Just when you think the world is nuts...

Man, I thought everyone knew that lions already are Christian. *Pumas* are heathens.
Ha ha- that is hilarious!! I wonder what the extent of his injuries were......and yeah.......where was he thinking he'd get by trying to convert lions?!!

:idunno: :rofl:
That poor lion....

That moron should be charged with animal cruilty. Doesn't he know that's how Rome used to get rid of their excess lion population? They'd feed Christians to them to poison them. The cruilty. The horror!

Actually, I think this is just Gods way of thinning the herd of the, umm, less intellegent folks.

What in the world was this guy thinking? I ... I ... I just can't understand why anyone would try this. Was he a pastor trying to increase the size of his congregation by pulling a stunt like this? Does he have a psychological problem?

Now if he were to try to convert the monkeys, that would be understandable. Someone needs to teach those primates a thing or two about God's law about spilling their seed.
Reminds me of a stupid Christian joke. We'll just change a few things to fit this idiot's story. An atheist falls into a lion's den. When the lions start approaching, he decides that now would be a good time to start praying. So he says "Dear God, I know I haven't been a very good supporter, but if you turn these lions into good Christians, then I'll become one, too." So God appears and tells the guy that the lions will become Christian as long as the guy does too. The guy agrees. Then the lions start to approach again. The man gets nervous and says "Hey, God...I thought you were going to turn these lions into Christians?!" Just then the lions start chanting "Thank you O Lord for this food that we are about to eat."

Stupid, I know. So I wonder if any of these lions actually converted. Hope so because lion is a sin...oh wait, that's lyin.'
I'm going to confession now for making people graon at stupid jokes.
Perhaps he should stick to snakes. Just a note before someone makes any comments about anti-Christian feelings. I think this guy is flat out nuts (Hindi, Shinto, Buddha...he'd still be nuts).
There is a christian sect in georgia or alabama that handle poisonous snakes and drink poison as part of their sacraments....regardless of religion I would say that they're nuts.
I have always been curious to what religion those gentlemen are who set themselves on fire as a sacrifice are. If anyone is a Rage Against the Machine fan the people I'm talking about are on their self titled album cover. If anyone knows the answer please let me know. Now those guys are crazy! Lions are one thing, crazy, but not quite like setting yourself on fire.


Rynocerous said:
I have always been curious to what religion those gentlemen are who set themselves on fire as a sacrifice are. If anyone is a Rage Against the Machine fan the people I'm talking about are on their self titled album cover. If anyone knows the answer please let me know. Now those guys are crazy! Lions are one thing, crazy, but not quite like setting yourself on fire.


I believe they were buddhists, but I might be wrong. I dont think they make a habit of self-immolation, and they used strong sedatives to kill the pain.

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