Kung Fu San Soo


Green Belt
Founding Member
Aug 28, 2001
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Looking for information from anyone who has trained in this style. I have an opportunity to train with an instructor who learned directly from Jimmy Woo Sifu.
Pros/cons welcome as i am not familiar with this particular art, however from what i can tell from the the various web sites, it kinda looks like Kenpo.

thanks in advance
Originally posted by Toasty
Looking for information from anyone who has trained in this style. I have an opportunity to train with an instructor who learned directly from Jimmy Woo Sifu.

Mr. Woo (d. 1991) was certainly well known. I never met him but did see Ron Van Browning in motion at an arnis camp. He's something to see--he hits fast and hard. (Mr. Hartman will surely remember.) The martial art of San Soo (also San Shou) is supposed to be a very effective system but I have little direct knowledge of it.
Thanks for the reply/info. Although i am pretty sure that Sanshou is completely different.

Originally posted by Toasty
i am pretty sure that Sanshou is completely different.

You are correct; I had thought they were both transliterations of the same term. (Perhaps they are and san soo is typically used in one context, san shou in the other--I don't know.) San show is a military-derived kickboxing sport.
Chin Siu Dek; aka Jimmy Woo studied San Soo at the age of 5 years old. The system is based on mental atitude for experiencing violent dangerous confrontations. San Soo is based on kicks, leverages, throws and punches. This highly fluid and dynamic system of kung fu alters it's techniques to fit each combat situation. It is very aggressively offensive in nature, in it's exhibition of ancient physical and biological principles of combative applications. Yes, it does at a glance remind one of some type of quan fa. It's method/(s) of adaptability to physical exertive motion addresses the question of creativity by it's practitioners. Yet this creativity, i feel is based on a specific set of concepts and methods which may not allow a wide degree of freedom in it's technical martial expression of physical combat. This limitation suggests that there are boundries of martial expression within the system's abilities by the practitioner to alter/adapt and or creatively join to offensively defeat violent aggressively fatal attacks! I guess you could say that San Soo could be a distant relative of the chu'an fa system. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
quote: Originally posted by theneuhauser

chinese boxing is a general term used to describe the chinese martial art style. unless you are referring specifically to san shou or san da which is chinese kickboxing (more of a sport)

I Agree with this, and I know that San Shou (Or San Shu) is, in Wushu, "the training in forms of kung fu with a partner, in which each participant trains in the Individual techniques of attack and defense". That's San Shu.
Originally posted by Chiduce

Chin Siu Dek; aka Jimmy Woo studied San Soo at the age of 5 years old. The system is based on mental atitude for experiencing violent dangerous confrontations. San Soo is based on kicks, leverages, throws and punches. This highly fluid and dynamic system of kung fu alters it's techniques to fit each combat situation. It is very aggressively offensive in nature, in it's exhibition of ancient physical and biological principles of combative applications. Yes, it does at a glance remind one of some type of quan fa. It's method/(s) of adaptability to physical exertive motion addresses the question of creativity by it's practitioners. Yet this creativity, i feel is based on a specific set of concepts and methods which may not allow a wide degree of freedom in it's technical martial expression of physical combat. This limitation suggests that there are boundries of martial expression within the system's abilities by the practitioner to alter/adapt and or creatively join to offensively defeat violent aggressively fatal attacks! I guess you could say that San Soo could be a distant relative of the chu'an fa system. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!

You need to use fewer $.50 words and get to the point. Your posting style is really confusing at the best of times, and sometimes you are flatly impossible to understand.

This particular post contradicts itself:

This highly fluid and dynamic system of kung fu alters it's techniques to fit each combat situation.

Yet this creativity, i feel is based on a specific set of concepts and methods which may not allow a wide degree of freedom in it's technical martial expression of physical combat. This limitation suggests that there are boundries of martial expression within the system's abilities by the practitioner to alter/adapt and or creatively join to offensively defeat violent aggressively fatal attacks!

So which is it? There are other things in your post that were difficult to fathom, but I'm not going to turn this into a rip session on the way you write...

Originally posted by Yiliquan1

You need to use fewer $.50 words and get to the point. Your posting style is really confusing at the best of times, and sometimes you are flatly impossible to understand.

This particular post contradicts itself:

So which is it? There are other things in your post that were difficult to fathom, but I'm not going to turn this into a rip session on the way you write...

Ok Mr. Kung Fu; You must really have a physical fitness problem. As far as grammer, i'am engineering and design educated by the military also. Now as far as your fitness problem; lets say the you can do 15 wrist push's on concrete or gravel, which i very seriously doubt; then that would mean you could just about do 40 standard front leaning rest push-ups. The point i'am making here is that you either have a pretty bad drinking problem or a bad fitness problem or a little of both. I'am not your friend nor do i know you; yet i do now your type. Trying to down someone else because of your own sad state of being. You reap what you sow. I guess a well educated kung fu and christian man like yourself already knows that. I would suggest that you really consider seeing a psycologist or even a psychiatrist. Man do you need help!

