Kenpo humour!


pineapple head

> This is real creepy!...Do this and please don't cheat!
> Think of a letter between A and K
> (scroll down!)
> Repeat it out loud as you scroll down.
> Think of an animal that begins with that letter...
> (Repeat it out loud as you scroll down.)
> Think of a man's/woman's name that begins with the last letter in
> the animals name...
> Now count out the letters in that name on the fingers of the hand
> you are not using to scroll down.
> Take the hand you counted with and hold it out in front of you at
> face level
> Look at you palm very closely and notice the lines in your hand
> Do the lines take the form of the first letter in the persons
> name?
> HELL NO!...Of course not
> Now take that same hand, smack yourself in the face, get a life,
> and quit playing stupid e-mail games!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :boing2: :boing2:
you are a rude and viscious person.. suckered me right in...........
Pineapplehead, I think that was just awesome!

Originally posted by The Opal Dragon

Oh, I SO fell for that! I'm so gullible!:D


Did you know the word gullible is not in the dictionary?
You are Right...sitting here on a Saturday Night with my beer , rooting through the dictionary!;)
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

Did you know the word gullible is not in the dictionary?

Yes, my friend told me that one time. When I checked it out, my picture was right next to the word! rofl:

Robyn :D
If anybody has there dictionary handy check out the word redundant, it will say "See Redundant" :rofl:
Dang it anyways, he had me going all the way! LOL! :eek: :rolleyes:
I am soooooooo not happy.
One with you for being soooo mean, and
two with me for being soooooooo dumb!

I didn't fall for it...

this time....

but I did...

the last time I saw it.
*smacks himself in forehead*

Yeah, that was good. Thanks for the laugh!!



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