More from the "religion of Peace"

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Twin Fist

Mar 22, 2008
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Nacogdoches, Tx

WASHINGTON (AP) — A young college student from Saudi Arabia studying chemical engineering in Texas purchased explosive chemicals over the Internet as part of a plan to hide bomb materials inside dolls and baby carriages to blow up dams, nuclear plants or the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush, the Justice Department said Thursday.
“It is war … until the infidels leave defeated,” the student wrote in online postings.
You racist a hole, this obviously hasSARCASM ANYONE?absolutely nothing to do with his religion...
Truly, this means that all Muslims are violent and dangerous people. I suggest genocide so they can never trouble us with their violent ways again. WHO'S WITH ME??!?!?!
well, nice to know that you havnt changed at all.

there is a problem in the world

islam is that problem

it is producing fanatics left, right and center

do you deny it?
and moral relativism raises it's head.

1) no christianity isnt
2) no other religion really is either

there is no moral equality here, Islam is the problem, it produces fanatics, and it's fanatical followers are willing to cut off your head for God.

Last time i checked, Buddists were not flying planes into buildings.
or christians
or shintoists
or catholics
or mormans
or wiccans
or anyone else
1) no christianity isnt
2) no other religion really is either

Denying the problem doesn't make it go away you know. It's a serious issue and it doesn't become less serious because only a vanishingly tiny percentage of the Islamic 'faithful' are extremist nutjobs.

Mind you, you don't have to be an actual terrorist to prove that the way you want to organise your affairs doesn not fit in a 21st century 'Western' setting:

Just as with the discourse on immigration, being liberal minded and accomodating is a good thing but you have to watch that you don't 'good intention' youself out of the game.
It's a serious issue and it doesn't become less serious because only a vanishingly tiny percentage of the Islamic 'faithful' are extremist nutjobs.

Actually, yes, that makes it quite a bit less serious. If we start talking about a "vanishingly tiny percentage" of any group, then talking about that group at all becomes meaningless - because a "vanishingly tiny percentage" of any group will be sociopathic, have an aggressive disorder, be prone to violent outbursts or other similar conditions. Far be it from me to contradict Twin Fist, but we get **** like this all the time from members of other religions. In America alone in the past few years, there have been multiple attempted terrorist acts, and some successful, from groups apart from Islamic militants. Of course, those people look like "us", so of course it's just one crazed individual and not the vanguard of an invading white, Christian army.
lets say 1%, we know it is more, but lets just say it is only 1%

there are how many BILLION muslims?

lets say ONE billion, it is more, but lets just say it is one.

1% of a billion is 10 MILLION FANATICAL NUTBARKS

thats a metric **** load

Please list the last time 19 christians killed 3000 innocents

oh, you cant? then STHU about christians. We know you would LOVE IT if tehre were christian terrorists, but there aint any, not comparible to the numbers of wackjob muslims,

you friggin know it too, why wont you just admit the truth?
lets say 1%, we know it is more, but lets just say it is only 1%

there are how many BILLION muslims?

lets say ONE billion, it is more, but lets just say it is one.

1% of a billion is 10 MILLION FANATICAL NUTBARKS

thats a metric **** load

Oh please. There were 208 acts of international terrorism in 2003, about half of which were by muslims, 423 in 2000, 273 in 1998, etc. If that's what 10 million people can accomplish, then clearly the vast majority of them are completely incompetent.

Please list the last time 19 christians killed 3000 innocents

List the last time any muslim terrorists managed to kill 3000 people in one attack - it's only happened once in the entire history of terrorism, Islamic or otherwise. Several planned attacks by Christians were stopped this year, who were planning mass murder. A few were successful, like Scott Roeder. The Tamil Tigers have a Christian leader and plenty of Christian members - that organization invented suicide bombing.

While we're throwing around "you just know it" type nonsense, why won't you just admit that you don't like or are scared of muslims and will grasp at any straw to paint them as all the same?
lets say 1%, we know it is more, but lets just say it is only 1%

there are how many BILLION muslims?

lets say ONE billion, it is more, but lets just say it is one.

1% of a billion is 10 MILLION FANATICAL NUTBARKS

thats a metric **** load

Please list the last time 19 christians killed 3000 innocents

oh, you cant? then STHU about christians. We know you would LOVE IT if tehre were christian terrorists, but there aint any, not comparible to the numbers of wackjob muslims,

you friggin know it too, why wont you just admit the truth?

Well ... we can apply this "logic" across the board - why don't we, then?

