Name Your Dojo!

Shinobi Teikiatsu

Green Belt
Apr 14, 2008
Reaction score
I didn't know where else to put this, so I decided to put it in here.

I figured this would be a fun game for us, so let's get started.

It's simple enough, you think of the most awesome name for a dojo you can, with appropriate motto/creed/etc to follow.
For example

Lion's Hall of Manliness
Where men can be men!! Women can too!
Killer Khan Karate
The KKK has got your back.

Robb U. Blien's Belt factory MMA

A belt paid for is a belt earned.

Razor X's Jukenkarachido
More mix than a bag of nuts.

Sissy man's NHB fight club
No hold barred slap fests bring your mommy!!
Killer Khan Karate
The KKK has got your back.

Robb U. Blien's Belt factory MMA

A belt paid for is a belt earned.

Razor X's Jukenkarachido
More mix than a bag of nuts.

Sissy man's NHB fight club
No hold barred slap fests bring your mommy!!

Nice! lol, after reading these I can't think of any...
Just opened up in my town.

Sid's MMA/Kempo right next door to Sid's Hair Salon.

I wish I were making it up.:ultracool
chaos jujitsu

"there is serenity in chaos; seek ye the eye of the hurricane"--principia discordia

i'm seriously going to use this, nobody steal it.

Rosco's House of Chicken and Jujitsu.

"We will show you how to choke your chicken."
Just opened up in my town.

Sid's MMA/Kempo right next door to Sid's Hair Salon.

I wish I were making it up.:ultracool

Does the same Sid cut hair and teach martial arts? Interesting combination if true.
The House of Pain

Directly across from Doctor Craps office and beside the funeral Parlor

sad to say i have changed the names here but the location is exactly where I had my school in N.C. many years ago
Yin and Yang's Steroidal Tai Chi
We're big and soft.

Moishe's JewJitsu and Iaido Studio
We could put your eye out with that thing

Sierra Madre Mixed Martial Arts Academy
Motto? We don't need no stinkin' motto.

The Spleen's Ninjutsu Dojo
We're silent, but deadly.