In humility...I must point out that Yiliquan1 asked you to clarify your post...in which, by the way, you DID contradict yourse4lf.

Your response was a personal attack...

So, if you would be so kind to clear up your contradiction and leave the personal stuff out, we might be able to fathom what you meant.

You said that the system alters the technique to FIT the situation and then went on to say that it may not allow for a lot of freedom in its martial expression...I'm sorry, but that's confusing...please explain.

Originally posted by Chiduce

Ok Mr. Kung Fu; You must really have a physical fitness problem. As far as grammer, i'am engineering and design educated by the military also. Now as far as your fitness problem; lets say the you can do 15 wrist push's on concrete or gravel, which i very seriously doubt; then that would mean you could just about do 40 standard front leaning rest push-ups. Where 65 -75 reps is usually the norm for a fit military man, regardless of at standard age of 25 - 45. The point i'am making here is that you either have a pretty bad drinking problem or a bad fitness problem or a little of both. I'am not your friend nor do i know you; yet i do now your type. Trying to down someone else because of your own sad state of being. Misery does seek company. You reap what you sow. I guess a well educated and skillfull kung fu and christian man like yourself already knows that. I would suggest that you really consider seeing a psycologist or even a psychiatrist. Man do you need help! Hey, i will whisper this, "i used to be a psyhcomaniac just like you". Though i admitted that i had a problem and sought help through Psychomaniacs Anonymous. PA all the way!
So, I guess this means you aren't going to clarify your point.

...and I don't see the connection between the Army's BiAnnual Physical Fitness Test, the number of pushups one can or can't do, and this topic...

You seem a bit angry...

Originally posted by chufeng


In humility...I must point out that Yiliquan1 asked you to clarify your post...in which, by the way, you DID contradict yourse4lf.

Your response was a personal attack...

So, if you would be so kind to clear up your contradiction and leave the personal stuff out, we might be able to fathom what you meant.

You said that the system alters the technique to FIT the situation and then went on to say that it may not allow for a lot of freedom in its martial expression...I'm sorry, but that's confusing...please explain.

First, he does have a problem a real problem. So much for that, yet altering the technique is typical to fit the situation. Usually this a done using a particular set of standards which are just about engraved in stone. This does not suggest unlimited freedom of martial expression. The existing standards used produce philosophical as well as theoretical limitations. Freedom of martial expression involves more than just adjusting and altering. New concepts, methods, elimination of a set body of standards, and being creative beyond limitations reflect this; yet are not limited to just the aforementioned elements. By the way; i'am a little too old to be talked at like a child. As far as, yourself you seem rather mannered and that will take you places. The other road gets you killed, either spiritually, mentally or both.
OK...we're back on track:

You said, "Freedom of martial expression involves more than just adjusting and altering. New concepts, methods, elimination of a set body of standards, and being creative beyond limitations reflect this; yet are not limited to just the aforementioned elements."

First, if one can move beyond a limit, it was never a limit...
The limitation was only a perception in the mind of the one who believed it existed.

Second, we are bound by certain laws of physics...the body can only move in so many ways...and that IS a limitation.

What "body of standards" would you eliminate?

All good points and quite provocative (and probably beyond the scope of this thread) but, I am interested to see where this will go.

Thank you for your response.

Originally posted by Chiduce

Ok Mr. Kung Fu; You must really have a physical fitness problem.

What in the hell are you talking about? Where precisely do you come by this assumption?

As far as grammer, i'am engineering and design educated by the military also.

I will revisit my opening question - What in the hell are you talking about? If by "engineering and design educated" you mean to infer you have upper level education, I submit that your English Lit profs were lacking in their duties to you... And last time I checked, the only time the military went out of their way to provide academic education was when a soldier was so low on their scores that it was in Uncle Sam's best interests to smarten up the trooper in question...

Now as far as your fitness problem; lets say the you can do 15 wrist push's on concrete or gravel, which i very seriously doubt; then that would mean you could just about do 40 standard front leaning rest push-ups.

You really amaze me at not only your assumptions, but the attempted logic behind them... You point out here -

I'am not your friend nor do i know you

- that you don't know me, yet you are making suppositions about my level of physical fitness that you couldn't substantiate in any possible manner. Since you are in such a hurry to always throw in your military background as some sort of attempt at supporting your martial arts training, when I tell you that I max my APFT in pushups and situps you will be able to construe what my level of fitness in those events is... 40 regular Army pushups is what I warm up with, thanks. ;)

The point i'am making here is that you either have a pretty bad drinking problem or a bad fitness problem or a little of both.

