Orange Belt
Below is my email documentation of a scam that was attempted on me. I realized it was a scam by about the 3rd email, but i kept it going as long as i could to see how much info i could get on them. Everything was eventually forwarded onto the RCMP, The FBI and Interpol through Royal Bank of Canada security.
Below is each email correspndance in its entirety as well as my thoughts. All i hope is that i was able to save one person from being scammed by these scumbags.
The originating email:
I will be in your area for 8 weeks vacation with my younger brother, Samuel. I am 27 and he, 21 and we will love to have a PRIVATE martial arts training during our stay as part of activities lined for the vacation. We have no prior knowledge of martial arts thus we are freshers. We are not training to fight but to exercise, learn the art of self defence, self confidence, keep feat and to also have at least a little knowledge of the martial art skill.
Can your program, schedule and packages accommodate us and meet our needs? Please do get back to me with availability and the total cost of training under you for 4hrs, 4 times a week for the 2 months. And what is your mode of payment (do you have facility for receiving credit card payment)? Please provide us with every information necessary for us to achieve our goal. Our Vacation starts on the 25th of October and will we'll leave on the 24th of December (Christmas eve). Your professional advise as regards how best to fashion the lesson on daily basis is welcomed.
Expecting your reply.
Kind Regards
Robert Belilaqua
My response:
Hi there.
Thanks for taking the time to inquire into our school. We would love to host you. We do have private lessons, but I must warn you they are rather expensive. Are you looking at 4 hours per day, or 4 hours per week?
At this point i had no idea it was a scam. I have had people from other countries drop by for a few weeks of training before.
His response:
Please let me know the cost per hr, then I can decided how many classes we can afford since it is too expensive.
My response:
On 04/10/2009, Dusty Miner ******** wrote:
Hi There.
Private lessons are $50 per hour per person.
You may want to consider a group training lesson instead.
The cost for the two of you to train in group classes for two months would be around $485 and that would get you access to 13 classes per week.
His response:
Hi Dusty,
Your suggestion of a group training lesson for the both of us is nice but that will not afford me the opportunity to have enough time for the manuscript I am coming over to finish. Samuel can can be coming for the group if he wishes but that will not work with me. So what will happen is that you'll take us on a one and half hour private class per day for 3 times weekly for the 8 weeks. Will you be free to take us during the morning time or....? Please let me have you time schedule, this will go a long way to help plan the time I will allocate to my manuscript. Based on your quotation of $50 per person per hr, it will then cost $3600 for the one and half class, three time every week for the 8 weeks. Is this calculation right? Please let me know. And what is your mode of payment?
Expecting your reply.
At this point i was still being scammed as although i found it kind of odd, some people do have that kind of money to through around. I was starting to get a little suspicious, but still not full comprehending what was going on.
My response:
On 05/10/2009, Dusty Miner ****** wrote:
> Your calculations are correct. We accept every method of payment except American express. Credit card, debit card, cash and cheque all apply.
I will check with my instructors tomorrow and see what times they have available in the mornings and get back to you.
I talked it over with my instructors and i had one that was free in the mornings to accomodate them. Still oblivious at this point. Just a weird feeling.
His response:
From: Robert Belilaqua <robertlaqua@googlemail.com>
> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 01:02:14
> To: Dusty Miner<*****>
> Subject: Proceed
Hello Dusty,
Please when will you be on seat to take my card details for the payment? Meanwhile, I will require you to process an extra charge of $6000 for my travel/logistc agent from the card. This is because I wouldn't want the card to be processed at multiple points for security reasons. This then means that you are processing your $3600 and his $6000.
Get back to me with your confirmation and when you will be on seat so that I can send across the carde details. I will as well need your phone number so I can contact you if need be
NB: This is a request please
now my internal alarm is going off like crazy. Seeing the additional $6000 charge woke me up and made me realize what was going on. Plus i was now seeing the little things that were slipping by, like the atrocious english, spelling mistakes, etc. So i wanted to see where it was going, so i still played along.
