martial arts scam - beware!!

Looks like another scammer in the making. I received this email note today:

-----Original Message-----
From: "LT. Angela Stalwart"
11/24/2009 11:14 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Re: Greetings


I know you would be surprised to read from someone relatively unknown to you.
My name is LT. Angela Stalwart, a member of the U.S. ARMY USARPAC Medical
Team, which was deployed to
Iraq at the beginning of the war in Iraq.

I would like to share some highly personal classified information about my
personal experience and role which I played in the pursuit of my career serving
under the U.S 1st Armored which was at the fore-front of the war in

Though, I would like to hold back certain information for security reasons for
now until you have found the time to visit the BBC website stated below to
enable you have an insight into what I intend sharing with you,
believing that it would be of your desired interest one-way or the other.

Also, could you get back to me having visited the above website to enable us
discuss in a more clarifying manner to the best of your understanding. I must
say that I'm very uncomfortable sending this message to you without knowing
truly if you would misconstrue the importance and decides to go public. In this
regards, I will not hold back to say that the essence of this message is
strictly for mutual benefit between you and I and nothing more.

I will be vivid and coherent in my next message in this regards, meanwhile,
could you send me an email confirming that you have visited the site and that
you have understood my intentions? I will await your thoughts.

Best Regards

LT. Angela Stalwart

The link is to a headline where US troops discovered millions of dollars in a raid in Iraq. Guess I'll have to play with this one and see what they want. Kind of a new tactic now with the scammers claiming to be an elisted US military personnel.
OMG that rant at the end is the funniest flippin thing I have ever heard.

Clearly an amature...hahaha
Mine's official from the Nigerian President no less! I do like the way it blames me for my lack of co-operation! It insinuates I have a contract with them too lol, I imagine though that may worry some one older or more vulnerable. It implies all the way through that I've contacted them rather than the other way round.


Our Ref: ATM/13470/IDR Your ref: ............ Best Befor: 30/6/ 2010


This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract file presently on my desk, and I found out that you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligations giving to you in respect to your contract payment.

Secondly, you are hereby advised to stop dealing with some non-officials in the bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish to receive your payment immediately.

After the Board of director's meeting held in Abuja, we have resolved in finding a solution to your problem. We have arranged your payment through our SWIFT CARD PAYMENT CENTRE in Europe, America, Africa and Asia Pacific; this is part of an instruction/mandate passed by the Senate in respect to overseas contract payment and debt re-scheduling.

And also the Nigerian Government is using this mean to rewards all the citizens of the United states and all part of Europe including Asia, Australia, south America, Antarctica e.t.c in all those who have lost their funds in either scam, or an uncompleted business, or otherwise, You should know that if you are interested to receive your ATM card which will be credited with $920,000 united states dollars before it is been sent to you direct to your doorstep through the courier service.

If you like to receive your fund this way, Kindly get back to me with the following informationÂ’s below so I can start arrangement on how to get your ATM Card shipped to you

(1) Your Full Name: ..................
(2) Full residential address: .........
(3) Phone And Fax Number: .......
(4) Occupation: ......................
(5) Personal identification: ..........
(6) Present Country: ......
(7) Age: ...........

This message is supported by the Nigerian Government, after you might have started making use of your ATM card, you can reward my firm one way or the other you knows best.

Thanks for your co-operation.


Finally, for further discussions, you are advised to call or email the Director CBN, IRD, ATM,
MR Henry Jackson on:


As soon as you receive this message for further update.


Mrs.Mariam Downs(Hon.)

Secretary to the Presidency


My response to a "lawyer" claiming that we could make gazillions off a recently-deceased man....

Mr. Edward -

I am really glad you e-mailed me.

I could definitely use the money. Ever since Granny was let go from her job at the alligator wrestling club and Rupert lost his last teeth in a barfight with those nuns and orphans, things just haven't been the same. Granny spends all of her time these days challenging the neighborhood kids to tobacco-juice spittin' contests. Rupert, now completely toothless, has made a lot of new friends in the county jail, even though he didn't know any of them boys before. You're a lawyer, so maybe you can help me - what IS a conjugal visit, anyway?

I just think it's nice that Mr. Alfred Baril had a kind and thoughtful lawyer like you. Why should any of his family get that money when you and I could split it ourselves?

Here's the thing, though - I don't know if you're on the up and up or not. To establish your bonafides, I would like you to e-mail me a copy of your law school degree and license to practice law. I think it's only fair, right? What's the harm?

