New Modern Arnis Group

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY USA
I saw this on E-digest yesterday and I thought I would share.

Speaking of Modern Arnis I have decided to start teaching again, I have had numerous, people ( that are kind of left hanging out in the wind) since GM Presas's passing, ask to train under me. For various reasons, usually the fact that they were black belts in Modern Arnis over 20 years ago, when the training was much different, and some of the Modern Arnis GM's of today were not even aware of the FMA's. So I have been persuaded to teach it again. So I am launching "USMAC" the United States Progressive Modern Arnis Coalition. To help spread the art of Progressive Modern Arnis.

Rocky Pasiwk
Founder Cuentada de Mano
Chief instructor Anciong Bacons Original Balintawak
[email protected]
Rocky Pasiwk
Founder Cuentada de Mano
Chief instructor Anciong Bacons Original Balintawak

I thought Ted Buot was the chief instructor?
I'm sooooo thrilled that another MA org has decided to surface. :rolleyes:

I hate to be sarcastic, but I get tired of people trying to make a name for themself instead of just doing their work to carry the art.
It seems that getting a name out there to promote ones ego and business superceeds carrying the art and the legacy of Prof. Presas for some people.

I will give Rocky the benifit of the doubt however, for I always like to keep an open mind. But I do have a few questions:

1. What's his motive?
2.When was the last time he trained in professors modern arnis?
3. When did he last train, period.
4. Why does he list himself as "chief instructor Anciong Bacons Original Balintawak" when his teacher (and recently mine) Manong Ted Buot is still alive and well and is the Grandmaster of Anciong's original Balintawak. Mr. Bout said that he doesn't give out titles. Wouldn't GM Bout be the chief instructor of his art? Does GM Bout realize that this is going on? Does Rocky have GM Buot's blessing? Hmmmm..........maybe I'll ask Manong myself when I see him later this week.
5. When was the last time he trained with Manong Ted, or is he now completely on his own?
6. Finally, how long has he been a "founder" of a system, what does his system entail, and (not to be redundant) but does he have the blessing from his previous instructors to be the founder of a system or organization?

Rocky can do whatever he wants to do, but I am concerned if it is the right thing or not. If someone could clear this up for me, I would appreciate this.


P.S. Just a side note....I'm back on-line! :D But....I am going through an extensive training program with UBS PaineWebber to be a Financial Advisor, so I am limited to only one or 2 posts per day.


wow! That's a long name. Did I add the P or did Rocky forget to put it in there? I feel sorry for you guys who train under Ted, I think he'll be a little agitated this week and probably take it out on you guys.

I thought Remy's Modern Arnis WAS progressive. I guess that part got lost and Rocky found it.

I think I'll start my own system, get my name in the books then retire quickly before anybody asks me any questions or tries to kick my ***.

The Bloodwood System of Filipino Martial Arts and All the Other Stuff I Have Gathered Along the Way (TBSFMAAOSIHGAW)

catchy title isn't it?
Originally posted by Renegade

I saw this on E-digest yesterday and I thought I would share.

quote: Speaking of Modern Arnis I have decided to start teaching again, I have had numerous, people ( that are kind of left hanging out in the wind) since GM Presas's passing, ask to train under me. For various reasons, usually the fact that they were black belts in Modern Arnis over 20 years ago, when the training was much different, and some of the Modern Arnis GM's of today were not even aware of the FMA's. So I have been persuaded to teach it again. So I am launching "USMAC" the United States Progressive Modern Arnis Coalition. To help spread the art of Progressive Modern Arnis.

Rocky Pasiwk
Founder Cuentada de Mano Chief instructor Anciong Bacons Original Balintawak
[email protected]


Good Luck and Best Wishes.

Originally posted by bloodwood


wow! That's a long name. Did I add the P or did Rocky forget to put it in there? I feel sorry for you guys who train under Ted, I think he'll be a little agitated this week and probably take it out on you guys.

I thought Remy's Modern Arnis WAS progressive. I guess that part got lost and Rocky found it.

I think I'll start my own system, get my name in the books then retire quickly before anybody asks me any questions or tries to kick my ***.