My response:
On 08/10/2009,***** wrote:
I am ready to go when you are.
Phone number is *****
Due to the large amount, we have to charge a surcharge of 3 percent as our credit card processor charges us.
Please send your credit card number.
I put the 3% surcharge in there for a reason which will become more obvious in a few emails.
His response:
Hello Dusty,
Here is the credit card details as required so you can process both charges. You are required to process in bit until you charge the total sum needed for both payments.
Card Type: Visa
Name on Card: Alexander V (Sponsor's name) Card Number: 44**********xxxx visa has disabled this card number, but still...
Card Cvv: *** Card Exp Date: xx/xx
Please do write me upon reception and you are also required to get back to me with the slip confirmation of the charges for my perusal and documentation.
Warmest Regards
Robert Belilaqua
As soon as i got this card number, i called visa security. They informed me that the card number was registered to a man who lives in alabama and that this was definately a scam. They thanked me for informing them and shut that card number down immediately. Still, i kept playing along.
My response:
Hi Robert.
I processed your payment today in increments of $1000 right up to $9888 ($3600 for private lessons, $6000 for your travel expenses and $288 in credit card charges) Everything went through no problems and I have one of my instructors lined up to teach you and your brother when you arrive.
She feels that mornings would work best.
We await your arrival.
This line was total BS. After talking with Visa security i was totally pissed off. Since i know that they can no longer use that card number, i thought i would have some fun.
His response:
Thanks for your email,
You are required to get back to me with the slip confirmation of the charges for our perusal and office documentation. Be so kind to inform me when the fund would be posted in your account so that we can proceed with other arrangements as i want every arrangement to be finalized and secured on time.
Warmest Regards
Robert Belilaqua
My response:
Hi Robert.
No worries. I checked my account this morning and the money was deposited in there.
The slip confirmation # 0000460980871 - made this number up
I can provide you with a copy when you arrive.
When do you plan on arriving?
Looking forward to meeting you.
His response:
Hello Dusty,
Thanks for your email update,
Am making available our logistic consultant account details to enable you transfer the balance of $6,000.00 to them so that they can proceed in rendering their services to us.
Here is their account details,
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 06182-003-4511630
You are required to get back to me with the scan copy of the transfer slip for our perusal and office documentation and also to forward to the logistic consultant to enable them commence with their services to us since they render prepaid services.
In regards to our arrival date, Our Vacation will starts on the 25th of October and will we'll leave on the 24th of December (Christmas
Kind Regards
Robert Belilaqua
As soon as i got this info, i called royal Bank, which happens to be my bank and i talked to their security people. They said that this sort of thing happens on a regular basis. The owner of the account listed above is non existent and they doubt that much will come of it, but they would forward all info to the FBI, RCMP and Interpol.
my response:
Hi Robert.
> I'm confused. Wouldn't it just be easier to write you a cheque? I can transfer the money if you would like but I would much rather write a cheque.
> I made an error on the credit card transaction fee. I thought it was 3 percent but it was 3.5. I tried running through another $48 through on your card but it looks like it was maxed out.
> Before I can transfer the money I need to recover the final $48. I have an account set up through paypal.
> If you can send me that money into my paypal account, I will get the money transfered over for you tomorrow morning.
> My paypal account is my email address:
> ********
> Thanks,
> Dusty
Now i am playing with him. I wanted to see if they would deposit this money into my paypal account. i was able to use this tactic to keep him going for a while and really tick him off..
His response:
Hello Dusty,
You are right, please instead of waiting, deduct the $48 from the agent's money and send him the balance of $5952. I will ask my bank to activate the card so that charges can be processed on it by next week.
Until then please wire the balance to the agent's account details provided and get back to me with the scan copy of the transfer slip for my perusal and office documentation and also to forward to the logistic consultant to enable them commence with their services as we dont have too many time left.
