
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
I like your new avatar, Katgirl!!! :) :D

Robyn (=^.^=) (>^.^<) my 2 variations of kitty faces.;)

If were gonna go into Japanese Smileys it is actually all about doing the Kirby Dance!

<(--<) <(--<) <( - - )> (>--)> (>--)>

Boy oh boy does that rule.....:D
What the hell is a Kirby Vacuum Cleaner! I got myself a Dysun! :D
Originally posted by Master of Blades
What the hell is a Kirby Vacuum Cleaner! I got myself a Dysun! :D

*smacks MOB* Bad, bad, bad, GIRL!!!!! :mad:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
If were gonna go into Japanese Smileys it is actually all about doing the Kirby Dance!

<(--<) <(--<) <( - - )> (>--)> (>--)>

Boy oh boy does that rule.....:D

where's his nose??!!

<('-' <) <( '-' )> (> '-')> ^( '-' )^ <('-' <) <( '-' )> (> '-')>
Originally posted by KenpoTess
wow you own your own Vacuum? *impressed*
A Kirby is a high dollar cleaner :)

My mums away for the week and my dad has an Exam for his MA tomorrow so hes been revising leaving me in charge to cook and keep the house clean. Which is murder because Im cooking all this food (Yes I want to become a chef, and what :p) but cuz of the food poisening I CANT EAT ANY OF IT :wah:

And Katgurl! Whats with all the beatings you been handing out! I'm starting to get the idea you dont want me anymore :wah:

And Kirby doesnt have a nose :rofl:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
My mums away for the week and my dad has an Exam for his MA tomorrow so hes been revising leaving me in charge to cook and keep the house clean. Which is murder because Im cooking all this food (Yes I want to become a chef, and what :p) but cuz of the food poisening I CANT EAT ANY OF IT :wah:

And Katgurl! Whats with all the beatings you been handing out! I'm starting to get the idea you dont want me anymore :wah:

:shrug: .... and what does that mean!? :eek:
I asked you a Question.

You answered with a Question.

I told you that you cannot answer a Question with a Question.

You said "Huh".

C'mon its not that hard to keep up :p
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I asked you a Question.

You answered with a Question.

I told you that you cannot answer a Question with a Question.

You said "Huh".

C'mon its not that hard to keep up :p

you didn't ask me a question.... :shrug:
Originally posted by Master of Blades

And Katgurl! Whats with all the beatings you been handing out! I'm starting to get the idea you dont want me anymore :wah:

I believe the "Whats" in that sentance turns it into a question. So therefore I did ask you a question and you DID answer a Question with a question. :D
Originally posted by Master of Blades
I believe the "Whats" in that sentance turns it into a question. So therefore I did ask you a question and you DID answer a Question with a question. :D

Lie: You deserve it.

Truth: I like to smack people for attention....

More Truth: .... it seems funny when I smack you :p
Originally posted by KatGurl
Lie: You deserve it.

Truth: I like to smack people for attention....

More Truth: .... it seems funny when I smack you :p

Cant really argue with that.........:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Master of Blades
And Katgurl! Whats with all the beatings you been handing out! I'm starting to get the idea you dont want me anymore

She's learning isn't she.:D

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