


given ninjutsus rich history in warfare and combat do you guys think it can still be applied to todays armies of the world? and do you think it's as lethal today as it was one thousand years ago? coming from your experience of course.
I think while many of the older skills no longer apply, many others still do, especially amongst those involved in covert operations.
Yes and no.

Warfare has not changed a lot in principle since Sun Tzu wrote his famous book. But now we have M1 Abrams tanks instead of chariots.

There are some principles and skills that are still valid in the modern world. But you have to take into account a few changes in the way things are done.

So, yes and no.
No matter how many years go by and how technologically advanced warfare becomes,combat will always have the same basis,Attacking someone or defending yourself to protect yourself and others.It will always boil down to "kill him before he kills you".The way its done has obviously changed but certain skills such as stealth and concealment are still just as valuable today as they ever were.Your survival in close combat will be aided by your knowledge of self defense techniques and also the use of your environment and close quarters weapons.For example,modern warfare scenario,your position has been overrun and you and the man charging you are out of ammo,Your have your body and the rocks and sticks around you.The man with knowledge of martial arts and also the mind to even think of whats around him will have a great advantage.Also the discipline and fitness you develop in and come to respect in your dojo only builds on the discipline and fitness you gain in the militray.Both mental and physical fitness.So yeh i think "old" techniques and mindsets will always have great value in modern combat.Hope this helps to answer your question.

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