Man Honored For Stopping Attack


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Jun 21, 2003
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When Michael Levesque ran to help a screaming woman being stabbed on an Emmett Street sidewalk, he took a knife wound to the face and a hit that caused a concussion.

He says he'd do the same thing again.

"I don't see how people can live with themselves if they don't' stand up for other people," Levesque said, "and this woman is making it, her kids still have their mother. That makes me proud."

I saw this in todays paper. The first thing that came to my mind was, "The guy certainly is a hero and was damn brave for doing what he did." but the other part of me was thinking that his actions could have led to his death, as he took some pretty bad hits from the badguy.

Anyways, just thought I'd put this out for discussion.
No contradiction there. Heroes by definition put themselves at risk for others' sake. I think it's good to know they exist here and there.
Don`t know for sure I could do what he did if it came down to it. Hope I never have to find out. But I sure hope I could.
They walk among us. Could be you, could be me, don't know until it happens. With all the negativity in the news lately, it is good to hear that when called upon, some of us will step up and get involved.
They walk among us. Could be you, could be me, don't know until it happens. With all the negativity in the news lately, it is good to hear that when called upon, some of us will step up and get involved.

I agree. You don't know until it happens. I think in that situation, people who take action are not thinking of consequences, they're just thinking they have to stop it somehow.
Great read, the man is certainly a hero. I wonder if his wounds would be different/non-existent had he been through some-sort of self-defense training?,0,4862261.story

I saw this in todays paper. The first thing that came to my mind was, "The guy certainly is a hero and was damn brave for doing what he did." but the other part of me was thinking that his actions could have led to his death, as he took some pretty bad hits from the badguy.

Anyways, just thought I'd put this out for discussion.

Sometimes you have to be a man and plant your flag in a dangerous place.

And of course his actions were dangerous.....that's why they were 'courageous'.......if it was safe and easy everyone would do it.
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

by John Donne

And today we hear of another man who rushed to aid upon hearing a scream.

Steven Zernhelt in Northampton Pennsylvania upon hearing a neighbor scream ran to assist. The woman's ex-boyfriend, Michael Eric Ballard, who had just killed 39-year-old Denise Merhi, her father and her grandfather, stabbed Mr. Zernhelt as he got through the front door of the woman’s house. He died at the scene.

You never know when you take action what will happen, but we do know if you don't take action you will question yourself every day.

And we all know that bell that tolls, will someday toll for us, the only question is, what did we do in our life? Did we make a difference.

Great read, the man is certainly a hero. I wonder if his wounds would be different/non-existent had he been through some-sort of self-defense training?

I'd like to think so. :) Still could've turned ugly, but as I always say, while our training doesnt make us supermen, it should give us an edge. I'd like to think that had he had some quality training, he may've come out of this unhurt. :)
After seeing that clip of a man stabbed and left to die on the sidewalk - after coming to the aid of someone getting mugged - and then passed by a whole bunch of pedestrians, some of whom even took pictures, it really is nice to see heroism still in action.

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