Expecting to hear from you.
Robert Belilaqua
i ignored him. he thinks i have his money.
Hello Dusty,
Thanks for your email,
I would have transferred the balance of $48.00 to you as you requested through your paypal account but unfortunately i don't have account with paypal to make the said transfer. Yes i have called our bank and they said that they are doing upgrade in their system database that is the reason why you were unable to process the balance of $48.00.
Considering the nearness of time, it become so imperative that you should proceed to send the balance to the agent to enhance immediate commencement of their services to us which more or less is a matter of compulsion in as much as our arrival and booking in your facility is concern.
You are required to deduct $48.00 and send the balance to the consultant bank account details provided to you base on our authorization.
You are required to get back to me with the scan copy of the transfer slip so documentation purpose.
Thanks for your anticipated assistance.
Robert Belilaqua
still ignoring.
Hey Dusty,
You must be crazy, don't you know that what you are holding is someones money and this money is mapped out for a purpose and the purpose have not been achieved. I give you 48 hours to have the money sent to the logistic consultant or you have FBI knocked at your door.
How can you be giving me instruction on my money, don't you think that you are going beyond your reach?
Obviously your action does not portray professionalism in business as you are trying to go contrary to the ethic governing our contract.
your action is tantamount to criminal breach of contract and you know what it entails.
Unhappy Robert Belilaqua
Now that he is starting to get a little ticked off at me, i thought i would finally let him know that i always knew. here is his last email and then my response to it:
Hey Dusty,
You thought that you are smart,This time around you have failed. I have just called our bank and instructed them to block my account to avoid further charges from the credit card account and my instruction have been implemented. I have contacted my lawyer and will take a legal action at the expiration of 48 hours if you fail to adhere to my instruction.
Hi Robert.
Gee, I thought I was smart.
Like the day you sent me 'your' credit card number and I called visa because I knew it wasn't. They confirmed that it was a person in Alabama who owned that card, not you. And if you want to pretend you are from Bristol and are working on a manuscript, you might want to improve your english. It is atrocious!
I never ran the card through for $10000
Visa told me they would disable that card number immediately so no scumbags such as yourself can scam poor unsuspecting people again..
Speaking of the FBI, I forwarded all of these emails to Royal Bank security as soon as you gave me the account information. They informed me that they have forwarded all the information to the rcmp, Interpol and the FBI.
So hopefully, you should be hearing a knock on your door anytime soon.
Get a life loser. I hope that I have saved at least one person from getting scammed and I hope that you and everyone around you that is important to you suffer immensely!
Here is his response. Its funny how they justify ripping someone off because of their situation.
Oh Dusty, you have realy done a nice job protecting ( as you said) someone in Alabama but you have not cared to know if this person in Bristol is dying or not. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU HAVE 3 DEGRESS AND STILL HAVE NO PLACE TO WORK AND NO ALLOWANCE? You might not want to know how it feels to feel when your colour has become an accursed thing to you anywhere you go in the land of the WHITES. The QUABECS of Canada knew what I am saying and the MAN IN ALABAMA would have been feeling the same way too if not that the likes of MARTIN LUTHER KING JR and ROSA PARK gave their life to salvage the scourge bedeviling the BLACK man. YOU CANNOT CLEAN THE PIG BY TAKING HIM TO THE BATHROOM AND LEAVING HIM TO GO BACK TO THE DIRT, TAKE HIM AWAY FROM THR DIRT AND YOU MUST HAVE SAVED A SOUL. Melancholies like us have no business with the dark corners of the law but when you fall knowing you have no one to catch you fall, you fall on anything close by. You cannot tell how it feels to feel like ME because you are positioned to see the bright side of life unconditionally but remember, the rich needs the poor to enjoy his riches. I HAVE NOT SEEN THAT SENSE IN COMMON SENSE but time tells when the breadfruit shall fall. ALL THINGS WORKS TOGETHER FOR GOOD....................(That is what the Holy Bible says).
