Killing Techniques of WC

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I'm not going to talk about lethal techniques of Wing Chun because I believe it would be irresponsible , anyway anyone with half a brain and experience in Wing Chun can work out what they are anyway . Suffice to say that a lot of targets on the body struck with enough velocity , in the right way and if the recipient is extremely unlucky can result in death .

There are cases all the time of people being hit with one punch from even untrained people and they fall back and hit their head , go into a coma and die . I even read somewhere that a heel kick to the shin in extreme cases could result in death , the impact of the kick makes splinters of bone break away from the shin and get lodged in the blood vessels and this causes an arterial embolism .

Granted you would have to be very unlucky to have this happen , but it is possible . Would it stop me from low heel kicking someone with all the power I can muster , no because then it might mean I don't have to punch them in the head , which I think would be a lot more dangerous for them if they fall back and crack their head on something . The low heel kick to the shin tends to make people drop straight down which is probably better for them .

I don't think you should get into this mindset of killing techniques , I think you should have the mindset of stun and run . Do what is necessary but still humane , and get the hell out of the situation . I am poor so I can't afford a good lawyer to get me off , if I get a bit carried away .

I will tell you a story about restraint , my Sifu when he first came to Australia was at a nightclub with a friend , and he was picked on by a particularly rascist white bouncer who took exception to asians . Words were exchanged and the bouncer came in with a charging straight punch , Sifu intercepted with a counterpunch and latched the guy down into a knee strike to the guys body which actually broke bones and pentrated into his body .

Sifu said that the bouncer was very lucky because the next bit that was coming up was a Bil Gee elbow strike and side slash to the throat combination that would have killed him , but he stopped himself and the bouncer collapsed to the ground . Maybe the knee strike was viscious and put the bouncer in hospital for a while , but he could have done a lot worse to him , but he did what was needed and then didn't continue any further.
What are some of Killing or Life ending techniques you learn from your Sifu or practicing Wing Chun.
To be honest, I'm not interested in killing anybody, and I certainly wouldn't share tips on killing in a public forum.
As has already been stated, there are quite a few moves that could be construed as killing moves. I think in order to justify using them, you have to be certain that your life is in mortal danger. I don't mean, some drunk in a pub, saying "you spilt my pint" and *BLAM!* he's chopped to certain parts of his anatomy. It's not always clear admittedly when you may be in mortal danger, but nip a situation in the bud early enough, and you may well de-escalate it.
For instance your at a ATM and someone when a gun or knife comes up to you?

Are your in your home and some methhead breaks in while you an your wife or sleeping and starts beating the heck out of your daughter and raping her only to move on to your room with you and your the two of you are next?

There is a gang member who is trying to hurt you or rape you?

These are some scenarios I look at!
OK, WHY OH WHY Are you going here????

Yup, great idea... Let’s post killing techniques on the web for all to see..

The whole concept of a post on any style and its killing techniques is just wrong and plain Irresponsible.

And a court case just waiting to happen for MT

The Accused: well I read about it on the web
hit the forehead with a single knuckle, dead center, slap the groin, hit the space between the 4th and 5th rib on the left side directly in line vertically with the nipple, then bop them on the head with a hammerfist. double purple nurple then and bang, they drop dead... unless you tickle their left foot within 8 seconds of them collapsing to revive them, then they recover without harm so it is safe to practice, providing you immediately revive them (LEFT foot, not right)

Give it a try and report back.
hit the forehead with a single knuckle, dead center, slap the groin, hit the space between the 4th and 5th rib on the left side directly in line vertically with the nipple, then bop them on the head with a hammerfist. double purple nurple then and bang, they drop dead... unless you tickle their left foot within 8 seconds of them collapsing to revive them, then they recover without harm so it is safe to practice, providing you immediately revive them (LEFT foot, not right)

Give it a try and report back.

You forgot the ATOMIC WEDGIE .
There is a gang member who is trying to hurt you or rape you?

These are some scenarios I look at!

Yoshi, don't you have an XBox or something? There must be better things you can spend your time with other than looking at the bleakest of scenarios in which you feel you may have to kill someone using Wing Chun? I mean, come on man, get out of this fantasy land. Life is there to be enjoyed. Training and lerning your chosen art are to be enjoyed and passed down. Use your time productively.
Asking such a random question.........? Well, beggars belief really.
Maybe you should go and talk with your instructor regarding this. As you can see the level of maturity on this board is very high and no one wants to indulge you.
L1, then X O L2, unless he's the level boss, in which case I use R1 O O (triangle) (square).

Telling Bravo Team to "attack to Delta" while you scope in for the headshot works great too...

Yoshi, don't you have an XBox or something? There must be better things you can spend your time with other than looking at the bleakest of scenarios in which you feel you may have to kill someone using Wing Chun? I mean, come on man, get out of this fantasy land. Life is there to be enjoyed. Training and lerning your chosen art are to be enjoyed and passed down. Use your time productively.
Asking such a random question.........? Well, beggars belief really.

you mean, i should stop thinking of these things when i'm training on top of a mountain? lol :)
What are some of Killing or Life ending techniques you learn from your Sifu or practicing Wing Chun. Are there any Kungs or Skills you develop to make your art more deadly.

Here is something interesting

Please share some lethal techniques you are aware of in the WC system?
Looking for stuff you can use while you're out beating up gay people?
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