The Bloodwood System of Filipino Martial Arts and All the Other Stuff I Have Gathered Along the Way (TBSFMAAOSIHGAW)

catchy title isn't it?


Thank you kind sir for your thoughts of the students of Manong Ted Buot. I just had my class with him tonight and he was in fine spirit I showed him a video of TeoFilo Velez and we discussed our best wishes for Rocky and his new organization. I count myself blessed to be able to train with him on a weekly basis.

Best Regards

Originally posted by Red Blade

quote: Rocky Pasiwk
Founder Cuentada de Mano
Chief instructor Anciong Bacons Original Balintawak
I thought Ted Buot was the chief instructor?

Red Blade,

I think that this is best handled between Manong Ted Buot and Rocky Pasiwk. I do not wish to get involved with a title or rank discussion on who has what or deserves what. I prefer just to train and learn, and to teach to those that wish to learn also.

Best Wishes Rocky and Best Regards

Originally posted by Red Blade

I thought Ted Buot was the chief instructor?

Excuse the ignorance, but I saw that someone called Ted Buot, GM and or Manong (?) and now Chief INstructor?.

Just curious to who is who?

Originally posted by bloodwood
I feel sorry for you guys who train under Ted, I think he'll be a little agitated this week and probably take it out on you guys.

Manong Ted is not that way. It will be a topic for about 5 minutes and he will be done with it.

Originally posted by Red Blade
I thought Ted Buot was the chief instructor?

You are correct. The ONLY one who was authorized to teach for GM Bacon was Manong Ted Buot! The first thing I was told by Manong Ted was that there would be NO ranking or certification if I would train with him. I didn't care, the information was worth it!

When I asked him about Rocky's claims, he told me that he didn't promote any of his students to instructor statis.

Originally posted by PAUL

I'm sooooo thrilled that another MA org has decided to surface. :rolleyes:

I hate to be sarcastic, but I get tired of people trying to make a name for themself instead of just doing their work to carry the art.
It seems that getting a name out there to promote ones ego and business superceeds carrying the art and the legacy of Prof. Presas for some people.

I will give Rocky the benifit of the doubt however, for I always like to keep an open mind. But I do have a few questions:

1. What's his motive?
2.When was the last time he trained in professors modern arnis?
3. When did he last train, period.
4. Why does he list himself as "chief instructor Anciong Bacons Original Balintawak" when his teacher (and recently mine) Manong Ted Buot is still alive and well and is the Grandmaster of Anciong's original Balintawak. Mr. Bout said that he doesn't give out titles. Wouldn't GM Bout be the chief instructor of his art? Does GM Bout realize that this is going on? Does Rocky have GM Buot's blessing? Hmmmm..........maybe I'll ask Manong myself when I see him later this week.
5. When was the last time he trained with Manong Ted, or is he now completely on his own?
6. Finally, how long has he been a "founder" of a system, what does his system entail, and (not to be redundant) but does he have the blessing from his previous instructors to be the founder of a system or organization?

Rocky can do whatever he wants to do, but I am concerned if it is the right thing or not. If someone could clear this up for me, I would appreciate this.


P.S. Just a side note....I'm back on-line! :D But....I am going through an extensive training program with UBS PaineWebber to be a Financial Advisor, so I am limited to only one or 2 posts per day.


Here we ago again, Forgive me if I post this wrong or long I am new to this forum.

Well Paul! its aways amazing how many people will open there mouth and insert foot with out knowing the facts.

1st. My M.A back ground Katch fighting and Judo and Boxing, since I was about 5 or 6 under my father, a former bare knuckle prize fighter, Captain of the Detroit Judo Club ( at one time one one of the countries most respected Judo Clubs) he was also concidered a Hooker in Katch as Katch Kan ( Russian Spelling) and a master Ukrainian Grappler.

