Male Lawyer Wants His Big Floppy Bonnet Or Else

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Mr Rava being a jackass makes discrimination based on gender OK?
"Personally, I find Mr. Rava as odorous as a bag of dyspeptic hamsters."

I love a good insult,that's an imaginative sentence!

It sounds as if the discrimination law needs to be tweaked a bit to allow for gender specific things like this, our law allows this sort of discrimination because as the rest of the article shows by no men phoning in, common sense has to rule.
Whilst I do agree that there is a lot of subliminal anti-male discrimination that goes on, I hardly think that this was a point worth making a stand on. This is the part I agreed with the most, assuming the hamster wins:

"The entire settlement should be donated to the Breast Care Center at UCSF,"
Discrimination should be against the law...
So should be bitching about it.

Makes me sick now a days everyone screaming discrimination against everything and everyone.

Watching a 23 minute anti-harassment/discrimination video at work had me thinking that you'd be better off not saying ANYTHING to ANYONE.

It's gotten nucking futs is what it is gotten down to.
Watching a 23 minute anti-harassment/discrimination video at work had me thinking that you'd be better off not saying ANYTHING to ANYONE.

I have to agree with you there. I worked with a guy in Milwaukee, I didn't know him personally but he worked on my floor, and he had a physical problem with his eyes, they looked like they were popping out, it was quite startling to see, but it was the natural way his eyes were. A woman we both worked with complained that when he looked at her, it made her feel uncomfortable and filed a sexual harassment complaint. He was reprimanded but not fired. The rest of the time I worked there, he never looked anywhere but the floor again. He would not look anyone in the face. You'd talk to him and he'd just stare at the floor when he answered you.
Watching a 23 minute anti-harassment/discrimination video at work had me thinking that you'd be better off not saying ANYTHING to ANYONE.

Unless you're Tom Brady. Remember, be handsome, be attractive, don't be unattractive. I wonder how different it would have been for the guy from Milwaukee in Bill's post if he were Tom Brady?

To the point of discrimination, there is a manufacturing plant in my area that banned the wearing of shorts in the plant, but not skirts. In the summer, to stay cool, several of the men started wearing skirts for comfort and as a protest to the no shorts rule. It made the news, but I don't know if the dress code ever changed.
I guess I'm a little unclear about something. How is it discrimination to give women free mammograms and a stupid hat as part of a promotion for, you know, Mother's Day?


To the point of discrimination, there is a manufacturing plant in my area that banned the wearing of shorts in the plant, but not skirts. In the summer, to stay cool, several of the men started wearing skirts for comfort and as a protest to the no shorts rule. It made the news, but I don't know if the dress code ever changed.

There was a case in my area several years ago about a fundamentalist assembly line worker who insisted on wearing a skirt. She flouted the pants-only rule on religious grounds, but the factory won out on safety.

As a person with a disability, there have been a few times I've felt honor-bound to sue for discrimination. The boss who greeted me on my first shift with "we don't hire people with disabilities!!" comes to mind ... Since my disability is mental and therefore irrelevant I seldom get anywhere. The one time I won I turned right around and gave it to an advocacy group. Traditionally, that's the way these things are supposed to be done.

In general I'm all for reverse-discrimination suits, because the point needs to be made that civil rights laws apply to everyone. If he'd done it once or twice for small settlements I'd applaud him. But making a career out of it? Feh. He just reflects poorly on those of us with real problems and makes our struggles for equality that much harder.
The lawyer is a weasel who just wants his dime and 10 minutes of press.

But there is one point worth noting: the article suggested rather mockingly that he should have also wanted his mammogram certificate. Actually -- that's a good idea. Men CAN and DO get breast cancer; someone my wife knew died of it. In men, it's seldom caught until much too late because there is so little awareness.
Male breast cancer - - Sen. Brooke advocates male breast cancer awareness - Male Breast Cancer Often Misdiagnosed - Health News ...

Breast Cancer Home Page - National Cancer Institute
Aye, that's true.

I have had a isolated and benign tumor/lump in my left pectoral since I was a late 'teen. It's never spread and never changed but it so easily could have been otherwise.

Cancer is a serious business that plays no favourites and will get any of us it can - which is why I said above that if the 'hamster' wins the case then all the money should go to cancer research/care.
250 years ago a duel would have made this little situation go away right quickly. Can we send this nobb back in time?

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