Looking for a new school in Astoria


White Belt
Sep 25, 2006
Reaction score
I haven't trained in a while and I am looking for a new school in Astoria, NY. I am looking for a "Real" school not a school that teaches you how to dance. I would prefer a no kata system that trains in real fighting. I don't want a school to make me feel good about myself. I have trained in the past with some very serious masters and I want to continue in that method. I am nearing 50 years old so I am not as flexible as I was in my youth but I still want a real fighting school. Any suggestions? Thanks.
First, I am 50, been training for a long time, and still very flexible, just now need help up after doing a split and no more flips unless I am near death...LOL!!! As one of my 3 masters says now, "wait till they land, then jing them!" Also, I lived in Astoria Queens for 7 years in the 80s and early 90s while working up there from Texas. Lived about 3 blocks from Steinway and 4 blocks from the R train at the time. Miss those days in some ways!! I know of a few schools in Manhattan and in Brooklyn that fill your bill, but unfortunately none in the Chinese tradition in Astoria. My fellow eagle claw people, can you help this guy?
I guess they can't, but thanks for trying.