A certain percentage of white males over the age of 30 committed violent crimes. So ... let's just admit it, white males are dangerous for the world and should be eliminated.


A certain percentage of black males are gang members responsible for the deaths and injury to countless citizens across America, so ... clearly black males are the problem.

A certain percentage of women murder their own children, so ... let's just eliminate them.

Once a person goes to prison, they largely just learn how to be better criminals and if they are ever released, usually reoffend and go back to prison, so ... why not just kill all felons instead of housing them?

Most teens try some kind of illegal substance before they reach graduation age. Let's just get rid of all teens.

Dogs that bite. Cats that scratch. Rodents that carry disease.

Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, whites, blacks, North Koreans, communists, socialists, democrats, republicans, christians, muslims, buddhists, shintos (after all, they bombed Pearl Harbor, remember?)....

Aw, **** it, let's just bomb the **** outta the planet surface and kill everyone so there will never ever be another religion-inspired murder ever again?

That's what you'd have to do.

But you won't see that, will you?
In the spirit of peace, I just want to say I fully support the destruction of the Earth and total annihilation of the Human Race...provided it is done by alien mutant robots from the planet Skaro. :D
In the spirit of peace, I just want to say I fully support the destruction of the Earth and total annihilation of the Human Race...provided it is done by alien mutant robots from the planet Skaro. :D

Alien mutant robots, huh? Total destruction by good old-fashioned American mutant robots not good enough for you? ;)
In the spirit of peace, I just want to say I fully support the destruction of the Earth and total annihilation of the Human Race...provided it is done by alien mutant robots from the planet Skaro. :D

Skaro doesn't follow the holy word of the prophet Carlin and all actions against them would be deemed Holy War. :uhyeah:
and all of this sarcastic **** wont change the simple fact that bad men, muslims, are trying to kill you, and they would gladly do so, given even half a chance.

you can poo poo the truth all you want to, but the truth is still the truth

ignoring a threat doesnt void the threat

Well ... we can apply this "logic" across the board - why don't we, then?

A certain percentage of white males over the age of 30 committed violent crimes. So ... let's just admit it, white males are dangerous for the world and should be eliminated.


A certain percentage of black males are gang members responsible for the deaths and injury to countless citizens across America, so ... clearly black males are the problem.

A certain percentage of women murder their own children, so ... let's just eliminate them.

Once a person goes to prison, they largely just learn how to be better criminals and if they are ever released, usually reoffend and go back to prison, so ... why not just kill all felons instead of housing them?

Most teens try some kind of illegal substance before they reach graduation age. Let's just get rid of all teens.

Dogs that bite. Cats that scratch. Rodents that carry disease.

Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, whites, blacks, North Koreans, communists, socialists, democrats, republicans, christians, muslims, buddhists, shintos (after all, they bombed Pearl Harbor, remember?)....

Aw, **** it, let's just bomb the **** outta the planet surface and kill everyone so there will never ever be another religion-inspired murder ever again?

That's what you'd have to do.

But you won't see that, will you?
-Oh please. I would never ignore a threat or an attack from a person, or group, claiming to be Muslim, but I have no reason to fear every person who is actually a Muslim. I do feel the need to buy more guns but thats pretty much to protect me from crazy right wingers. That threat is a lot closer to me than terrorist 'Muslims'.


(Notice I didn't say all Republicans or Conservatives. Not everyone can be a moonbat.)
and all of this sarcastic **** wont change the simple fact that bad men, muslims, are trying to kill you, and they would gladly do so, given even half a chance.

you can poo poo the truth all you want to, but the truth is still the truth

ignoring a threat doesnt void the threat

There are many, many bad men on this planet.

If you call yourself a Christian, then you can be defined ... again, for the slow ones ... by the actions of Christian terrorists who blow up family planning and abortion clinics, kill doctors who perform abortions or pass out free birth control. You can be associated with people like Jim Jones, Westboro Baptist Church and every other Christian whacko who ever thought s/he was acting in the name of Christ Jesus and God the Father. Hell, look at what happened in Ireland, for cryin' out loud.

Christians are a threat, too. And you can go on ignoring THAT if you want.

The terrorist threat is from extremists - they could be affiliated with ANY faith on the planet (or even atheism), the bottom line is there are terrorists in every religion. These guys just happen to be extremely well-funded.

It's like the Pope and the RNC versus non-traditional Catholics. Some Catholic sectors tolerate divorce in serious cases and birth control. So if the Pope were to declare holy war on every non-Catholic, is every Catholic evil in your book?

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
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