I hope you can see what society can do to an innocent soul?
i really hope that by posting this, i am able to prevent at least one person from getting ripped off.
Dusty, kj
Below is each email correspndance in its entirety as well as my thoughts. All i hope is that i was able to save one person from being scammed by these scumbags.
The originating email:
I will be in your area for 8 weeks vacation with my younger brother, Samuel. I am 27 and he, 21 and we will love to have a PRIVATE martial arts training during our stay as part of activities lined for the vacation. We have no prior knowledge of martial arts thus we are freshers. We are not training to fight but to exercise, learn the art of self defence, self confidence, keep feat and to also have at least a little knowledge of the martial art skill.
Can your program, schedule and packages accommodate us and meet our needs? Please do get back to me with availability and the total cost of training under you for 4hrs, 4 times a week for the 2 months. And what is your mode of payment (do you have facility for receiving credit card payment)? Please provide us with every information necessary for us to achieve our goal. Our Vacation starts on the 25th of October and will we'll leave on the 24th of December (Christmas eve). Your professional advise as regards how best to fashion the lesson on daily basis is welcomed.
Expecting your reply.
Kind Regards
Robert Belilaqua
My response:
Hi there.
Thanks for taking the time to inquire into our school. We would love to host you. We do have private lessons, but I must warn you they are rather expensive. Are you looking at 4 hours per day, or 4 hours per week?
At this point i had no idea it was a scam. I have had people from other countries drop by for a few weeks of training before.
His response:
Please let me know the cost per hr, then I can decided how many classes we can afford since it is too expensive.
My response:
On 04/10/2009, Dusty Miner ******** wrote:
Hi There.
Private lessons are $50 per hour per person.
You may want to consider a group training lesson instead.
The cost for the two of you to train in group classes for two months would be around $485 and that would get you access to 13 classes per week.
His response:
Hi Dusty,
Your suggestion of a group training lesson for the both of us is nice but that will not afford me the opportunity to have enough time for the manuscript I am coming over to finish. Samuel can can be coming for the group if he wishes but that will not work with me. So what will happen is that you'll take us on a one and half hour private class per day for 3 times weekly for the 8 weeks. Will you be free to take us during the morning time or....? Please let me have you time schedule, this will go a long way to help plan the time I will allocate to my manuscript. Based on your quotation of $50 per person per hr, it will then cost $3600 for the one and half class, three time every week for the 8 weeks. Is this calculation right? Please let me know. And what is your mode of payment?
Expecting your reply.
At this point i was still being scammed as although i found it kind of odd, some people do have that kind of money to through around. I was starting to get a little suspicious, but still not full comprehending what was going on.
My response:
On 05/10/2009, Dusty Miner ****** wrote:
> Your calculations are correct. We accept every method of payment except American express. Credit card, debit card, cash and cheque all apply.
I will check with my instructors tomorrow and see what times they have available in the mornings and get back to you.
I talked it over with my instructors and i had one that was free in the mornings to accomodate them. Still oblivious at this point. Just a weird feeling.
His response:
From: Robert Belilaqua <robertlaqua@googlemail.com>
> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 01:02:14
> To: Dusty Miner<*****>
> Subject: Proceed
Hello Dusty,
Please when will you be on seat to take my card details for the payment? Meanwhile, I will require you to process an extra charge of $6000 for my travel/logistc agent from the card. This is because I wouldn't want the card to be processed at multiple points for security reasons. This then means that you are processing your $3600 and his $6000.
Get back to me with your confirmation and when you will be on seat so that I can send across the carde details. I will as well need your phone number so I can contact you if need be
NB: This is a request please
now my internal alarm is going off like crazy. Seeing the additional $6000 charge woke me up and made me realize what was going on. Plus i was now seeing the little things that were slipping by, like the atrocious english, spelling mistakes, etc. So i wanted to see where it was going, so i still played along.
My response:
On 08/10/2009,***** wrote:
I am ready to go when you are.
