Malibu Dictator


Brown Belt
Jun 30, 2002
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well, it ain't Mel Gibson-- it's a real one-- Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue and he's enjoying LA life while he waits to for his dad, the current dictator in chief of equitorial guinea to croak. ain't it strange that this is considered one of the most oppressive anti-democratic and corrupt countries in the world-- yet condi rice has no problem welcoming her good friend papa teodoro to washington as she did in 2006.
The US in general, and the detestable Republicans in particular, have always been friendly with the worst sort of dictators. The more corrupt and authoritarian they are, the easier they are to bribe and the more likely they are to keep down pesky things like labor unions and dissident political parties. This doesn't surprise me in the least.
The US in general, and the detestable Republicans in particular, have always been friendly with the worst sort of dictators. The more corrupt and authoritarian they are, the easier they are to bribe and the more likely they are to keep down pesky things like labor unions and dissident political parties. This doesn't surprise me in the least.

the US in general includes democrats-- don't think you've heard a peep from them on equitorial guinea... this is another OIL thing. and everyone wants the Oil to flow....

but our reliance on it has gotten so bad that even George W. started talking like some hippie liberal in his state of the union speech.

ain't that a hoot.

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