Recommended Reading!

I really enjoy Judo unleashed I think it one of the most well done martial arts book I have seen.

I like Liang zhen pu 8 diagram palm:by Li Zi Ming it is a very good book for those practicing this style but also has the songs of Bagua palms.

Bagua you shen zhang:by Wang Shu Jin. The basis of my style of Bagua.

I am waiting for Kent Howard's book on Wang shu jin as well.

The Tai chi classics is a great book.

This is Aikido by Koichi Tohei an expensive book but very good details of techiques.

Chinese fast wrestling:by Liang shou yu awesome book.

Thats all the martial art books I can think off the top of my head.
The Gift Of Fear -Gavin De Becker and Associates...
Tao of Jeet Kune Do
Zen in The Martial Arts
A Fighters Heart
American Shaolin
The Secret Power Within (Chuck Norris)
For TKD and Karate Bunkaie
The Taeguk Cipher - Simon O'Neil (KKW forms)
Chang Hon Hae Sul - Stuart Anslow (Chang Hon forms)
Bunkai Jutsu - Ian Abernathy (Karate forms)

For general reading:
Zen in the Martial Arts
Autumn Lightning

For conditioning:
Underground Secrets to Warrior fitness - ross enamait
Starting Strength

- Xing Yi Nei Gong: Xing Yi Health Maintenance and Internal Strength Development by Dan Miller and Tim Cartmell

- Di Guoyong on Xingyiquan Vol.1: Five Element Foundation

- Li Tianji's The Skill of Xingyiquan

- Zen in the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams

- The Essence and Applications of Taijiquan by Yang Chengfu

- Taijiquan Laojia, sword and Broadsword by Chen Zhenglei

- Tai Chi Secrets of Yang Style by Yang Jwing Ming

- The Red book by Tung Ying Chieh (but the english translation is not good)

- Chi Kung: Way of Power by Kam Chuen Lam

- Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

- Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu)

- Kung Fuzi (Confucius)
Two I'd recommend:

On Killing by David Grossman.
Meditations on Violence by Rory Miller.
Well, since Dr. Yang is my grandmaster in southern white crane an Yang tai chi, I would recommend alot of his books, especially discussions on fa jing, candle punching, and different forms of qi gong. Also, the I ching (book of change), Yang Tai Chi Classics by Yang Cheng Fu, the Art of War by Sun Tzu (still the best book going on fighting strategy), the Book of Five Rings by Musashi (I know, I am all kung fu/tai chi, but reading the approach to the sword and fighting by the greatest Japanese swordsman, and especially his 21 ways of going at it alone, are priceless), Kung Fu Elements by Liang Shou Yu (Dr. Yang and Jeff Bolt love him!), Teachings of Buddha (from a peaceful and relaxation aspect, can do nothing but help one's internal practice), Ying Jow Pai Eagle claw (the second book with the first 26 locks) by Leung Shum as well as his book on Wu style tai chi (I never learned Wu from him, only Yang from Jeff and Dr. Yang), and the History of Chinese Martial Arts. These are ones I would start off with, and yes in a few cases I am biased toward my teachers' books....LOL!! Maybe for publicizing, I can get another lesson in having my butt kicked, or learning how to relax when they tell me to relax, which after all of these years only makes me tense!!!
Oh, one more: The Zen of Winnie the Pooh....I am not kidding!
Excellent thread topic!

I have read Gift of Fear and Book of Five Rings, so I will second those.

There's not a lot out there on Krav Maga but my school's official "manual" is Complete Krav Maga by Darren Levine and John Whitman. It's the best out there among the few I've scanned at Barnes and Noble, going through techniques with good, clear photos and instructions.

Now I wonder if anybody could recommend a good general book on history of Japanese martial arts? We already have some nice books on arms and armor, but I am looking for something more about the broad history of the warrior class(es) of Japan.
Girl Bug, I do not remember the name of it, but in the 60s or 70s, a Japanese arts master named Don Draeger (he doubled for Sean Connery in his Bond movies most of the time, and taught Roger Moore for some of his), wrote a very nice book on the subject. Since I am not a Japanese arts practitioner, maybe someone else here can help!! Sorry Girl Bug!
Oh, stupid me Girl Bug! There was a great book written by Mas Oyama years ago on the art, plus of course the Aikido book made famous by the founding master, Uyeshiba (I know I misspelled this, and I apologize, but I am sure all know who I am speaking about), and some others. Again, look up these guys on Google, and they will provide the book names.
Girl Bug, one more suggestion for your track: back in the 80s, there was a great mini series based upon the book by James Clavell, called Shogun! with Richard Chamberlain and Toshiro Mifune as the Japanese star. Though sometimes a little ribald and over the top, it was a great mini series about that age in Japanese warlord periods.
A few books I enjoy from the many I own.

The Essence of Shaolin White Crane. Dr. Yang,Jwing-Ming
The Principles of Effortless Power. Peter Ralston
Okinawan Karate, The Secret Art of Tuite. Javier Martinez
The Inner Structure of Tai Chi, Tai Chi Chi Kung1. Mantak Chia & Juan Li
Three more that I would highly recommend to all Martial Artists

1) The way of Kung Fu by Adam Hsu

2) The Making of a Butterfly by Phillip Starr

3) Let Every Breath – Vladimir Vasiliev
However with this one I would also highly recommend the companion DVD
Now I wonder if anybody could recommend a good general book on history of Japanese martial arts? We already have some nice books on arms and armor, but I am looking for something more about the broad history of the warrior class(es) of Japan.

For Japanese arts, I'd recommend Classical Fighting Arts of Japan: A Complete Guide to Koryu Jujutsu by Serge Mol and most books by Dave Lowry.

As for general interest martial arts books, I'm kind of fond of my own.;)
Now I wonder if anybody could recommend a good general book on history of Japanese martial arts? We already have some nice books on arms and armor, but I am looking for something more about the broad history of the warrior class(es) of Japan.

Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts (Bushido--The Way of the Warrior) by Donn F. Draeger
Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts (Bushido--The Way of the Warrior) by Donn F. Draeger

Absolutely a great book!

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