Phone number is *****
Due to the large amount, we have to charge a surcharge of 3 percent as our credit card processor charges us.
Please send your credit card number.
I put the 3% surcharge in there for a reason which will become more obvious in a few emails.
His response:
Hello Dusty,
Here is the credit card details as required so you can process both charges. You are required to process in bit until you charge the total sum needed for both payments.
Card Type: Visa
Name on Card: Alexander V (Sponsor's name) Card Number: 44**********xxxx visa has disabled this card number, but still...

Please do write me upon reception and you are also required to get back to me with the slip confirmation of the charges for my perusal and documentation.
Warmest Regards
Robert Belilaqua
As soon as i got this card number, i called visa security. They informed me that the card number was registered to a man who lives in alabama and that this was definately a scam. They thanked me for informing them and shut that card number down immediately. Still, i kept playing along.

My response:
Hi Robert.
I processed your payment today in increments of $1000 right up to $9888 ($3600 for private lessons, $6000 for your travel expenses and $288 in credit card charges) Everything went through no problems and I have one of my instructors lined up to teach you and your brother when you arrive.
She feels that mornings would work best.
We await your arrival.
This line was total BS. After talking with Visa security i was totally pissed off. Since i know that they can no longer use that card number, i thought i would have some fun.

His response:
Thanks for your email,
You are required to get back to me with the slip confirmation of the charges for our perusal and office documentation. Be so kind to inform me when the fund would be posted in your account so that we can proceed with other arrangements as i want every arrangement to be finalized and secured on time.
Warmest Regards
Robert Belilaqua
My response:
Hi Robert.
No worries. I checked my account this morning and the money was deposited in there.
The slip confirmation # 0000460980871 - made this number up
I can provide you with a copy when you arrive.
When do you plan on arriving?
Looking forward to meeting you.
His response:
Hello Dusty,
Thanks for your email update,
Am making available our logistic consultant account details to enable you transfer the balance of $6,000.00 to them so that they can proceed in rendering their services to us.
Here is their account details,
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 06182-003-4511630
You are required to get back to me with the scan copy of the transfer slip for our perusal and office documentation and also to forward to the logistic consultant to enable them commence with their services to us since they render prepaid services.
In regards to our arrival date, Our Vacation will starts on the 25th of October and will we'll leave on the 24th of December (Christmas
Kind Regards
Robert Belilaqua
As soon as i got this info, i called royal Bank, which happens to be my bank and i talked to their security people. They said that this sort of thing happens on a regular basis. The owner of the account listed above is non existent and they doubt that much will come of it, but they would forward all info to the FBI, RCMP and Interpol.
my response:
Hi Robert.
> I'm confused. Wouldn't it just be easier to write you a cheque? I can transfer the money if you would like but I would much rather write a cheque.
> I made an error on the credit card transaction fee. I thought it was 3 percent but it was 3.5. I tried running through another $48 through on your card but it looks like it was maxed out.
> Before I can transfer the money I need to recover the final $48. I have an account set up through paypal.
> If you can send me that money into my paypal account, I will get the money transfered over for you tomorrow morning.
> My paypal account is my email address:
> ********
> Thanks,
> Dusty
Now i am playing with him. I wanted to see if they would deposit this money into my paypal account. i was able to use this tactic to keep him going for a while and really tick him off..

His response:
Hello Dusty,
You are right, please instead of waiting, deduct the $48 from the agent's money and send him the balance of $5952. I will ask my bank to activate the card so that charges can be processed on it by next week.
Until then please wire the balance to the agent's account details provided and get back to me with the scan copy of the transfer slip for my perusal and office documentation and also to forward to the logistic consultant to enable them commence with their services as we dont have too many time left.
Expecting to hear from you.
Robert Belilaqua
i ignored him. he thinks i have his money.
