat, bouncer #2 steps forward. Connery says something along the lines of, "There is an oriental saying that if you have to resort to violence, you have already lost. Don't you agree, Jeff?". Jeff, showing some intelligence, backs away.

Sounds roughly like what happened here....."Yeah, I'm a BLACK BELT!" In what? Stupidity? Shoot, they GIVE those away...;)

Anyway, thinking about that scene made me chuckle again, and I had to share it. My apologies if I messed any of it up--my photographic memory is being developed..;)

Also, I apologize if I got the poison thumb description wrong also. I believe that is what it is called. All I know is that it can be really nasty if done right.....

Originally posted by tarabos

nah...he just gave the human race a bad name...

are you sure he was human? It sounds like he had the brain of a shrub... of course, that would be an insult to shrubbery.
I wonder who the attacker was trying to impress? If he had any friends nearby they would have been picking on him so bad that he would most likely have come at you again.. Go to the school meet the instructor find out what that school is about and get a feel of the instructor.
If you decide to join maybe you should let the incident blow over if you decied not to join you might mention to him that one of his students is trying to be a bully/thug/a## on the street but seems to have deficulty staying on his feet.
Originally posted by tonbo

Once he is incapacitated, you can tell everyone proudly what art you study and at what school.

Better yet, just get a life and a little bit of humility. No one gives two hoots what style you're a Black Belt in, especially the guy you may be fighting. All that person is gonna care about is if his "no belt" in "kick-your-a$$-do" is gonna work. Remember: with just one well-placed strike, a no-belt can beat even a 10th Dan. Belts don't protect you, and stupidity protects you even less.

'Course, I *like* the guys that brag about what style and rank they are. Saves me a lot of guesswork. :rolleyes:


It can get you into trouble too. A freind of mine was working security in a carpark at one of our better known restaurants when he caught a guy trying to break into one of the cars. He warned the guy to "play nice" but the guy wouldn't listen. The bad guy threw a kick, which my friend stopped with an oblique cross kick. The bad guy broke his leg on the bottom of my friends shoe. My friend looks at the broken leg and says, " if you had trained in xxxxxx karate, you would have known not to do that."
The bad guy rang the school and complained. My friend was stripped of his black belt and asked to leave the school.
Not because he had won but because he bragged of where he got his stuff from.

Go figure..........
i did go back there. at first i didnt see the instructor in sight. then a guy in his late 20's approached me. like a tough guy, he was looking at me. starting from my toes to my face, with his chest up.

he asked if he could help me. i asked him if i could see the cheif instructor. he said he was the cheif inst. the moment he said that i didnt want anything to do with THAT dojang. so to be polite i talked to him in his office. and you guys know how ppl describe and art, well this guy seemed to be bragging. he was talking about it beign the best MA. he asked me if i done anything else. i said yes, he told me i should quit.
and for a moment, i thought "wow!!!!, whats up with this place??!!"

so i was thinking, maybe the instructor influenced his students to act inveinclible adn egotistic
Dave, you make a good point.

I was being tongue-in-cheek about the "proudly proclaiming what school you study in". I think bragging in just about any form is pretty tacky.

It's kinda like the old west, in a lot of senses. Yeah, you show people how much of a bada** you are, and they take notice. Then, however, some up-and-comer is gonna try to get his rep by taking you out. It's an escalation that anyone with common sense doesn't need.

And I still like the guys that brag to me about what kind of style they study. Like I said, it eliminates guesswork. Guy brags about being a 3rd Dan in TKD, guess what I'm expecting? So he's a BB in jiu-jitsu? Hmmmm.....lemme think...;)

But yeah.....I think if I ever actually have to use my MA in a situation, I'm gonna chalk any victory up to "luck". It may have been skill, but I am sure not gonna go proclaiming that all over the place. (That's why the quote about getting a life and humility). Last thing I need is someone trying to give me paybacks for acting all tough.

Let someone else be the tough guy. They can face the line of challengers. Me, I'll be the one enjoying my life and not looking over my shoulder.

Originally posted by D.Cobb

...... The bad guy threw a kick, which my friend stopped with an oblique cross kick. The bad guy broke his leg on the bottom of my friends shoe. My friend looks at the broken leg and says, " if you had trained in xxxxxx karate, you would have known not to do that."
The bad guy rang the school and complained. My friend was stripped of his black belt and asked to leave the school.
Not because he had won but because he bragged of where he got his stuff from.....

Your friend should open his own school , using that story as the calling card. If it made the news, even better ;)

It is not our place to judge what covenant the school made with its students , ie if you brag you are out etc. However, it does seem unusually harsh. More like they were covering their liability ***.