Also, since I don't get on e-mail too much, it would be better if you sent me all of YOUR contact information - phone number, mailing address, etc. - so I can reach you if I need to. With all that money you stand to make, it sure doesn't seem like too much to ask.


P.S. Looking forward to hearing from you! Hugs!
Later on, as I continue to mess with him - asking for pictures of his family, his law degree, etc.

1) I didn't know that lawyers would use the term "kiddin'" in official correspondence.
2) Your English is awful. That's one of the reasons that I want to know what school you went to. You told me several times to "remove all doubt," and THAT'S what I'm trying to do. Your repeated attempts to stall only make me more doubtful.
3) For a guy who stands to get 60% of over $6 million dollars of money that doesn't even remotely belong to him, you sure are unhelpful. You ask me if I'M serious. The real question should be if YOU are serious.
4) I get the point you are trying to make on what the situation is. Stop addressing that and answer MY questions regarding your family and your law degree. Every time you stall you drag this out longer.
Hahaha well done!

Some notable spam emails I've had have been one claiming to be from the FBI (although they didn't capitalise "fbi") which said they were hunting me down for several million dollars worth of fraud, and that I needed to contact them immediately - the address they gave was wrong, cos I looked it up, the name of the building was wrong, and they were using a personal email address. Duh!

I've had one from a "woman" called Victoria Makuza who constantly referred to me as her beloved, and dreamed of the day we could be together.
I clocked it as a scam straight away and began sussing them out - these clowns were really dumb. No matter what I said in my replies, I simply got a stock standard response back. They must have had a graduated system of set emails to progress through.
At one point they sent a picture of a young woman, who appeared to be rather unhappy at having her picture taken, sitting in a small room.

I reckon it would be funny to reply with a referral to check out your company/dojo/business/whatever's website with an embedded link that leads to stormfront or some other racist site, and see what the reaction is lol.

NOTE: I do not endorse stormfront and I am not a racist, let's be clear about that.

Anyway this thread has inspired me so I'm off combing through my spam filter as I write this.
Well it seems that everything that is old, becomes new again. I am in the middle of this same conversation right now.

  • Private Lesson (for 3 kids)
  • $2000 per month
  • Need have you charge card, and send money to another party
  • $6100. Send $4000 to someplace else.
The similarities continue. Like the original poster I figured it out pretty early, but I did a google search, and found this thread from more than 10 years ago. Wow!
Welcome, Russ. I'm glad you caught on to the scam. I've run into two attempts at this same type of scam over the last 4-5 years. Always something quite similar to the OP's initial post. Since I don't have high availability (and no other instructors to point them toward), their attempts to keep me on the hook make them obvious pretty quick.
I teach the most deadly martial art on the planet!

Trust me... even the most elite soldiers are literally BEGGING for training in my system...

I don't go by styles. This is a system. A reality-based system. And it teaches the body to become an ULTIMATE WEAPON that nothing can stop!

It came from the secret scrolls, and is derived from a hybrid of the deadly Japanese ninjutsu arts, Israeli army secrets, Russian bodyguards, and reality-based techniques. It also incorporates the REAL training of the monkey, crane, flamingo and mongoose style. None of that hiyaaaahhh crap!

You also train your mind to overcome all obstacles on the street. People will not even go near you that's how powerful this stuff is!

I cannot reveal the techniques here as they're too secret. And MANY false instructors would be very angry. I would get in alot of trouble!

And becoming the ultimate killing machine requires NO effort! You just need to learn the right touch, and your enemies drop! Begging for mercy!

Training with people is a thing of the past! Learn online and become the real deal!
I teach the most deadly martial art on the planet!

Trust me... even the most elite soldiers are literally BEGGING for training in my system...

I don't go by styles. This is a system. A reality-based system. And it teaches the body to become an ULTIMATE WEAPON that nothing can stop!

It came from the secret scrolls, and is derived from a hybrid of the deadly Japanese ninjutsu arts, Israeli army secrets, Russian bodyguards, and reality-based techniques. It also incorporates the REAL training of the monkey, crane, flamingo and mongoose style. None of that hiyaaaahhh crap!

You also train your mind to overcome all obstacles on the street. People will not even go near you that's how powerful this stuff is!

I cannot reveal the techniques here as they're too secret. And MANY false instructors would be very angry. I would get in alot of trouble!

And becoming the ultimate killing machine requires NO effort! You just need to learn the right touch, and your enemies drop! Begging for mercy!

Training with people is a thing of the past! Learn online and become the real deal!
That reads like some actual marketing I've seen in the past.