Master Rank



When I was with a smaller, regional TKD organization years ago, they appointed "Master" rank starting at 4th Dan. I also notice that many still do that, while in the ITF, it begins at 7th.

I always wondered, why at such an early stage, especially when there is still so much to learn at the 4th Dan level.
Your views on this? Thanks for responding.

In TSD (in my old assn, anyways) master level was at 4th dan. But There was a seperate test for "master". Which means, you test for your 4th dan, then one year later, you take a seperate test for your masters cert. I have no clue what it involves, but I remember my master talking about his masters test and he said it's difficult to get it, but he did.
Does any one know when master rank is achieved in ITF?
Originally posted by WaterCircleHarmony

Does any one know when master rank is achieved in ITF?

Starts at 7th!:asian:
My outake on this:

In WTF, Master status is considered the level in which you have enough knowledge of the art to pass it on to another. The title Master, doesn't necessarily mean "complete mastery of the art", but more along the side of "taking on Master role to a student". It is the level in which a student would refer to their instructor as "Master" instead of "Teacher". Anyone under the level of 4th Dan, is prohibited to teach without supervision... although some may seem to bend rules at times.

Now, GrandMaster is along the lines of "mastery of the art". That is one of the reasons you may encounter more than one Grandmaster. This title is given at 7th Dan.

If you're looking for reasons of this, it is in relation to the translation of the Korean language .:asian:
The way ranking in the BB in WTF are issued has more to do with wording. This is what I have read and was told by my Master:

1st degree - Associate Instructor
2nd degree - Instructor
3rd degree - Senior Instructor
4th degree - Master Instructor
5th degree - Master
6th degree - Master
7th-9th degree - GrandMaster
In WTF Master rank is 5th Dan.It is at this dan level that one can apply for Kukkiwon certification for your black belt students.
There is no restriction to black belts below 5th dan teaching class in the WTF.Most schools are owned and opperated by lower dan level practitioners.As such the only thing they are limited in is applying for WTF certidication for their black belts, and therefor have to pay 5th dan+ instructors to sit in on testing and apply for them on ther behalf.This of course is quit the 'cash cow' for the Master level WTF black belt!:EG:
I'm not a TKD stylist, but my hometown (at least when I was growing up) seemed to have more TKD teachers than Korea did...

One of the things I never understood was the use of the title "Master." Personally, and I don't have any religious reasons for this or anything, I just can't countenance calling someone "Master." My kung fu teacher of 16+ years has always been "Sifu" to me, so much so that that is almost his name (kind of like hearing your Dad called by his first name - his name is "Dad," not Bill or Steve or Hank), but the term doesn't literally mean "Master" the way the word in English does...

How do you TKD folks feel about this? I'm not trying to start a fight, just trying to get a handle on how you all think... My wife did TKD for about 8 years, but none of her teachers used the term "Master" as their title, just "Mister" or "Miss" So-And-So.

I look forward to the explanations...

In our art of Yiliquan, we do have a "master grade" in our grade/rank progression, but those who hold such grades are not referred to as "Master."

All those Senior (black sash) students that teach are referred to as "Sifu." Those that don't teach are just called "Mister" or some other honorific prefix.

Thanks again...
