la canne de combat demonstration

la canne is one of the prettiest MAs in my opinion, although the big arm movements are very counter intuitive to me. here's a really cool demo put on at a savate school somewhere:


I see alot of horrible ideas tossed in with some fun to watch stickwork, and a few good applications, and ideas.

If you want to be a demo type art this looks fun, if you want to have a realistic self defense then I hope there is alot more to this then what the video shows...

Interesting for sure. but meh... Thanks for the vid though.
I see alot of horrible ideas tossed in with some fun to watch stickwork, and a few good applications, and ideas.

If you want to be a demo type art this looks fun, if you want to have a realistic self defense then I hope there is alot more to this then what the video shows...

Interesting for sure. but meh... Thanks for the vid though.

i'm not an expert on la canne, but from what i understand la canne de combat (the one in the demo) is the sport version of the art. here's a match :

then there is the vigny method of la canne, which is more self defense oriented:

here's another self defense oriented clip, which focuses on the hooked cane:

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i'm not an expert on la canne, but from what i understand la canne de combat (the one in the demo) is the sport version of the art.
That is correct. La canne de combat is Sport and has specific requirements intended (depending on who you ask) to make the stick play more interesting to watch and easier to see coming. It emphasizes full round blows and in specific movements and styles.

La canne de armes is considered the "Self Defense" version (again, depending on whom you ask). There are several variants of it, but it's far more rare to find than the sport. While it ain't dead by any means, it's just harder to find. Craig Geminer is THE go-to-guy for Vigny style la canne but there are any number of us studying the style, which has been enjoying something of a renaissance, largely because of the reintroduction of the Bartitsu methods by the Bartitsu Society.

There are some other lineages of canne de armes, such as danse de la rue and the like, but I'm really not familiar with them. If you're in France you've probably got a better chance of finding non-Vigny based canne de armes. YMMV.

Peace favor your sword,
as near as i can tell, style counts for almost as much as actually hitting your opponent. here's another clip highlighting la canne "tricks":

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