Hello Dusty,
Thanks for your email,
I would have transferred the balance of $48.00 to you as you requested through your paypal account but unfortunately i don't have account with paypal to make the said transfer. Yes i have called our bank and they said that they are doing upgrade in their system database that is the reason why you were unable to process the balance of $48.00.
Considering the nearness of time, it become so imperative that you should proceed to send the balance to the agent to enhance immediate commencement of their services to us which more or less is a matter of compulsion in as much as our arrival and booking in your facility is concern.
You are required to deduct $48.00 and send the balance to the consultant bank account details provided to you base on our authorization.
You are required to get back to me with the scan copy of the transfer slip so documentation purpose.
Thanks for your anticipated assistance.
Robert Belilaqua
still ignoring.

Hey Dusty,
You must be crazy, don't you know that what you are holding is someones money and this money is mapped out for a purpose and the purpose have not been achieved. I give you 48 hours to have the money sent to the logistic consultant or you have FBI knocked at your door.
How can you be giving me instruction on my money, don't you think that you are going beyond your reach?
Obviously your action does not portray professionalism in business as you are trying to go contrary to the ethic governing our contract.
your action is tantamount to criminal breach of contract and you know what it entails.
Unhappy Robert Belilaqua
Now that he is starting to get a little ticked off at me, i thought i would finally let him know that i always knew. here is his last email and then my response to it:
Hey Dusty,
You thought that you are smart,This time around you have failed. I have just called our bank and instructed them to block my account to avoid further charges from the credit card account and my instruction have been implemented. I have contacted my lawyer and will take a legal action at the expiration of 48 hours if you fail to adhere to my instruction.
Hi Robert.
Gee, I thought I was smart.
Like the day you sent me 'your' credit card number and I called visa because I knew it wasn't. They confirmed that it was a person in Alabama who owned that card, not you. And if you want to pretend you are from Bristol and are working on a manuscript, you might want to improve your english. It is atrocious!
I never ran the card through for $10000
Visa told me they would disable that card number immediately so no scumbags such as yourself can scam poor unsuspecting people again..
Speaking of the FBI, I forwarded all of these emails to Royal Bank security as soon as you gave me the account information. They informed me that they have forwarded all the information to the rcmp, Interpol and the FBI.
So hopefully, you should be hearing a knock on your door anytime soon.
Get a life loser. I hope that I have saved at least one person from getting scammed and I hope that you and everyone around you that is important to you suffer immensely!
Here is his response. Its funny how they justify ripping someone off because of their situation.
Oh Dusty, you have realy done a nice job protecting ( as you said) someone in Alabama but you have not cared to know if this person in Bristol is dying or not. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU HAVE 3 DEGRESS AND STILL HAVE NO PLACE TO WORK AND NO ALLOWANCE? You might not want to know how it feels to feel when your colour has become an accursed thing to you anywhere you go in the land of the WHITES. The QUABECS of Canada knew what I am saying and the MAN IN ALABAMA would have been feeling the same way too if not that the likes of MARTIN LUTHER KING JR and ROSA PARK gave their life to salvage the scourge bedeviling the BLACK man. YOU CANNOT CLEAN THE PIG BY TAKING HIM TO THE BATHROOM AND LEAVING HIM TO GO BACK TO THE DIRT, TAKE HIM AWAY FROM THR DIRT AND YOU MUST HAVE SAVED A SOUL. Melancholies like us have no business with the dark corners of the law but when you fall knowing you have no one to catch you fall, you fall on anything close by. You cannot tell how it feels to feel like ME because you are positioned to see the bright side of life unconditionally but remember, the rich needs the poor to enjoy his riches. I HAVE NOT SEEN THAT SENSE IN COMMON SENSE but time tells when the breadfruit shall fall. ALL THINGS WORKS TOGETHER FOR GOOD....................(That is what the Holy Bible says).
I hope you can see what society can do to an innocent soul?
i really hope that by posting this, i am able to prevent at least one person from getting ripped off.
Dusty, kj
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