2 My brother signed me up for Tang Soo Do for my 6th birthday. I begsn playing with the stick, in Kali in 1975 under Marcos Magnlsol (sp) in 1975 I attended my first Modern Arnis Seminar with GM Presas, in 1975 I attended a few more seminars but the only people teaching at that time were in Flint and I was to young to drive so I started traing under Roberto Ancog (1977) at the academy of Martial arts in Dearborn Mi. in Pekiti Tersia (Arnez) as they pronounced it back then. In 1976 thru 1978 I attended as many of Remys seminars as I could. In 1978 I started Wing Chin Do and Kali under Sifu Jim Clark in Monroe Mi. In 1979 I became a more regular student of Professors he would call my father when ever he was in town we would meet him at the airport and he would train me. In 1979 1980 I started to play more with some PT friends I had met, Dominic Ballarta tought my what he had picked up, from his already legendary brother Erwin Ballarta, who had some real wars with Tom Bisio ( probably one of the greatest stick fighters of all time) In 1982 Remy invited me to his 1st summer camp in I believe west Virginia, I arrived there a week early to help clean up the camp it was Elvis Presleys private camp at one time and it was teribbly over grown. It was by far his best camp ever 2 weeks long, complete with bar room brawl, accross state fugitive hunt, and Remy almost ending up in the slammer. 1982 I started training in Moncals Balintawak with Remy and also Crossada de Mano. 1982 I Started to train in Original Balintawak with GM Buot. In 1984 I graduated high school, before my 18th birthday I gave (at that time ) the largest Modern Arnis Seminar and possibly the 1st ever in Vastrous Sweden. And one in Hamburg Germany and in Keil Germany. 1985 My student Hal Edwards ( master Edwards to you PAUL ) and I accompanied Remy on his first european tour. And again in 1986 and I beleave 1987. I recieved my 5th degree blackbelt in 1989, I beleave. In 1986 Remy acompanied me to Amsterdam whereI tested my skills in the full contact basically nhb competing that was huge in the 80s in Amsterdam.

In 1991 Remy and I started to drift apart because of his ranking of some truely bad quality people, but they had lots of students and brought him in to do lots of seminars.

Now as for your verySTUPID mouth running rants about my title in Balintawak ( by the way I don't think Ted was real happy when I talked to him this morning) I am and have been the Chief instructor for Anciong Bacons Original Balintawak at the only commercial school in Lincoln Park Mi. ( which is temperarly closed till I buy a new building) now for about 7 years, to this day I beleave I am the only person GM Buot has given his blessings to to teach. When I first asked Teddy if I could teach he said how many? I said well I would limit the class to 12 , he said 12!!! I said ok how about 8, he said 8!!!!! I said 6, he said well ok 6. ANd to this day I have been teaching students Balintawak 100% the way GM Buot taught me no modifing no adding or changing. And I will always teach that way, as I will always send my student that I think wil honor him in the same fashion, to train with him.

As far as cuentada de Mano, ask Teddy what he thinks, I have been teaching it for almost 10 years most of my students are preveiously trained some of thme have more years in the Martial arts then I have been born!!!

Your humble servant
Originally posted by Renegade

Manong Ted is not that way. It will be a topic for about 5 minutes and he will be done with it.

You are correct. The ONLY one who was authorized to teach for GM Bacon was Manong Ted Buot! The first thing I was told by Manong Ted was that there would be NO ranking or certification if I would train with him. I didn't care, the information was worth it!

When I asked him about Rocky's claims, he told me that he didn't promote any of his students to instructor statis.


Exactically I have never claimed rank in Balintawak, because there is no rank. This is why my students, who I eventually send to GM Buot, just call me Rocky and nothing else. I am however the Chief instructor of my school.
Hey, Rocky!

Glad to see you are still on the block. Good luck to you and please give Master Edwards my fondest regards!

i think that if people put brackets after thier title explaining it then there would be alot less confusion ie chief instructor Ed Parkers Kenpo (of my own school) less people would assume you mean the entire far as your credentials go rocky i have worked with you at tim hartman's and thought you had alot of good material to offer and iam glad that you gave some of your history,i was quite impressed with your time in the arts.
good luck in your endeavours.
Originally posted by Terry

Hey, Rocky!

Glad to see you are still on the block. Good luck to you and please give Master Edwards my fondest regards!


Hey Rocky,

Nice to see you posting here.

Best Wishes and Regards

Originally posted by Terry

Hey, Rocky!

