Nissan Pthfinder Commercial


Green Belt
Mar 14, 2002
Reaction score
Sinton, Texas
Last night while watching game 3 of the NLCS, a commercial advertising the Nissan Pathfinder was aired. The commercial showed a middle aged guitar player on the beach, playing one of those 60's surfer songs. At one point the camera does a close up of his guitar, and there, on the face of the guitar was the IKKA kenpo crest. The shot only lasted about a second, and on the neck of the guitar was the name either Dickey or Davey, too fast for me too catch. Anyone have any info on who this guitar player might be or if he has any EPAK training?

Yes that would be Dick is a pic of his guitar w/crest...

This close-up view of the Beast shows the Kenpo Karate sticker and American flag emblem Dale attached to the guitar. This is arguably the finest of the recent Six String Arts editions, beauty in detail. Accurate to the scratch.

Link to more pics

Dick Dale...the man who invented the surf guitar sound...a living legend.
Isn't it true that Elivis had the crest on one of his guitars?
I thought it was but can't find any pics.


Your Bro.
Saw the commercial tonight, and I was looking for the crest on the guitar. I knew where it was going to be, but still couldn't spot it. Kalicombat - you've got a quick eye. Must have something to do with those sticks moving around you so fast, eh? ;)
I thought that was preety kewl. It was only there for a few seconds, but it was there, and like most of you I immediately started wondering. Who is that guy? There is a discussion regarding the aforementioned commercial, and gitfiddle player on the kenponet. They say he is a kenpo player from way back. Who also instructs. He is allegedly one of the originals when it comes to the surf music of the 60's. Gent by the name of Dick Dale.

Salute in Christ:asian:
I saw it the other night, I thought I was seeing things when I saw the crest. I wonder if that will do anything for the Kenpo community. We have hit the main stream.

Bill Smith

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