MMA fighter kills weightlifter


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
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An MMA fighter apparently killed a weight lifting champion in a street fight where the weight lifter ended up dying from his injuries. Here is the fight.

I saw this yesterday. It looks like another case of head hitting pavement. The fight apparently was about whose sport was better. Now one is dead and the other arrested.
Is it normal for the video of the incident to be out in the public domain when a potential criminal court case could be pending? Is there no sub judice law?
Is it normal for the video of the incident to be out in the public domain when a potential criminal court case could be pending? Is there no sub judice law?
This is in Russia, I believe. I have no idea what their laws would be.
Pair of idiots getting into a fight over something so stupid. Who won? Neither of them, ones dead and ones facing years in prison. That's truly worth it for their ego isn't it
I saw this yesterday. It looks like another case of head hitting pavement. The fight apparently was about whose sport was better. Now one is dead and the other arrested.
Really.. MMA vs Weight lifting. Those aren't even the same type of sports. MMA vs Track, MMA vs Tennis. One would think these would be easy arguments. Why would anyone expect a professional weight lifter to be a good fighter?

I really don't like the ground and pound, and I like it even less when the other person is knocked out. Not knowing that you (general) have won or even caring that you won so long as you get in some extra licks is really horrible. MMA has a bad reputation for that.
I really don't like the ground and pound, and I like it even less when the other person is knocked out. Not knowing that you (general) have won or even caring that you won so long as you get in some extra licks is really horrible. MMA has a bad reputation for that.

I'm afraid you are quite wrong. There is no 'ground and pound' when the person is KO'd, in that respect it's actually better than boxing where someone can be knocked to the ground, get up dazed on 8, carry on, get knocked down again and again getting progressively more concussed. In MMA rules the fight is stopped when a fighter can no longer intelligently defend themselves. The rules also allow for a fighter to tap out to punches as well as submission holds, they can do so verbally or literally tap out.
I know of no fighter, and I know a great many fighters, who will carry on attacking an unconscious fighter, they also do care whether they win and they do not relish the injuries they opponents may get, it's very much a situation of there but for the grace of G-d go I. There is a huge lot of respect for opponents in MMA fights and if you are getting your info on MMA from films and gossip it will surprise you to know there's a huge amount of good sportsmanship. Fighters often get out of the ring/cage together and can be found discussing their fight, comparing techniques and I've even seen them teaching each other favourite moves.
Just because some alleged 'MMA fighter' in a video from the back of beyond is acting like a prat and causes a death you cannot blame all MMA people or MMA. I've seen all sorts of people acting stupidly, martial artist included.
I'm afraid you are quite wrong. There is no 'ground and pound' when the person is KO'd, in that respect it's actually better than boxing where someone can be knocked to the ground, get up dazed on 8, carry on, get knocked down again and again getting progressively more concussed. In MMA rules the fight is stopped when a fighter can no longer intelligently defend themselves. The rules also allow for a fighter to tap out to punches as well as submission holds, they can do so verbally or literally tap out.
I know of no fighter, and I know a great many fighters, who will carry on attacking an unconscious fighter, they also do care whether they win and they do not relish the injuries they opponents may get, it's very much a situation of there but for the grace of G-d go I. There is a huge lot of respect for opponents in MMA fights and if you are getting your info on MMA from films and gossip it will surprise you to know there's a huge amount of good sportsmanship. Fighters often get out of the ring/cage together and can be found discussing their fight, comparing techniques and I've even seen them teaching each other favourite moves.
Just because some alleged 'MMA fighter' in a video from the back of beyond is acting like a prat and causes a death you cannot blame all MMA people or MMA. I've seen all sorts of people acting stupidly, martial artist included.
The overkill is by no means limited to MMA folks - it's something that happens to many humans. The reptile brain takes over and just keeps fighting, not noticing the that fight is over. It happens sometimes in MMA fights, and more often (from the video evidence) in street altercations. Unlikely in boxing, only because they're trained not to follow the person down. Some folks (in the street) hit an extra time or two just because they are so angry.
Why is this an "MMA fighter"? Is there some type of documentation of that, or is it just easier to call it that since it is popular? The reason I ask is, the guy does a spinning high kick right after another high kick attempt. Usually, not a strategy you see from MMA type fighters as their opening moves.
Why is this an "MMA fighter"? Is there some type of documentation of that, or is it just easier to call it that since it is popular? The reason I ask is, the guy does a spinning high kick right after another high kick attempt. Usually, not a strategy you see from MMA type fighters as their opening moves.
He was a professional MMA fighter, as I recall.
I'm afraid you are quite wrong. There is no 'ground and pound' when the person is KO'd, in that respect it's actually better than boxing where someone can be knocked to the ground, get up dazed on 8, carry on, get knocked down again and again getting progressively more concussed. In MMA rules the fight is stopped when a fighter can no longer intelligently defend themselves. The rules also allow for a fighter to tap out to punches as well as submission holds, they can do so verbally or literally tap out.
I know of no fighter, and I know a great many fighters, who will carry on attacking an unconscious fighter, they also do care whether they win and they do not relish the injuries they opponents may get, it's very much a situation of there but for the grace of G-d go I. There is a huge lot of respect for opponents in MMA fights and if you are getting your info on MMA from films and gossip it will surprise you to know there's a huge amount of good sportsmanship. Fighters often get out of the ring/cage together and can be found discussing their fight, comparing techniques and I've even seen them teaching each other favourite moves.
Just because some alleged 'MMA fighter' in a video from the back of beyond is acting like a prat and causes a death you cannot blame all MMA people or MMA. I've seen all sorts of people acting stupidly, martial artist included.

