Muay Thai vs TKD kick



my friends and i were jokin around about fighting. then things started to get serious. they started arguing about whos kick is better: mt or tkd. i was like who cares. so we forgot about it and continued playin around. the thing is, this isnt the first time i heard about which kick is better. this is about the 11th time. is there some history between the two kick styles? i seem to be missing something
No real history between them other than that both use kicks as far as I've heard. Thre are several threads about the subject in the MT forum though. Basic consensus seems to be TKD kicks are faster, MT kicks have more power.
TKD kicks are usally faster less power, Snappy and stingy


MT kicks are like steel baseball bats, Heavey POWERFUL Destrutive kicks.

I think MT kicks are better.
I think there's a very short history, lots of people who like to see high post counts on forums and on usenet post the question of what is better for kicking MT or TKD. Basicly because TKD and MT are both known for their kicks it's easy a practitioner of one of the arts into a flame war..

If your freinds started to get upset my guess is they spend to much time online :p

thai kick = slower, much more powerful
TKD kick = Faster, far less powerful but less disruptive of balance and more deceptive
the word generally would be rite when descripting both types of kicks...

i hav been in MT n TKD both n i havn't found much difference(except for that in TKD we first start train back leg)
if u say TKD kicks r not powerful then again u r judging bit wrong.
they r meant to be powerful
if u say MT kicks r slow but powerful then i guess the word generally applys because i hav seen very fast kicks in MT n Very powerful kicks in TKD...

in TKD mostly kicks r chambered first then shoot...
but MT uses less chambering n momemtum of the full body motion

MT kicks hurts more because of their shin conditioning(which i i believe far supierior than MOST of TKD guys)...
except for my teacher No one in my class match my conditioning
(and guess wat my teacher hav spent hours in conditioning his body) that makes his shins more stronger than most of TKD guys around...

if u see Mr. damian Mavis's latest post he descirbe the beginner n advance MT'ists kick... it can be true for TKDist too if they CONDITION properly.
yeh thats what i meant exactly the problem with tkd is that alot of schools only teach for point scoring (fast kicks quick recovery) the original combat technique is rare but if you train well(smart) tkd can be every bitas effective as muay thai it certainly looks better IMO
B.K.A. Master Toddy He is in The Genus
Book of Records For the Most Trained Thai Fighting Champs.

He Has a Good Blend Between the 2.

A Kick is a Kick Learn 2 Use the hole Body.
Slow Thai kick.
If it is slow it is Either Checked By The Knee
Or The Other Foot is Swept out.

Personalu I like The Thai Aproch to Kicking
Depends on who's doing the kicks. I know a TKD guy who kicks incredibly hard with his traditional TKD kicks. I've seen MT roundhouses that moved freakishly fast, while still having the power to knock the hell out of the pad holder or opponent.

Just kick.

is there a way of combining them because it would be quite nice to have fast and powerful kicks
Of course you can combine them.

Olympic-style point sparring aside, I don't why there's this misconception that the kicking styles of two different arts have to be separate. Like in any other aspect of martial arts, the quality of the instruction you receive is the key issue.
Olympic-style point sparring aside, I don't why there's this misconception that the kicking styles of two different arts have to be separate.
Interesting post. My experience has been that the "pic chagi" used by most national level USTU competitors is very close to the MT round kick. That is to say it tends to have less knee chamber than a traditional TKD round house, and also less rolling over of the hip. Instead it comes up at an angle that, to my eye, is about the same as a MT roundhouse.
I think that WTF stlye round kicks have more in common with MT, that they do with point style TKD techs.The "superfoot Wallace" knee powered method is rarely seen in USTU/WTF competition.
Again, pretty much all the kicks are the same.

One might argue that the "general" kicks of each art, but that's just ridiculous. TKD has the round kick, the very same kick supposedly only found in muay thai, and in competitions, I've seen hundreds of roundhouses thrown supposedly only in TKD. It's the person's job to know which one they want to use. If you're way faster than the other guy, you can afford to sacrifice some speed for power.

I've used this source many times before beacuse it's a good source that explains a lot of things on the differences in kicks "only found in specific styles"

And judo-kid, your bias views are getting old and aren't getting anywhere
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson
is there a way of combining them because it would be quite nice to have fast and powerful kicks
Yes, a bit. It's like a side snap kick and a thrust kick, you get a hybrid of the two.

You can use the hybrid for speed and power, but it won't be as fast as the speed variation nor as powerful as the power variation. Many beginners just learn the hybrid and think they can get away with it. They can, but once you move up, you have to learn both the sole speed and power variation and burn it as instinct. The reasoning behind it is if the two are instinct, then you will learn to automatically throw the speed or the variation or a 20% speed, 80% power or a 50/50 or a 60/40 or anything instinctively.

It's like learning how to pin someone. There are about a hundred ways to pin the guy. You can learn multiple pins but it's better to first learn HOW to pin the guy as in the principles - applying pressure, lifting the head, elevating the leg for certain moves, etc. A lot of people throw a half on someone even when they never formally learned it.
wow that's a nice page.

Personaly I think the biggest diffrence between the two kicks (chambered round kick and the straighter leg round kick) isn't so much speed but telegraphing the kick.

And a question for TKD practitioners out there, in the TKD version of the round kick do you step into the kick? I know depending on situation of course in MT alot of times fighters step into a kick to give some extra momentum.
It's not really stepping into the kick, it's switching rear/front legs so the leg has more distance to travel with which to gain speed (and hence power). That's done a lot in TKD. The step isn't done to gain momentum, it's a fake.
There have been similar discussions in the Muay Thai and JKD fora. You might find some info. there.
Foot work plays a major role in (WTF) TKD. Many kicks and kicking combos are started with various steps. This is differentiated from 'skipping' motions often seen in non-contact sparring by the hip motion. With a simple step round kick, the hips would be turned over enough to be used in the kick, as opposed to remaining almost stationary - leaving the leg to provide the power for the kick.

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