Native Americans


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Founding Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
Athol, Ma. USA
The Native American's used the spear, war club (of various size), knives, archery,etc. How do you think they trained the young people of the tribes in the use of these weapons in warfare
Originally posted by tshadowchaser

The Native American's used the spear, war club (of various size), knives, archery,etc. How do you think they trained the young people of the tribes in the use of these weapons in warfare

Well being a member of a tribe, and having traveld most North American reservations with my uncel, when I was a kid, I've seen alot of "historic/traditional" training. I can't say its exact in its training methods, but its less H2H than you would think. The principles is that you use mostly the eliment of surprise. The idea is to get them before they get close enough to go H2H. Thats why you see alot of throwing weapons and such. The H2H I have seen is basically sparring from the begining. NA had a different life tha nwe do and so much of their lifes afected the other parts, training was intertwined with other parts of their lives as well.

However I am no NA expert, so someone else may have more knowledge than I do to post for you.

here is a small sample of our tomahawk training methods


1.) Hanging Cross Drill - try two sticks in a "+"patten. hang is and use the 'hawk to attack and defend as it swings freely at you.

2.) Controlled Sparring - Forms or pre-arranged drills...side 1 attacks with said move, side 2 defends with said move

3.) Target Throwing

4.) Combined with other weapons
a.) Knife, Club (Heavy), stick (light)

5.) Shadow Boxing

6.) relaxation methods of the mind, body and spirit

7.) non-restrictive movement (free form)

--Jeremy Bays
I keep seeing advertisements in the Martial Arts magazines for Adrian Roman. He is a Parker Kenpo guy, but also claims to teach Native American systems. I don't know anything else about him, but he may be a source of information. His website :

I do notice that he has a Black Belt certification program study at home correspondence course. Never did approve of that kind of thing...
tshadowchaser said:
The Native American's used the spear, war club (of various size), knives, archery,etc. How do you think they trained the young people of the tribes in the use of these weapons in warfare
according to Shaghai Noon they got their fighting ideas from a chinese emperial guard called "John Wayne!"
he knew lots of kung fu. and it was probably 7 star pray mantis kung fu.
Look at games and dances. This goes for a lot of indigenous peoples. Make a toy version of weapons and have the kids play w/them. They naturally want to emulate their fathers. The original version of lacrosse, I think, involved hundreds of people and looked like war, lot of folks actually got hurt.