Ninja Talk



I was just wondering if anybody would like to talk about overall ninjutsu instead of going off on who's art is fake and who's is real, i dont really care what it is wether it be weapons, hand to hand, stealthing technique, what ever like i said i dont care as long as we dont get into a conversation of who's ninjutsu is fake and who's isn't okydoky. :)
Bujingodai said:
Sure what do you want to talk about. I can't see why we can't put politics aside for a discussion

Right right right.

Lets discuss...

Caltrops, Practical in modern times, or no?
lol caltrops.How much would it suck to run over them!or have your horse go over them.I personally would have to say that they are as practical now today as they ever were,thats if you are using your art in a combat situation and you happened to be on the run from a feirce pack of thugs and you happened to throw caltrops behind you.I think they lose practicality with size though,today they would be more usefull as a smaller design...
I bought a bunch of these things from a catalog, like 99cents for a dozen... basicaly just cheap metal cliped at an angle and bent.

Mostly as a novelty item, I couldnt even see em penetrating a sneaker... but hey, they were 99 cents.
SWAT teams still buy/make them for spiking vehicles so subjects cant commandeer them during raids.
ok just a quick question and i know it has been discussed before but i found it hard to get a an answer of truth out of the discussion.The sword used by the ninja is stated by some people as being a straight sword,shorter than the katana.This sword is known as many of you would know as the Ninja-To or the Shinobigatana.I know this is a very debatable topic and even history has proven doubtfull but did the Ninja really ever use this sword or were they more likely to use the katana(i know they often did).At my dojo students train to use the Katana rather than the Ninja-to but there are some who use the Ninja-To also.Just curious as to the historical evidence regarding the Ninja straight sword. HOPE THIS DOESNT END UP TO BE ONE OF THOSE DRAGGED OUT LONG TOPICS THAT NEVER COMES TO A REASONABLE CONCLUSION! :asian:
What about a different topic: Hand and arm signals. I know from military experience that troops have set/basic hand and arm signals that are used when under noise discipline conditions. Are there historical hand and arm signals that any members have been taught for the purpose of silent communication?
Bujingodai said:
I can't see why we can't put politics aside for a discussion

It ain't about politics, it is about what is right and wrong. People like Sojobow, the head of the Konigun, Ninjukai, etc, are all lying through their teeth. You want to talk about medicine with a guy who claims to be a doctor but in known as a fraud?

If people want to talk about philosophy, current events, etc, then I do not see why their backgrounds should be an issue. But if someone even hints that the source for their information they are spreading comes from their teacher, then it is the repsonsibility of them to prove that theiir teacher did not make their story out of thin air.
Tgace said:
SWAT teams still buy/make them for spiking vehicles so subjects cant commandeer them during raids.

Ive seen these... they are bigger than the ones you see in "ninja flicks" and in books like "The Invisible Assassins" by Adams. (They had some in that book that literally looked like someone stuck sewing needles into styrofoam balls. Ouch. ) They are also hollow, to allow the air out of tires easier.

I like the spike strips myself... the ones you always see on "Worlds wildest police chases" on FOX
Genin Andrew said:
ok just a quick question and i know it has been discussed before but i found it hard to get a an answer of truth out of the discussion.The sword used by the ninja is stated by some people as being a straight sword,shorter than the katana.This sword is known as many of you would know as the Ninja-To or the Shinobigatana.I know this is a very debatable topic and even history has proven doubtfull but did the Ninja really ever use this sword or were they more likely to use the katana(i know they often did).At my dojo students train to use the Katana rather than the Ninja-to but there are some who use the Ninja-To also.Just curious as to the historical evidence regarding the Ninja straight sword. HOPE THIS DOESNT END UP TO BE ONE OF THOSE DRAGGED OUT LONG TOPICS THAT NEVER COMES TO A REASONABLE CONCLUSION! :asian:

I asked this same question in another thread, and the general consensus was that the Straight bladed "ninja" sword is kind of a myth. Don even stated that the example of the sword in the ninja Museum in Iga was a cheapo tiwan knockoff, and not a "real" sword.
Technopunk said:
I asked this same question in another thread, and the general consensus was that the Straight bladed "ninja" sword is kind of a myth. Don even stated that the example of the sword in the ninja Museum in Iga was a cheapo tiwan knockoff, and not a "real" sword.
Well all I can say is that the ninja-to is a cut down version if a katana. And in the Royal Armouries in Leeds in the Oriental fighting section they have Tsubas that are more or less square like on the ninja-to. It you ever get to be in the UK, go to Leeds and take a look. There are so many weapons from all over the world a nutcase with a passion for swords will love the stairway :ultracool . In fact I have an image of it somewhere I may post it if I can.

Anyways... caltrops. Hmmm. Best used when smeone is barefoot. But getting stuck in a trainer is practical. They will have to stop and pick it out, thus enough time to do a 100m Ben Johnson dash. Also what about Metsubushi? Practical or impractical?
Elizium said:
Well all I can say is that the ninja-to is a cut down version if a katana. And in the Royal Armouries in Leeds in the Oriental fighting section they have Tsubas that are more or less square like on the ninja-to. It you ever get to be in the UK, go to Leeds and take a look. There are so many weapons from all over the world a nutcase with a passion for swords will love the stairway :ultracool . In fact I have an image of it somewhere I may post it if I can.

Anyways... caltrops. Hmmm. Best used when smeone is barefoot. But getting stuck in a trainer is practical. They will have to stop and pick it out, thus enough time to do a 100m Ben Johnson dash. Also what about Metsubushi? Practical or impractical?

Ive seen katana with square-ish tsubas... I almost picked a square(ish) one when I had my katana made. Was the blade on those that you saw shorter, but curved? Also, I have a thread going about metsubishi...
Back to caltrops, doesn't have to be the metal pointy thingies. You could use marbles, trash cans, shelving... anything that gets in the way and impedes your pursuer. Or anything that slows down the person you're trying to catch. So, yes, caltrops have a place in modern times.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it.
ohh a caltrops discusion i was told you could easily string them on fishing line and use them as road spikes.
chidarake said:
ohh a caltrops discusion i was told you could easily string them on fishing line and use them as road spikes.
Road spikes use hollow tubes with a sharp end that detach from the mat and into the tires of the automobile. This allows the air to escape and deflate the tire in a 200 - 400 meter streach of road. The numbnut tries to continue until the tire shreds, breaking the axle and bringing to an end the chase.

Caltrops are solid metal spikes welded together. Unless you bind some cloth around the center of the spikes, it would be hard to string them together. Best throw them into the road as pot luck has it, a tire will get hit more than a line.

But if you mean static line then it may work given time to set them up right.
Kurohana said:
Back to caltrops, doesn't have to be the metal pointy thingies. You could use marbles, trash cans, shelving... anything that gets in the way and impedes your pursuer. Or anything that slows down the person you're trying to catch. So, yes, caltrops have a place in modern times.

That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Ah... good point... like the metsubishi discussion... it doesnt have to go IN their eyes and blind them, but just distract them... Caltrops dont NEED to disable feet, only slow someone down...

thanks all for the input on the Ninja-To.

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