Once again, back to the opening question - What the hell are you talking about? Because I ask you to clarify a confusing statement, you allege that I must be out of shape and a drunkard. Sure, I can see the connection... :rolleyes:

I'am not your friend nor do i know you; yet i do now your type. Trying to down someone else because of your own sad state of being. You reap what you sow.

So I am some sort of down and out, miserable, internet aggressor because I take issue with some of your statements and take you to task to provide clarification? What is it that keeps you from writing in language that isn't chocked full of large words, things that poor, simple alcoholic dregs of humanity like myself can understand? It sounds like the kind of gibberish that people try to spill out in the laps of the ignorant in an effort to sound far more educated and knowledgeable than they really are.

I guess a well educated kung fu and christian man like yourself already knows that./
Once more unto the breech - What the hell are you talking about? Where is it you construe that I am (or am not) adhering to a particular faith? And ultimately what the hell does being of one creed or another have to do with the fact that I can't figure out a damn thing you say?

I would suggest that you really consider seeing a psycologist or even a psychiatrist. Man do you need help!

And I would suggest you buy a dictionary, thesaurus, enroll in a few English classes and learn how to use spellcheck.

Back to the topic at hand,

So much for that, yet altering the technique is typical to fit the situation. Usually this a done using a particular set of standards which are just about engraved in stone. This does not suggest unlimited freedom of martial expression. The existing standards used produce philosophical as well as theoretical limitations. Freedom of martial expression involves more than just adjusting and altering. New concepts, methods, elimination of a set body of standards, and being creative beyond limitations reflect this; yet are not limited to just the aforementioned elements.

And this was so hard to do some five posts back?

By the way; i'am a little too old to be talked at like a child.

Well, I wasn't talking at you, I was talking to you. That's a little something that back home we call grammar. Note that, unlike the very first quote I made of you at the top of this post, it is spelled with an "a" at the end, not an "e."

As far as, yourself you seem rather mannered and that will take you places. The other road gets you killed, either spiritually, mentally or both.

So what is that meant to imply, Chiduce? That somehow you are spiritually and mentally my superior? You certainly believe you are morally, ethically, educationally and martially my superior. We have had our differences, and we have had moments of agreement. I have never treated you as anything other than an equal. Get over your victim complex, and either answer questions when they are posed toward you, or don't. Your personal attacks were unwarranted.


"quote: As far as, yourself you seem rather mannered and that will take you places. The other road gets you killed, either spiritually, mentally or both."

After rereading your post, I just wanted to comment on the above.

I agree with it...but you seem to be on the"other road" with your rant against Yiliquan1...meditate on that.

Yiliquan1, I suggest a cooling off period...
Fanning this flame won't go anywhere positive...

Originally posted by chufeng


"quote: As far as, yourself you seem rather mannered and that will take you places. The other road gets you killed, either spiritually, mentally or both."

After rereading your post, I just wanted to comment on the above.

I agree with it...but you seem to be on the"other road" with your rant against Yiliquan1...meditate on that.

Yiliquan1, I suggest a cooling off period...
Fanning this flame won't go anywhere positive...

So you think. You and your friend should think about the consequences of your so-called comments; which are actually put-downs towards others! Again, "You Reap What You Sow"! Now fantom that. And by the way; a fit body leads to a fit mind, which lead the individual to creating healthy thoughts, making healthy choices, and producing healthy physical actions. Maybe that was hidden in what you called a rant? Anyway, i will not argue with you or your homey.
Sincerely, In Humility;
Originally posted by Chiduce

You and your friend should think about the consequences of your so-called comments

And what consequences would those be, pray tell? :confused:

...your so called comments which are actually put-downs towards others!

No, they aren't "so called" comments, they are comments. "So called" is used to indicate that something alleged to be one thing is in fact another. If our comments were "so called" comments, that would mean they weren't comments and were in fact something else, like hamsters...

Again, "You Reap What You Sow"! Now fantom that.

I'd love to fantom that. But first, what does "fantom" mean? Did you perhaps mean "fathom?" I suspect so. Spellcheck, spellcheck, spellcheck...

And by the way; a fit body leads to a fit mind, which lead the individual to creating healthy thoughts, making healthy choices, and producing healthy physical actions.

And so, by inference, because I called into question the contradictory statements you made regarding San Soo (a style I myself know absolutely nothing about), and criticized your writing style and grammatical errors, I must therefore be unfit mentally, spiritually and physically. That smacks of a certain degree of megalomania on your part, assuming that because we don't agree with you on something we must be after you, or somehow unhealthy in your world view.

Anyway, i will not argue with you or your homey.
Sincerely, In Humility;

Well, you are arguing. This post and your others have been argumentative and insulting. And they have lacked humility from the start.

I'm through with you, now. :shrug:
