kind of to strengthen feet


Aug 1, 2006
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Louisville, KY
Im having this problem with my feet. At first I thought it might just be cramps so I started rubbing them down, drinking more water and added more potassium to my diet...but to no avail.

I was wondering if anyone has ever had this problem and know of anyways to strengthen the feet. Thanks for the help

Is the pain kind of in the top of the foot and into the ankle sometimes? Or is it definitely a bottom of the foot and in the muscle kind of pain?

I only ask because I was having foot/ankle pain problems myself recently and I might have some suggestions for you depending on what kind of pain you are experiencing.
Part of the reason old school guys train bare foot is becasue that (combined with old school foot work) will strenghten the muscles of your feet.
also focus of siting in kneeling position sitting on ones heels without the toes propped up to stretch the instep and top of foot. then to stretch the toes in many ways. concentrating on both the line of the big toe as well as that of the small toe.
one can also cirlce ones feet around from the ankle joint while doing the regular stretching the hips or hamstrings. ultimately, it's all connected-the back the leg and feet. so the best is to try to do the stretch as correctly as possible with a straight back to even things out for flexibility and comfort, as well as to observe and understand what's going on with the body.

it's good to assess how one walks or does a particular action. at least once in a while to be more conscious of how one is walking. of course if you go to a footdoctor, they have this machine and when you stand on it like a scale, it shows you exactly how you are distributing your body weight from the soles of the feet. i have never had the chance to get checked with such a machine at any point in time, but i have heard about them.

if you are experiencing too much cramping, it may be a lack of calcium.

a very good strengthening exercise is to stand on an edge or a stair on one foot, with only the front of the foot or the toes standing on the stair. then to push oneself upward with a sortof tiptoeing motion and then release back down until heel is level or lower than the stair, at that point it sortof stretches the achiles.
hands are used just to stabalize and not lose balance. foot can also pivot side to side to some degree however, i think the line of the big toe is strongest.

Part of the reason old school guys train bare foot is becasue that (combined with old school foot work) will strenghten the muscles of your feet.

Or maybe it is an inherited tradition because the Okinawans and Japanese took their shoes off when training inside.

The Chinese don't necessarily share that tradition, nor from the drawings of the European fechtbuks neither did the Europeans.

Does it hurt more when your feet have been inactive for a long time? Like when you wake up in the morning? Is it the bottom of your feet?
the pain is in the bottom/sides of my feet, and its more of a cramp/strained muscle pain as well.

I had plantar faciitis which could be described like that. Does it feel worse after rest like overnight? Your foot has a ligament running along the bottom that can be damaged. Ligaments tighten up with inactivity and thus they can feel worse after rest.

See a doctor.

As an aside I've read that dinosaurs are usually found in a U shape. I wonder if that is due to the ligaments in their back tightening up?
I had plantar faciitis which could be described like that. Does it feel worse after rest like overnight? Your foot has a ligament running along the bottom that can be damaged. Ligaments tighten up with inactivity and thus they can feel worse after rest.

See a doctor.

As an aside I've read that dinosaurs are usually found in a U shape. I wonder if that is due to the ligaments in their back tightening up?
no, it is fine after I stop and rest for a couple of minutes. it really bothers me when in a deep horse stance, or in a normal horse stance for an extended period of time

I'm not sure why and I'm not sure what it is but it comes and goes randomly as far as I can tell as I've noticed no particular cause. Occasionally when I stand up on the balls of my feet (I'd say tiptoes but I interpret that as ballerina style, balancing on the tips of the toes) I feel something like a tearing feeling, though milder (pain) than I'd imagine a tear to be, it still feels like muscular limits when I'm normally able to stretch those muscles further than when it bothers me. It can last a couple of days or so (perhaps hours) and then is gone. It doesn't feel like a cramp or pulled muscle or any other muscle problem I remember had, just feels like "mild tearing". Out of frustration I actively cause this feeling to "get it over with". Despite my lack of caution I've never injured it as a result. Does anyone understand what I'm talking about or experienced similar? I wear a size 11.
One of my more extreem teachers had us running up the stairs with just our toes, telling us stories about masters shattering knee caps with the tip of the big toe.
One of my more extreem teachers had us running up the stairs with just our toes, telling us stories about masters shattering knee caps with the tip of the big toe.

Condition your toe kicks by kicking the bottom of the heavy bag with toes tight, focus on the big toe. Start light. I've seen toe kicks break boards back in Shorin Ryu.
Or maybe it is an inherited tradition because the Okinawans and Japanese took their shoes off when training inside.

The Chinese don't necessarily share that tradition, nor from the drawings of the European fechtbuks neither did the Europeans.


OK, let me evaluate my statement, part of the reason it is still used, especially in the west, is because of the side part about strenthening your feet.
Pardon my less informed approach. I believe in massage and stretching and have also done as you mention about pushing into the discomfort just to get it over with.
But, have you asked a professional medical person? Perhaps some blood work? Just to see if there is something identifiable?
Mine was accumulated issues over time and I actually eventually had surgery and corrected it.


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