Ninjutsu and Shaolin?



I recently was looking at a book that my friend bought. It was a ninjutsu book that looked a lot like Shaolin Kung Fu. I was wondering what the relationship between these two arts was. I realize that Okinawan Karate developed from Shaolin but this looked almost identical to some forms. The book was written by Ashida Kim....whom I have read about and dont have much respect for. Is it real or just a hoax.
Oh yea I forgot to mention that the name of the book is Ninja's and Mind Control or something like that.
Okay here is my advice don't pay any attension to ANY Ashida Kim books they are trash plain and simple. Any Techniques you see in there are not NINJUTSU techniques. If you want to read things on REAL ninjutsu i would recomend Books by Maasaki Hatsumi the grandmaster or books by Soto Tameura Founder of the Genbukan.

In short if a book is not from the Bujinkan Genbukan or Jinekan its garbage and has NO ninjutsu in it.

Hope that helps
Couldn't agree more.

Pay no attention to Kim, only to the real practitioners of the art. Anything else is worthless and fake!!!
Well thank you very much for clearing that up. As I read the book I could tell it was complete BS.
Originally posted by Mon Mon

Hope that helps

Just curious, but how can/do you self-study?

Anyway, yeah, Ashida Kim is garbage.
Angus i self study in that i read books watch videos and practice with a training group. I know how to do Kihon Happo and just follow the basics
I know how to do Kihon Happo and just follow the basics

Be careful with that statement. It goes much deeper then the surface at which you intended ;) People train for decades without truly understanding the Kihon Happo.
Originally posted by Jay Bell
Be careful with that statement. It goes much deeper then the surface at which you intended ;) People train for decades without truly understanding the Kihon Happo.

And I truly agree with this statement. After training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu for nearly 6 years...I am just NOW starting to get the "feel" and a inkling of understanding about what is going on with the Kihon Happo.

Amazing such simple set of movements/principles can have such complexity within them!


Without having studied Ninjutsu I can't really discuss about Kihon Happo specifically, but what I don't understand is how someone can teach themselves something they don't understand. Seems to me that you can't really hope to perfect movement (or anything, for that matter) by learning from pictures in a book.
I know where your comming from and i agree with you but i do study with a group that was associated with the Missouri Bujinkan Dojo not any more though since Ken Harding Left the Bujinkan. That is where the Majority of my knowledge comes from i read books and watch videos to help me. I hope to eventually move to a City with a Dojo and not a study group and persue my training that way.