Michael Crichton Dead at 66.

That's a bummer! Lewis Carrol, Frank Herbert, Kurt Vonnegut... Now Michael Crichton. His imagination and ability to skew modern science into outrageous fantasy will be missed.

Who's left? Clive Cussler??
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Great author. He'll be missed.
Hard to believe he was only sixty-six; he established himself as a serious writer such a long time ago while still in med school. He had a strong reputation for encouraging beginning writers. Decades ago, in an interview, he credited a small magazine, Writers Digest, with helping him learn the trade. His website provides advice to aspiring authors.
I actually almost missed this news on CNN.com because its focus the last couple days has been election coverage. Quite sad to see such a prolific writer leave us.
Very sad. I will remember him fondly not only for Jurassic Park (which he's undoubtably most famous for) but also Westworld and Futureworld. He wrote some of the most prescient SF that got to film.