Need advise on taser stopping large dog atacks?

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
My dog is large and strong and I maintain him on a leash at all times. Problem is as many as 3 loose male dogs may run up on us at a time while walking. Most serious is a 100lb plus blue pit very aggressive that the owner refuses to leash and runs up on me with him and extremely hard to hold my dog. They let their dog loose on purpose for their own lazy nous and enjoyment. I like the do he is not a problem to people yet but the husbands claim that he is trained and responds to verbal commands is ******** and his wife when he is not around does it on purpose. I have heard aggressive pits only lock on harder with pepper spray and other defensive tools? Id like to know have any of you experience using a Taser on a pit bull? I have a 10 million volt baton but not easy to use asking supplier for other options?
You live in a very interesting place don't you. I'd consider moving quite frankly.
The Taser will work on animals. Typically what happens is the darts hit, and dog freaks until the leads break, and the dog runs away. A stun gun or drive stun application is less effective, though still would probably work.
You live in a very interesting place don't you. I'd consider moving quite frankly.
It's Alaska. It's like no place else on earth.. (As are most places)
People who love it there aren't going anywhere, as few as they are....
It's Alaska. It's like no place else on earth.. (As are most places)
People who love it there aren't going anywhere, as few as they are....

If they keep getting attacked by women, dogs etc ( as a lot of the OP's posts have indicated) they may want to consider moving even further apart from each other. The countryside may be great but it's the people I'd worry about! Well, either that or the OP is the unluckiest man going and is a trouble magnet :cool:
How about taking your dog for a walk somewhere else, or going in the opposite direction. It sucks but sometimes you have to be the more responsible individual.
How about taking your dog for a walk somewhere else, or going in the opposite direction. It sucks but sometimes you have to be the more responsible individual.
Its not an option I am jumped on right as I leave our outer door. We wait to look to see if they are not outside, they watch out their window and defiantly let their dog out with out a leash or controlling the Pit. Also they run a office business at a different complex and like to let him run loose from there to our apartment. The dog runs at me from as much as 100 yards away. The man claims that his dog is trained and does not need a leash but 90% of the time its his wife or kid. they have taken to holding a leash in their hand or as last night the wife bundled the leash and stuck it under his collar to run free. Its direct willful breaking of the law set down by the chief of PD here in city ordinance but he and the property manager because of personal relationship with the dog owner have led him to believe he can get away with this. Today I took pictures of both dogs right outside our door which they had let loose after seeing I had gone off the property I was lucky I had to walk by him to get in the apartment and the dog was loose at the other end but came back after we got in the door I have a nice picture of him standing right outside our entry door with the dog with out a leash. I take my dog when ever possible out of town for a run but it is now zero degrees and will get worse. We have had it with this country and these people I am doing everything to sell land in Colorado so we can afford to move this spring/summer we will have to ship our cars by barge to Seattle then across the US
It's Alaska. It's like no place else on earth.. (As are most places)
People who love it there aren't going anywhere, as few as they are....
Its time to go for medical reasons and the family but it will take considerable funds to do so spring/summer hopefully. I have been here 20 years I the region and my wife going on 11. Health care is not only 400% higher here but can easily kill you. My wife has family in the lower 48 and it is time to go.