Glad to see you are still on the block. Good luck to you and please give Master Edwards my fondest regards!


Oh my god!!, Terry!!!

How are things going good to hear from you.

I beleave Terry was at Remys first camp, I could be wrong, I do know that very few people have helped promote Modern Arnis as much as Terry. He is a real class act, and nice guy.

E-mail me when you get a chance

Hey Rocky,
Loooooong time no see. Welcome to the forum. Expect some heat as the founder of cuentada de mano and the USPMAC. It comes with the territory. Quick question: How would you describe general differences between Progressive Modern Arnis and Remy Presas Modern Arnis by the time he passed away? This is not an attack but a query (I say that as I have been fired on off and on for my actions recently).

Dan Anderson
Founder, Modern Arnis 80
PS - I'll be around your neighborhood (I think it's you neighborhood anyway) in December for a semianr at Jaye Spiro's school.
Originally posted by Rocky
I started traing under Roberto Ancog (1977) at the academy of Martial arts in Dearborn Mi. in Pekiti Tersia (Arnez) as they pronounced it back then.

Is there still anyone teaching Pekiti Tersia in the Detroit area?

Also, Rich, do you know this guy Jerry Jacobs?
I think he's in Port Huron. Does he teach Pekiti Tersia?


Originally posted by Dan Anderson

Hello Master Anderson, you still have those legs of steel:).

First let me start with U-SMAC this is just a small group of guys that have been teaching since the late 70s early 80s, they just want to teach and play and stay away from the political B.S. Its amazing that just because some people didn't perfer the lime light and chose to stay with their little groups they get dismised. The last argument Professor and I had I told him that God forebid anything should happen to him everyone would be joggleing for position. Well it looks like I was right. Personally I don't care about all the orginazations. The only one I have ever realy recognized was Tim Hartmans, ( although we are not very friendly right now, maybe it will pass ) and that is because I knew him and new he looked for more and honestly liked Remy and stayed with him through thick and thin. Here in Michigan there are people that have trained maybe 7 or 8 years and are Masters I can't figure that out!!! Yet Master Robert Demott in Flint Mi. was a 6th degree back in 1981 or 82, now We don't get along at all, but I do recognize his rank, after all he was doing this stuff since around 1977, just because he chose to step away from Professor doesn't mean he doesn't know Modern Arnis.

As for what I term Progressive Modern Arnis, its basically old style, no tappi tappi you will learn how to spar the old way free flowing with no set patterns. We do not use the modified Shotokan forms, instead we have one form that consist of 5 loops and all the movements look FMA in orgin primarillay Crossada de Mano, some say it even looks silat, which is no surprise. The body mechanics are more liniar and it probably has a little Balintawak Moncals flavor to it , and I use it as a link to a little more balanced and combative art of Cuentada de Mano.But basically its how Professor taught me. it is very self defence orientated. But its still Remy!!

As for Cuentada de Mano, its a whole differeant beast.

I use to tell everyone about meeting you years ago, because of your great tournment fighting in Karate. In fact Remy b.s.'d me into beleaving you went a whole year without being scored on. I think he liked to mess with me some times, anyways I latter found out that wasn't true. But none the less you use to be the man in those Karate Tournments.

Do you ever here from Wendy Dragonfire, or Jenaesa Kruse (sp)

Good to here from you


All typos are due to gremlins infestig my computer!!

Hey Rocky,
Loooooong time no see. Welcome to the forum. Expect some heat as the founder of cuentada de mano and the USPMAC. It comes with the territory. Quick question: How would you describe general differences between Progressive Modern Arnis and Remy Presas Modern Arnis by the time he passed away? This is not an attack but a query (I say that as I have been fired on off and on for my actions recently).

Dan Anderson
Founder, Modern Arnis 80
PS - I'll be around your neighborhood (I think it's you neighborhood anyway) in December for a semianr at Jaye Spiro's school.
I would just like to say that I have sent Rocky a personal apology for my unkind remarks and also do so here in public. In this type of forum sometimes it's too easy to get involved in things you have no business in.
Good Luck Rocky with your new group.
