Kenpo Technical Forum

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
We've rolled out a new Kenpo sub-forum here for the discussion of Kenpo techniques, forms and theory. Please keep the posts in there on topic and professional. We will be doing our best to make that sub-forum -the- place to seriously discuss Kenpo technicals on the web.

Thank you.
I think that having the second forum is a little redundant...

Isn't that what this forum was for?

If you ask me, it makes this forum just a little more tedious to navigate, and a little bit confusing. Especially to new people.

Of course you didn't ask but that is my opinion,
Billy Lear
It just makes it harder to come on and check what I want to, seems like wasted time!

For trying new ways to explore our Art with the technology available. I hope it turns out to be a success and not a wasted idea...... but time will tell, anyway thank you for all your efforts and lets see what happens.

We've had a number of requests for a spot to really go indepth without the thread wandering and tangents that tend to occur, especially on popular and busy threads.

If the forum gets a moderate amount of traffic, we may bump it up to the main level in the next few weeks to make it easier to find/navigate.

You can use the "View New Threads" feature to see all the new threads here (located on the min page)

The "technical" forum may have several redundancies due to us seeding it with several 'paired down' threads from in here. We are hoping that it will very shortly become a sort of "Kenpo Reference Library" for our members.

We will be periodically moving/copying some threads in there as we find them, and posting additional topics for serious exploration.

Originally posted by WilliamTLear

If you ask me, it makes this forum just a little more tedious to navigate, and a little bit confusing. Especially to new people.
Billy Lear

I can understand your point of view, when someone navigates on this forum it can be pretty confusing. BUT, when I come on, many many times durring the day. First thing I click on is "Latest Posts" that takes me right to where I want to be, in the middle of the latest discussions.

Now whether or not this "sub-forum" is necessary remains to be seen. Heck I didn't even know it was here, until I went into the main directory to look up an old discussion. Some of the discussions can get carried away, heck I know I've participated in a few of them. Instigated them even ;) So perhaps somewhere, where "goofing" around is not allowed may be a good idea.

But then again, us people with short attention spans, don't need another section to navigate on. The K.I.S.S. theory was created for a reason you know. Too much of a good thing does not make it better.

LOL how's that for sitting on the fence. Billy asked me to post my opinion, and I don't think he'll like it too much. If you guys think it's kewl then keep posting in here. If you don't well Heck, post it in the main directory. See easy, and that way everyones happy!!!

My job here is done, I am off.
Grabs Cape, and races off in a flash of spandex and satin. Wonder Woman theme playing in the background....... "You're a Wonder, Wonder Woman......."

Please keep providing feedback. The intention is to make this convenient for our members. Give it a try and let us know how it works!

-MT Admin-
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

We've rolled out a new Kenpo sub-forum here for the discussion of Kenpo techniques, forms and theory. Please keep the posts in there on topic and professional. We will be doing our best to make that sub-forum -the- place to seriously discuss Kenpo technicals on the web.

Thank you.

This is an excellent idea. I have noticed that almost Every thread that I've tried to follow eventually gets Completely off-track and many of them seem to degenerate to the same discussion.

I hope this works and that the Mods will be more merciless about cutting people off and keeping everyone on topic here. Since we already have a Locker Room, maybe we need a Kenpo Locker Room to try to confine some of the more tangential material. Probably not, but I thought I'd bring it up.

Anyway, I am all for this idea. But please jump in and take the helm when someone comes in with a new post that is completely off the original topic. Move them or something. Thanks.
,,,if we can keep the threads on topic without a lot of needless straying. BTW, have you given any more thought to the training drills forum I suggested last month? Maybe we can get a poll going to see who else would be interested in it.
So, this technical discussion sub-forum is only for American Kenpo? What about the other kenpo styles?
As for myself and other kenpo instructors which are not american kenpo practitioner's; even though we may be in the AK lineage. I'am sure that our limited input would basically be of no value technically. Should there also be a "other kenpo technical-sub-forum"? Our techniques etc, are somewhat similar, yet we have entirely different, ideologies, concepts, methods, and technical aspects of our styles!
Sincerely, In Humility;
We can expand the description to cover both. :)
Originally posted by Kenpo Wolf

...BTW, have you given any more thought to the training drills forum I suggested last month?

That sounds like a good idea.
Thanks Kaith for the insight.
Sincerely, In Humility;
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

I think that having the second forum is a little redundant...

Isn't that what this forum was for?

If you ask me, it makes this forum just a little more tedious to navigate, and a little bit confusing. Especially to new people.

Of course you didn't ask but that is my opinion,
Billy Lear

I agree with billy! It does make it more complicated I havent had any problems finding or distinguishing threads
Part of it is we have a mix of people...some like the loose, "lets chat" style and others just want the "meat" of the topic. We're trying to accomidate both. :)

I'm going to bump the Tech forum up to the main level and see how it looks/works to help the visibility.

The Tech Forum is for the serious discussion of the technical side of things. Kenpo/Kempo are both welcome there. (I'm just keeping the descriptions short. :) )

The Kenpo/Kempo group here has really been successful in having great technical discussions--more than anywhere else on the board. We are hoping to help with that and to be responsive to those who are lokking only for technical discussions, while still accommodating those who want a "water cooler" to hang out and chat around. You may discuss what you like here, but in the Tech. forum we'd like it to be all techniques/technicalities, all the time. Feel free to split a discussion about history, personalities, etc. off from there and into a new thread here.

All styles of Kenpo/Kempo are welcome. I do not practice Kenpo and have had no trouble participating in discussions here and have not sense that I was unwanted. People have been very kind in explaining things to me that are clearly common knowledge amongst Kenpoka.

-MT Admin-
I don't know if a request from a non-kenpo guy would be welcome or not, but here goes.I often read through the kenpo section as there is often a good exchange of info.Problem is -many of the colorfull tech. names leave me not really knowing what is being talked about.
If it would be possible could the new kenpo tech. forum start out with a "cross reference" of kenpo too "traditional" tech name where applicable.Or maybe someone knows of a link that has this info. allready.
Originally posted by fissure

I don't know if a request from a non-kenpo guy would be welcome or not, but here goes.I often read through the kenpo section as there is often a good exchange of info.Problem is -many of the colorfull tech. names leave me not really knowing what is being talked about.
If it would be possible could the new kenpo tech. forum start out with a "cross reference" of kenpo too "traditional" tech name where applicable.Or maybe someone knows of a link that has this info. allready. has a pretty complete list with pics and videos...

Originally posted by Chiduce

So, this technical discussion sub-forum is only for American Kenpo? What about the other kenpo styles?
As for myself and other kenpo instructors which are not american kenpo practitioner's; even though we may be in the AK lineage. I'am sure that our limited input would basically be of no value technically. Should there also be a "other kenpo technical-sub-forum"? Our techniques etc, are somewhat similar, yet we have entirely different, ideologies, concepts, methods, and technical aspects of our styles!
Sincerely, In Humility;

I'm with Chiduce on this one. :asian:

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