How dangerous is it where you live? Would you training help you out?



What are are the chances of being attacked in the town or city where you live? It seems that many youngsters now fight and sometimes murder over the dumbest things today.Then you have the career thug types who just want to hurt people because it is fun for them. Do you think your training would help you if you were to be attacked?

Here in Baltimore, we are quickly going down the toilet. Violence is common and you learn real fast what places to stay away from. We finished 2002 with over 250 murders, thousands of assaults and other violent crime.
Originally posted by superdave
What are are the chances of being attacked in the town or city where you live? It seems that many youngsters now fight and sometimes murder over the dumbest things today.Then you have the career thug types who just want to hurt people because it is fun for them. Do you think your training would help you if you were to be attacked?

Here in Baltimore, we are quickly going down the toilet. Violence is common and you learn real fast what places to stay away from. We finished 2002 with over 250 murders, thousands of assaults and other violent crime.

It's bad everywhere! I'm still waiting to see if I get attacked at school (I'm a school teacher)

I know my trainning would help, only problem is, that the school District wouldn't back me up. They're too chicken****!:soapbox:
Some guy got stabbed in the head a year or two ago. (He credited his MA training for his survival, but I'd think decent MA training wouldn't have resulted in a HEAD STABBING. Ah well...)
well not that bad here, but it could be made more safer with training n reality awareness..
umm well it is becoming more of a likely hood that it will happen here... and im confident in my skills to be able to deal with most situations... with my job, retail loss prevention, i get all the little teenagers that think they are bad asses and then i also get the thugs that are bad asses... ive had a knife pulled on me over a damn tshirt... pretty sad... but i guess if you dont want to go to jail you will do pretty much anything... i rarely have to get physical past the point of walking them back to my office... i have had to restrain a few but thats pretty uncommon ussually a little talking and they go back in... also i get the groups as well... two or three sometimes even five come in and are look outs for the one stealing then i get the privealge of stopping 2 to 6 people at once by my self lol thats always fun lol
It's not likely here where I live. Once in a while there's a "petty theft" or something like that. The most serious thing that happens here is punks that want to fight each other, or a speeding ticket or a red-neck drunk with a big mouth LOL. I live in a little town where everyone knows everyone. If I go into Rochester (the city itself .... the north end), it's pretty bad. I avoid going into that area of the city. I was attacked in Atlantic City, NJ. I did get away unhurt, though.
Where I live, there are lots of gangsters. But I dont have problems with people in the neighborhood. A lot of fights go on and there was a shooting last week. My training has given me a lot of confidence.
Well...hmm. There're very few shootings here, but a very good chance someone will beat you up. Moving on the streets in some districts after 11PM is concidered "suicide"
It's bad where I live. Hence why i'm trying to get back into MA and get back in shape, so I can take care of myself.
Its all a little relative. I think this was a great question. People who have lived in a war zone all thier lives are relatively used to it even though it is extremely dangerous, and would freak me out out if i had to live there. That being said I grew up in inner city new york, and lived and travel through places where some people from suburbs and "nice areas" would feel extremely uncomfortable. So on the one hand I am aware of crime and have been exposed to it, I am also aware that most of the people in the areas I live and travel in aren't criminals.
In know my martial arts training so far has definitely improved my ability to defend myself, however before i had any training and even now I rely more on my awareness of the area i am in and the people around me, I usually dont walk around thinking that i know some martial arts, although i do walk around thinking about things i need to work on/ train harder at.
Honestly speaking alot of times I am more concerned abot being harassed by the police than attacked by a criminal. And I have never engaged in any criminal activity, but profiling is a real concern.
I'm a city girl. But my current neighborhood is good- off Main St with lots of people around. I used to live in Lynn (a/k/a "Lynn, Lynn, City of sin- You never get out the way you came in.") But nothing bad ever happened to me there.

I've lived in 14 different places, mostly city apartments. I think I'm pretty vigilant. Mugged once, never raped or stabbed (or shot). The occasional fistfight or street confrontation.

I was stalked once, but it was settled very quickly.

I do think I carry myself with more confidence now, and probably that is a deterrent. I'm used to a certain level of weirdness as a daily routine, so I'm not easily freaked out. Also I've seen a lot of fights and the preliminaries involved & probably have a keen sense of when to leave the bar.
I'm lucky. I live within a mile of a town of 200 people and the largest town in the county is only 2000 people. I'd have to travel 3 hours to get to a city like Spokane, WA or Boise, ID. Since the 1900's my county has had 4 murders. There is alot of red-neck loud mouths but their harmless. I train to become more effective in my everyday life, not sport or self-defense.

Mountain Sage
My town has about 500 people. Everybody knows everybody. There has been one murder since I've been alive. (im 17 by the way.) Everybody in my High School knows who is tough. Nobody would mess with me. But yes I definitely think that it would help me out.
In my little area it's not bad at all. But recently in the newspaper it's been talking about more drug trafficing from detroit to here. :( I don't know because I've never seen anything first hand. This is why I don't envy big cities. My rinky dink town is only 3 stop lights with the neighboring little holes being like 1 -4 as well nothing serious.