Kenpo Principles



Is there a finite amount of principles that are part of the kenpo
curriculum? If there is a finite amount, what are they? After this,
maybe we can discuss the techs one at a time, and I can find out
which principles each one teaches?
Its on the To-Do list......along with several other folks. :D
There has to be a finite number of principles, or they wouldn't be principles -- first concerns. We could probably make up rules ad infinitum, but you have to pick and choose to have principles.

Having said that, I don't know what they are, other than the ones I've learned. They seem to be endless sometimes! :D
For the rule "always keep your hands above your opponents", what does that apply to?
Pretty straight forward; It refers to keeping your hands above your opponents hands. Inside or outside, the techs utilize this in various ways like checks, contours, blocks, contact manipulations and strikes where you take advantage of the dominant position afforded by staying on top whenever possible.

As a point of combative strategy, this concept is not unique to Kenpo as I have been taught this in other arts like Arnis, JiuJistu and the Chinese arts that I've had the pleasure of exploring, (especially) Chi-Sao training.

Thats my take on it..hope that helps.

Originally posted by kenpo3631

I wish Mr. Planas were posting....:D

Good luck. Master Planas seriously dislikes message boards and news groups. "Too much crap being slung around on them and not enough time being spent on the mat. If people spent that much time doing their Kenpo instead of talking about it they would all be better off" or something like that is what he said when I asked him about them a few years ago.

Originally posted by Sandor

Here is a llink to the list we've been using;

General Rules Of Kenpo


There's a few of these I don't understand (maybe just the wording), can you elaborate? :

"Always cat in but never away" - Does that mean that we shouldn't step back into a cat stance? I nearly always do, and in most of the techniques it's a step back?

"There is always a cross-over before a step-through." - Before a step-through what? Punch? On the techniques against a step through punch, when I attack I never employ a cross over?

"Never step down in line. " - ?


If you cat backward during a tech, say delayed sword, you are disengaging your body from your opponent only to have to re-engage. Once you have the basic mechanics down, you should stop catting back and keep your momentum forward. The same thing can be said with the block. Try not to step back and pull your force away from your opponent, rather settle and project your force forward. Hope that helps.
Mace did a good job of explaining the cat stance. I'll give you the others.

Originally posted by satans.barber

"There is always a cross-over before a step-through." - Before a step-through what? Punch? On the techniques against a step through punch, when I attack I never employ a cross over?
When stepping through you expose the groin as part of the transition. Crossovers will eliminate/minimize that exposure and get you to a safe distance to step-through.

"Never step down in line. " - ?

This is a reference to balance. If you put your feet in line you only have two points of contact with the floor for balance versus three/four like most of the stances. So, if you kick (for example) and land in a line you jeopardize your balance.

Hope that helps.

Originally posted by Sandor

Here is a llink to the list we've been using;

General Rules Of Kenpo


Dumb question here from one of DC's fledglings:

1. Do those apply to Tracy kenpo as well?

2. Who created those Rules?

Thanks, and Respects:asian:
Hola Ricardo, como estas? When did DC start trainin armadillos?!?

1. If you like, sure. Though I don't remember getting a list similar to this when I studied Tracy's I don't see why you wouldn't.

2. I am not sure of the origin of the list as in who compiled it. However, the list as posted is one we've been passing around for years within the CKF.

I may have gotten it from Sean Kelley or Lee Wedlake Jr. They were both nice enough to supply a bunch of sheets of info as hand outs over the years this is one of them.

It is by no means the ultimate compilation of the ideas(read:I fully expect DC to let me have it for even putting up the link), just a handy guide of useful phrases, terms and concepts in one place for folks to refer to. Since Kirk asked I figured it may help him out in gathering some as a starting point. I've heard Planas, Trejo, Wedlake and Kelley refer to many of the items on the list word for word in classes and seminars.

Anyways, if any of you found it useful then cool, I hope you enjoy it and maybe it saved you a little time. If not, move along an build your own. No worries :asian:


ps..anyone have Wedlake's Kenpo Karate 101 handy? I think a copy is in there too.
Originally posted by Sandor

Hola Ricardo, como estas? When did DC start trainin armadillos?!?

Ugh, Armadillos! Can't stand them, they're road kill !

I'm gonna put the hurt to that person who's labeled me as such!

They're only ratllesnakes here, and they bite!:soapbox:
hehe.. we've got both here too. Though where I live its mostly pigeons and supermodels runing wild in their natural habitat...

Originally posted by Sandor

hehe.. we've got both here too. Though where I live its mostly pigeons and supermodels runing wild in their natural habitat...


I'll take one "Supermodel", to go, gift wrapped, if ain't too much trouble!:cool:
Originally posted by Sandor
(read:I fully expect DC to let me have it for even putting up the link).............

Let you have what....... lol.... I think it is a fairly good list except for the items I disagree with....:rofl:

:rofl: lol!

Because I have seen you tear similar items apart for some of those items that you disagree with :D

Just out of curiosity Mr.C, do you have a similar list?

of course.... any good Kenpoist has one.... and many items are the same.

1st is....

There is always an exception to the rule sooner or later.....
Study always from "3" points of view
Never say Never
The common list of 21
Learn your Kenpo tools
Logic guides your decisions
