Kenpo, and Krav Maga



In the publications I've seen, Krav Maga looks alot like Kenpo, in it's movements, and philosophy. Are they related in some way?

I'd appreciate your comments, and enlightenment.

A Student of Kenpo:asian:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

translated is Ed Parker in Russian.


Funny, but here is more accurate translation Krave is in Hebrew

For combat
And Maga is again in Hebrew for touch

And originally was used by the IDF.

And as far as I know the Israeli instructors are adopting what ever they can from everywhere.

When it a matter of life and death like it is in Israel right now you don’t have a choice and specifically with those terrorist around

I haven't seen enough of Krav Maga to make a judgement regarding whether it moves like Kenpo.

But....could it be because both the arts are dedicated to what works and what is practical? And if they are, then it is no wonder that they 'move' the same. They would be following the same principals and rules.

I wonder if that is enough for the arts to seem similiar or whether there has to be a 'sharing' of knowledge at some point from one instructor to another.

Seems like a justification for both arts.

In the publications I've seen, Krav Maga looks alot like Kenpo, in it's movements, and philosophy. Are they related in some way?

Sure. Secrets of Chinese Karate, Infinite Insights 1-5, and all the tapes everyone has out.

Sure. Secrets of Chinese Karate, Infinite Insights 1-5, and all the tapes everyone has out.

Are you saying the people who practise Krav Maga read all this information and incorporated it into their art? I haven't done alot of research into this but wasn't it developed in Isreal during WWII?

Are you saying the people who practise Krav Maga read all this information and incorporated it into their art? I haven't done alot of research into this but wasn't it developed in Isreal during WWII

Began in Europe with grecco roman wrestling and grew from there. I have seen early and recent footage my opinion is it looks like early Kenpo.

Sure. Secrets of Chinese Karate, Infinite Insights 1-5, and all the tapes everyone has out.

Okay, it looks like early Kenpo but where do the books and videos that you mentioned come into it.
wonder if that is enough for the arts to seem similiar or whether there has to be a 'sharing' of knowledge at some point from one instructor to another

Uhh, how do you think material on the open market effects and influences people? Are you thinking Mr. Parkers material has not influenced many other arts? Krav is just one, it is easily seen. Can't tell you anymore than that, research it and come to your own conclusions.
If Krav Maga is indeed an art that focuses on self defense, I would not be surprised to find similarities between it and Kenpo. Peyton Quinn once remarked that people who study the martial arts with an emphasis on self defense eventually come to the same conclusions.

Dave :asian:
I've seen some stuff about it. I've seen weekend seminars that
offer instructor's certifications upon completion, regardless of
previous training (if any). McDojo city!!!

I've also seen some that seemed to be pretty decent ... but when
you sign up, you sign a contract that if you become a teacher, you
then have to abide by their rules and regs. Open a school at
x location, do x advertising, do x marketing, etc.

Are you pontificating that!? :miffer: :rpo:

Originally posted by Robbo

Are you saying the people who practise Krav Maga read all this information and incorporated it into their art? I haven't done alot of research into this but wasn't it developed in Isreal during WWII?

Israel as we know it today was not formed until after WWII
Krav Maga - Has recently been in a movie with Jennifer Lopez where she becomes a kick @ss abused woman who learns KM to beat her abusive down.

Kenpo - Has recently been seen on the World Wrestling Entertainment, (formerly the WWF) as newcomer "The Stylist" is declared as having his black belt in Kenpo and a weapon to himself. He still got his @ss beat by a fat guy in a sumo skirt.

All in all...Lopez looks better.
Krav Maga was developed in the early 50's but today in Israeli army (IDF) the train the soldiers in more then one way in order to achieve maximum success and there for they have to maximize their resource so:
When you enroll to the IDF they train you in the most efficient way they can,

In the IDF they don’t use Krav Maga the use an internal system that they call it face to face combat! Or in Hebrew PAP which is an acronym for Panim el Panim.

The Krav Maga system is only for "export” use. And like other martial arts is changed to fit to masses!

but most of the time the idf train you how to use a gun!

Krav Maga - Has recently been in a movie with Jennifer Lopez where she becomes a kick @ss abused woman who learns KM to beat her abusive down.

Think she could kick rm robertsons butt? :idunno: Or would she fall asleep listening to him say how he was gonna phd her to death?:p
Read an article, last year I think it was, where a Krav Maga instructor got himself killed trying to disarm a knife wielding assailant. Just a thought.

Take care,

Uhh, how do you think material on the open market effects and influences people? Are you thinking Mr. Parkers material has not influenced many other arts? Krav is just one, it is easily seen. Can't tell you anymore than that, research it and come to your own conclusions.

Okay, got do some reading on the net about Krav Maga. Nowhere does it credit Kenpo as a influence in the system. Now, I'm not that naive to believe that sound fighting princepals can't exist in two fighting systems but it sounds as if you are saying that KV was influenced by Ed Parker's Kenpo. From what I've read it was well along before Ed Parker came on the scene, especially in Europe. Now in recent refinements to Krav Maga they may have looked around and said "hey that's cool" we'll use that. But it seems to me that it is a stand alone system and doesn't owe Kenpo anything. Just because Mr. Parker didn't make it or influence it doesn't make it a bad thing.

As always correct me if I'm wrong.

Okay, got do some reading on the net about Krav Maga. Nowhere does it credit Kenpo as a influence in the system.

Does anyone credit American Kenpo (exception Ken Shamrock) with using elements of AK in their system? A couple of hours reading about their vision on their sight will not give you that information. They are competing with AK for market share. I can flat out see it in thier techniques, it is just missing some "minor" details that gives it a more primitive flavor. That tells me it was not learned from an instructor but by other means.
