New Zealanders, get your recording gear ready!!!

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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A while back a pair of rugby players turned comedians named Marc Ellis and Matthew Ridge came to the dojo I train at. I understand they are very popular in New Zealand. They wanted to do a funny show on ninjutsu. Well, it was funny. I know *I* laughed so hard I nearly puked.:roflmao: :barf:

We are supposed to get a copy from the company, but maybe it will fall through. In any case, if you live in New Zealand or have friends there you should try to get a recording. The episode will be on either in Febuary or March I am told. Trust me, it is funny, you will get to see what I look like and you will also understand why I have the bed- side manner I do.
OMG....I didnt know they were doing another show...
They are F**ken hysterical...I just crack up at Marc Ellis he is always taking the piss over Matthew being so damn up himself!

I do not know if there is a web site. I only dealt with the actors and site staff.

But I do not know if I can get a copy of the program. I just found out that the person who contacted the member to set up the meeting no longer works for the production company. So maybe the DVD we thought we were going to get won't.

If anyone in New Zealand can burn a DVD and send it off, I am willing to trade or pay for it.

Oh, and as I understand it, there is a series of programs that they are going to do on a Japan theme. The producer said that the only relaly funny one the had before us was a food eating contest. I think the events in our dojo out did anything like that. So if anyone can give me info, I would appreciate it.
Don Roley said:
I do not know if there is a web site. I only dealt with the actors and site staff.

But I do not know if I can get a copy of the program. I just found out that the person who contacted the member to set up the meeting no longer works for the production company. So maybe the DVD we thought we were going to get won't.

If anyone in New Zealand can burn a DVD and send it off, I am willing to trade or pay for it.

Oh, and as I understand it, there is a series of programs that they are going to do on a Japan theme. The producer said that the only relaly funny one the had before us was a food eating contest. I think the events in our dojo out did anything like that. So if anyone can give me info, I would appreciate it.
Nothing has been advertised as yet, but as soon as I know, Ill see what I can do for you. Glad to know you like Marc Ellis and Matthew Ridge, they have put on some really good programmes over the years
A little update...

Supposably they have got the episode edited and ready to go. They have a DVD to send to the guy that was the point man between my teacher and them, but can't send it out before the program airs on TV. I can understand why.

The guy who is getting the DVD just moved to Canada of all places. So maybe I will lose contact with him. But he told me before he left that it looks like maybe it will be shown by the end of May.
Don Roley said:
A while back a pair of rugby players turned comedians named Marc Ellis and Matthew Ridge came to the dojo I train at. I understand they are very popular in New Zealand. They wanted to do a funny show on ninjutsu. Well, it was funny. I know *I* laughed so hard I nearly puked.:roflmao: :barf:

We are supposed to get a copy from the company, but maybe it will fall through. In any case, if you live in New Zealand or have friends there you should try to get a recording. The episode will be on either in Febuary or March I am told. Trust me, it is funny, you will get to see what I look like and you will also understand why I have the bed- side manner I do.

Well Don, finally got to see what you look like!!!!!! You were right, that episode was really funny, especially when they were outside trying to put on their suits!!!! I was actually hoping they would'nt take the fun to far as some of the episodes have been borderline in the disrespect side of things, ie like swearing in the Dojo! I have recorded every episode and will be burning onto DVD, so if you require a copy give me a yell. Some of the other episodes are quite a laugh, just goes to show we Kiwi's have a good sense of humor
Raisin said:
You were right, that episode was really funny, especially when they were outside trying to put on their suits!!!!

You thought that was the funniest thing?????

We were indoors when they were doing their bit out there. We could hear them snickering and such, but we were trying to get ready for a demo and were kind of resentfull about them taking up our time and then staying outside.

And the reason they went to us and not Hatsumi at the Honbu was for the reasons you gave. I guess they were reserved by their standards. But if they had tried that comment about how their rear ends looked to Hatsumi.... Oh yeah, there would have been a line of students waiting to get a piece of their hide.

Did they edit out the swearing? Because one of them cursed a blue streak when he missed his shot and had to pay the price. He even threw Nagase's blow gun on the ground and bent it. I do not know if the camera was covering that.

But you can tell by the way we all reacted to the little "accident" that we are not the most sympathetic sorts. :supcool: But it is hard to keep cool and calm when everyone around you is laughing. And the crew that had to deal with those two longer than us were all jumping up and down in joy at that point.
No they didnt edit out the swearing, just bleeped over it. Didnt see the bit where he thre the blow gun to the ground though. But seeing Matthew ridge getting shot in the butt was pretty outrageous!!!!!

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