History Re-written

Appears to be something that was originally written in Spanish and was translated through a dialect of SW Pacific language mainly used on the isle of Rongo-Rongo and translated by a man who recovered from the Isle of Mann, while in the smoking a cigarette that was a delicate blend relocating in the South of Sussex as a true master since 1977 with he beautiful wife, Claire.

But that is just an offhand, quick interpretation. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Too funny Dan!! Personally, I didn't actually understand it well enough to get absolutely nothing out of it. :rofl:
Originally posted by Sigung86

Appears to be something that was originally written in Spanish and was translated through a dialect of SW Pacific language mainly used on the isle of Rongo-Rongo and translated by a man who recovered from the Isle of Mann, while in the smoking a cigarette that was a delicate blend relocating in the South of Sussex as a true master since 1977 with he beautiful wife, Claire.

But that is just an offhand, quick interpretation. :lol: :lol: :lol:


It would seem that you and the person who wrote that history get your "tobacco" from the same supplier:shrug:

Um..hmm..so how do feel about sharing?:D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Wow. (Upside down, it says Mom.)

I know Bob Rose is real, and I'm also pretty darn sure Larry Tatum's real. But about the time these two got described on the same plane as Speakman and Wedlake, I got terminally confused. I mean, I read and pretty much understand contemporary literary theory, and syntax like that...oh, wow. I can't even tell if the two big glasses of an amusing little Bordeaux I just drank with supper made that---writing?--easier or harder to understand.

It read like explanations of stardrives on flying saucers, to me...holy yikes, and thanks for drawing my attention to a real kenpo wackadoo.

Oh, wow. Reading that was so "Altered States..."
Kenpo Karate arrived in the U.K. in 1966, when an Irish student, who had studied the art of Kenpo in Dublin under Grand Master Ed Parker....
John McSweeney was teaching there till about 1965. It could be until 1966, maybe. After he left, his black belts continued teaching.

...Mr. Tom McSweeney, settled in Swindon in 1966. Together with Mr. Peter Presswell, Mr. Martin Sleeman and Mr. Phil Haggerty, they formed the first U.K. Kenpo club...
Maybe he has his McSweeney's mixed up? Never heard of them. Then who am I? I could be wrong..

...Mr. Haggerty moved to Landrake, in Cornwall and set up another Kenpo club which attracted Master B. Rose, (10th degree black belt), who trained under Mr. Haggerty as a pupil. Due to ill health, Mr. Haggerty was forced to retire from teaching Kenpo.
Master Rose took over the club and taught professionally from 1977. Master Rose travelled to America, where he trained with Grand Master Ed Parker, and upon his return to England, formed the B.K.K.U., (british kenpo karate union)....
I'm confused, was he a 10th in 1977??

Mr. B. Walsh started his training in 1976, having studied various other Martial Arts. After over 10 years was awarded his 1st Degree Black Belt by Master B. Rose. Mr. Walsh is now a 5th Degree Black Belt. Mr. Finlayson's Kenpo training started in 1982, and again after 10 years, in 1992, was awarded his 1st Degree Black Belt by Master B. Rose. Mr. Finlayson was awarded his 4th Degree Black Belt in October 2000 and has been teaching students since 1987. In 1998, Mr. Walsh and Mr. Finlayson set up the A.K.K.C.,uk, (american kenpo karate connection, uk). This system recognises ALL the variations and styles of KENPO. Through attending different seminars hosted by some of the worlds top Kenpo Masters, such as:...
Here comes the name dropping.:shrug:

"Raul Gutierrez, Spain, International Kosho Shorei Association, under the Great Grand Master Thomas Barrow Mitose, (Amercan/Japanese, 22nd generation Head of the I.K.S.A. Grand Master Sam Kuoha, Professor John Sepulveda & Jeff Speakman,
Master Larry Tatum, and Lee Wedlake"
All of the thoughts, ideas and ideals and concepts of Kenpo are utilised, discussed and applied through continued training.

" the students of today are the Masters of Tomorrow" J. Finlayson, 2001

Okay, I'm done now. :asian:
All very interesting but....

1. I was there, (part of the time) I got the t-shirt.

2. Time fades memories.

3. Ego distorts facts.

4. I have a slightly different version of events.

5. I know Jon Finlayson, he is a good Kenpo Instructor.

6 On his website he is only relating the facts as he was told them.

7. However Kenpo came to the UK, it's here now, and I'm grateful.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7


I'm still waiting for the Goldendragons version, in book, or documentary movie !:eek:

Rats, I think I just gave him an idea to work on!%&#$@!
in that area won't be opened by me.......... There is so much mis information, people post what they want to. Reiner Schulte knows pretty much the history as it happened.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

in that area won't be opened by me.......... There is so much mis information, people post what they want to. Reiner Schulte knows pretty much the history as it happened.


WHAT!!! The Goldendragon side steps controversy? Say it ain't so!:eek:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Reiner Schulte knows pretty much the history as it happened.

Mr C is spot on with that comment.

Also, Professor Gary Ellis was there from the beginning, consistently, through to the present day.
