Ni Ten Ichi Ryu

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Anyone know of a source of relieable info on this style? All I know if its a 2 sword style.

It's a song by Photek, and a phrase that appears early in the Book of Five Rings (go here and search for "Ni Ten"). It appears to be an old swordsmanship (and possibly more) school referred to as The Way of Strategy. I didn't find it at however.
Ni Ten Ichi Ryu is still practiced in Southern Japan, and has an active following in Kumamoto City, Kyushu. Musashi spent the last few years of his life living in and around Kumamoto, and died in that city after having remained as a guest of the local warlord for the last 5 years of his life.

There are replicas of his swords (which were very large and heavy), writings, and paintings on display at a private gallery in Kumamoto, as well as at Musashi-zuka (his public grave and shrine) and at the cave where he wrote the Go Rin No Sho.

Been there, done that. Tried to attach pics of the trip to this reply, but they are too large. Very interesting trip.

:samurai: :samurai:
This style was created by Musashi Miyamoto, he wrote a book on it called Gorin no sho,or a Book of Five Rings. Anyway, a relieable source for Niten Ichi ryu would be "A Way to Victory, the Annotated Book of Five Rings". The translator is Hidy Ochiai.
Originally posted by SifuAnderson

hey Matt can you put the pics up on the yili website.

I will do what I can tonight...

For those not in the know, the "Yili Website" is just the Yahoo Groups site for our school/system/association until we can get a proper website up and running...

Just point your browser to, and look for the photos pages...

I got a page not found error just now. Might be my connection though..its been flaky the last few days.

Is there a reliable source of information on the style itself? video, etc? possibly?

All my web searched keep turning up music videos...they are cool, but, not what I'm after. :)

Originally posted by arnisador
It's a song by Photek, and a phrase that appears early in the Book of Five Rings (go here and search for "Ni Ten"). It appears to be an old swordsmanship (and possibly more) school referred to as The Way of Strategy. I didn't find it at however.

I like that song, the video was great! I have the CD too.
Originally posted by arnisador
I didn't find it at however.

I'm not sure it is practiced outside of Japan... I am sure there are gaijin that have learned it, but I have never heard (in my "vast" experience :rolleyes: ) of any schools of it outside of Kyushu...

All the links seem to be broke for me.

Is it IE or ???