Motive Not Known? Really?


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
I'm going to jump in here and say we need to keep in mind what criminal background checks do and do not reveal.

Firstly, most school districts only check surrounding states and sometimes only the county they're in or state they're in. People convicted of crimes in other states would fly under the radar. Few actually perform federal checks but even then ... a state offense would likely NOT be listed on a federal check list.

Secondly, complaints to the Child Protective Services do NOT appear on these checks unless the person was charged and convicted. A person could have a file one inch thick with CPS but if they were never charged nor convicted, you will not know about it from a background check.

Mental health issues won't show up on a background check - again unless they are part and parcel in a conviction.

Background checks aren't everything. They're important, but they're not everything.

I think to speculate as to why she did it - which would really fall under her core problem such as a mental disorder - is ridiculous. The point is it was done and children have been taken advantage of once again.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
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Denver, CO
Firstly, most school districts only check surrounding states and sometimes only the county they're in or state they're in. People convicted of crimes in other states would fly under the radar. Few actually perform federal checks but even then ... a state offense would likely NOT be listed on a federal check list.

I can't speak for other states - but Colorado requires a federal/FBI check - and I know people who were flagged for offenses in other states, including one who was caught on an FBI check for a juvenile offense that had been sealed.

I think to speculate as to why she did it - which would really fall under her core problem such as a mental disorder - is ridiculous. The point is it was done and children have been taken advantage of once again.

This is, of course, the key factor - and speculation does not change this factor. The only reason to determine the causal factors in such cases is to avoid similar occurrences in the future.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Motive not known.

Of course not, she was a woman, who the hell can understand anything they do?


(Uh oh, thats gonna earn me a kick in the teeth, and I bet Shesulsa will be the first to line up to do it... and I still won't understand why)

But seriously... While I agree somewhat with Tellner and his comment about society viewing it differently between and Male teacher and his students and a Female teacher and her students... It's equally despicable, and in this case worse since they were Spec Ed kids who may not even have realized what the hell was going on, or at least understood it fully.


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
Motive not known.

Of course not, she was a woman, who the hell can understand anything they do?


(Uh oh, thats gonna earn me a kick in the teeth, and I bet Shesulsa will be the first to line up to do it... and I still won't understand why)

shesulsa :whip: Cryozombie

C'mere, let me explain it to ya ....


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
I teach special ed - my students, like the vast majority of special education students, have learning disabilities - they are normal, average kids who have problems with reading and/or math, for a variety of reasons unrelated to intelligence. If these are severe needs students - who are physically and/or mentally disabled to the point that they cannot be expected to live independently in the future, then yes, I agree, this is even more despicable., as these would be the students least able to understand what was being done with or to them. From the article, however, it is impossible to determine which variety(ies) of special education students this idiot woman taught, or even if the students involved were actually in special education.

The key issue here, as I have said before, is to determine why this woman did what she did and how to screen for it, so as to prevent it from occurring in the future. The population against which she committed these acts is less important, in the long run, than the prevention of future occurrences.


Green Belt
Dec 7, 2006
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I think there was an episode of Law and Order: SVU just like this case. I hate reading stuff like this, whether it's a Male teacher or a Female teacher. Regardless of gender, they are taking advantage of someone because they are in a position of power. I don't know if it said the youth were special ed, but if they were it makes this even worse. They may not have had the mental capacity to know that what she was doing to them was wrong.

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