Nick Berg



This has probably talked about on a different thread, but I just want to point it out about this crap.

I'm just kinda curious as to why people seem to be more upset about what happened in that Iraqi prison than what happened to Nick Berg.

Maybe my family raised me the wrong way, but I believe that having your head chopped off is infinitely worse than having to stand somewhere naked.

By the way, you can download the uncensored video of him having his head hacked off << Link Removed due to explicit content >>
People are upset by both. I am less upset by the Berg thing because he chose to be in a war zone of his own free will. He wasn't sent by anyone, and, in fact, was strongly urged to leave by both the US Military and Iraqi authorities; Plus, I'm not so sure he wasn't spying and apparently the terrorists weren't so sure either.
well I doubt he was spying....from what I have heard from friends and relatives, he really just wanted to make a buck. I don't think he was smart enough to be a spy, But even if he was...a Beheading on tape is pretty bad.
I really don't think anyone has come out and said the tortures were worse than the beheading; so, I question the premise of this thread.
I'm so increadably not intrested in seeing a persons death never mind there death in a grusome manner so I'll pass on watching the tape.
Who would want to put that on the internet?
someguy said:
I'm so increadably not intrested in seeing a persons death never mind there death in a grusome manner so I'll pass on watching the tape.
Who would want to put that on the internet?
Everythings on the internet.
I also don't believe that anyone's arguing that Abu Ghraib was worse than Berg's murder. But Berg's murderers never argued that they were great humanitarians "liberating" people and spreading human rights. President Bush did, and it makes us look like hypocrites as well as torturers. Doesn't help our image in the world eye, does it?
Its obvious that conseratives and members of the "Savage Nation" believe we should stop trying and take over the world as is our manifest destiny.
Phoenix44 said:
I also don't believe that anyone's arguing that Abu Ghraib was worse than Berg's murder. But Berg's murderers never argued that they were great humanitarians "liberating" people and spreading human rights. President Bush did, and it makes us look like hypocrites as well as torturers. Doesn't help our image in the world eye, does it?

Not only that, but the tapes a fraud.

Before you turn all inflamitory on me, read my explaination here, about 3 posts down:

Something is wrong with that video. I am not claiming some grande conspiricy, or that Nick Berg is chilling in South America with Adolf Hitler, 2Pac, and Elvis Presley or something. I believe that berg is dead, and was probably killed by terrorists. However, there is more to the story then what is being told, because too many facts don't match, and that video, well, isn't real. It's been messed with, or doctored up, or SOMETHING.

I find it odd that most news sources aren't talking about the possability. Probably that liberal media again. :rolleyes:
Touch'O'Death said:
I really don't think anyone has come out and said the tortures were worse than the beheading; so, I question the premise of this thread.
I don't see the premise of this thread as that big of a leap, it's politics.

No, nobody has come out and said that the tortures were worse, but the shear amount of air time of one over the other is increadible.
It's political.
IF this wasn't an election year it wouldn't go down like that.

Your Brother
Brother John said:
I don't see the premise of this thread as that big of a leap, it's politics.

No, nobody has come out and said that the tortures were worse, but the shear amount of air time of one over the other is increadible.
It's political.
IF this wasn't an election year it wouldn't go down like that.

Your Brother
Technicly its an election year every two years so I totaly unequivicly disagree!!! :asian:
Tulisan said:
there is more to the story then what is being told, because too many facts don't match. :rolleyes:
I haven't seen the video, because, well, I just don't want to see a snuff video. But I also thought from the beginning that there's something more to the Berg story (not necessarily the video) than meets the eye. I'm puzzled about his family's assertion that he was being held prisoner by the Americans, and then he was held prisoner by the Iraqis...what's that all about???
Phoenix44 said:
I haven't seen the video, because, well, I just don't want to see a snuff video. But I also thought from the beginning that there's something more to the Berg story (not necessarily the video) than meets the eye. I'm puzzled about his family's assertion that he was being held prisoner by the Americans, and then he was held prisoner by the Iraqis...what's that all about???

Exactly...even if you didn't see the video, there is still a lot of information that doesn't match up. It is clear to me that we don't have the whole story.

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