Martial Arts GI's

So how much should I spen on next GI? $50, $100, $150or over $200? The prices seem to be all over the place.
You are putting way more thought than you need to into this. The gi is one of the least important parts of training, beyond making sure you get a thick gi if grappling. Very little people care what you wear, or will even recognize a gi brand in a dojo.
My class generally consists of about 8 black belts, 2 brown belts and me. Both instructors and about 6 black belts wear Shureido GIs. two Ronin and various other brands. I could probably afford a Shureido without to much discomfort, but don't want to do anything silly or inapprioate. I am old and it is my intent to do this until I am unable to because of health issues. I am probably the oldest student by 20 years, maybe more.


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So how much should I spen on next GI? $50, $100, $150or over $200? The prices seem to be all over the place.
Respectfully, given your age (no offense intended, I am not all that far away) and level of experience, I would stay in the lower spectrum until you know you are going to stay with it for a long haul.
yeah, I am progressing very slowly. My memory isn't what it used to be. But, I am Benefiting in my balance and flexability have been improving. Quality of life physically is why I started this. and it seems to be working even though I am still a white belt in a sea of dark colors. LOL.

BTW no offense taken, just a fact of old age. many of the people I grew up with are no longer around. So I am grateful for what I have.