Kenpo Gun Disarms

I agree, never let go of the weaponed hand until you get the weapon away from him / her.
Weapon techniques should be short and to the point and with, if possible, a take down and or suppression.
Other wise bang bang or slash slash, you dead.
A smart gunman isn't going to be close enough for any reasonable disarm to work, in an ideal situation. If I'm drawn done on you, I don't have to be inside 25 feet or so, ideally. But in the real world -- you end up holding someone at gunpoint at 5 or 10 or 15 feet. Your best thing then is to create distance... but it's not always a possibility.

But that's from a "being the guy with the gun" POV. Defending against a gun? What situations are likely? Looking at my own experience as a police officer and investigator -- typically, a gunman produces the gun at a range of a few to several feet apart, as they make a demand for cash or some such. If they're actually shooting... typically they're doing that, and not brandishing and showing it first. Or at least not for long! In many cases, the gun is either implied or only shown in the waistband or hidden...

Good points. In addition, if they are technically in disarm range, it is possible they could adjust how they're holding the gun, to make it difficult for the defender to get a successful disarm and/or get control of the weapon.

My personal preference, from my own training and my understanding of the dynamics of these encounters, is not to generally mess with disarming, but to move in and quickly and savagely attack. Overwhelm them with aggression and do the best you can to take them out of the fight permanently; after all, it is CLEARLY a deadly force situation. There's just too much that can get screwy if you try to take the gun... and the bad guy already knows whether or not it's loaded or even "real." NOTE: it doesn't matter to you whether it's real or loaded. As long as you reasonably think they're holding a GUN on you, it can be a block of soap! Treat it like it's a real gun!

The guy I do my disarms with advocates the same thing. He still focuses on control, but the disarming is second to punishing the person.

(Legal disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not giving legal advice. In fact, I'm not even going to discuss the legal issues. They're a worthy thread all by themselves.)

I'd like to actually see these kenpo techniques; I've got a loose understanding of the stances and such but that's not the same as seeing them.

Interestingly enough, I havent seen any Kenpo gun clips online. Checked YT real quick, and unless I missed them, I didn't see any.

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