There is s definitely ground and pound on unconscious opponents in MMA.
The ones who stayed out of the fight.

The same ones who didn't attempt to stop the fight until it was too late, and also reportedly warned a local security guard not to interfere when he approached? Yeah, those idiots are definitely at the top of the evoluntionary chain.....
Why is this an "MMA fighter"? Is there some type of documentation of that, or is it just easier to call it that since it is popular? The reason I ask is, the guy does a spinning high kick right after another high kick attempt. Usually, not a strategy you see from MMA type fighters as their opening moves.

Not that uncommon.
There is a huge lot of respect for opponents in MMA fights and if you are getting your info on MMA from films and gossip it will surprise you to know there's a huge amount of good sportsmanship
I'm getting my information from some of the MMA fights I've seen in the UFC where the fighter has to be pulled off the guy who is laying unconscious. And I'm not saying that ALL MMA people are like this, but there is a quite a bit of it in the sport.

It happens sometimes in MMA fights, and more often (from the video evidence) in street altercations.
Street fights are really bad about hitting an unconscious person simply because those aren't "challenge fights" where 2 people are trying to prove who has the better skills. Street fights usually have more emotion involved where someone dislikes or hates someone to the point that they do want to cause grave injury and to let their anger go uncheck. To me if the argument is to see who is tougher or which system is better is a challenge fight where pounding someone in the ground isn't necessary to show who has the better skills. Fights like this can usually be taken care of fairly quickly since arguments like this are usually between 2 hot heads with one of them being way more skilled than the other.

If both of the guys were just having a good ole fashion street fight then stuff like is expected, along with weapons if anyone has one. But if it was really a challenge match between 2 people then it doesn't take much to prove the point that one person is more skilled than the other. A friendly sparring match is more than enough to highly a person's weaknesses and skill level. It was clear to me after the 1st knock down who had the better skills.
MMA fights I've seen in the UFC

So you base your opinion of MMA on a business rather than the sport. MMA is more than the UFC which is basically a circus for making money. Even in the UFC though a fighter isn't often struck while unconscious, and when it does happen there is a tremendous amount of criticism from MMA people, not the fanboys, of the poor refereeing that will have caused this.
I have watched thousands of fights, most live, and the times a fighter has been in danger of being beaten while unconscious have been very few and far between, I can also tell you that the other fighter has never been happy or pleased when it's happened. It's never a deliberate act. I think you fundamentally misunderstand what MMA fighters are actually like and misunderstand what MMA actually is. We've had a lot of discussion about style bashing recently, and your comments are an example of this.