Just when you think politicians can't sink lower

Master Dan

Master Black Belt
Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 27, 2010
Reaction score
NW Alaska
To me, having a 'strong military' means that the USA should maintain the most powerful military in the world, able to meet and defeat any potential challenge from any nation. That means a large force, good training, good equipment, and good pay and benefits for those who serve our nation in uniform. It also means maintaining the ability of the defense industry to innovate, create, and build the next generation of war-fighting equipment, from R&D to manufacturing.

I am not going to take your bait and defend the war in Afghanistan, tax breaks, or whatever else you're moaning about. You did fine untill this last sentence Since a leading economist respected nationally and globally recently stated that our national security has never been more threatened than by our huge defict( hence we are bankrupt barrowing from the Chinese due to not collecting tax revenues as historically done in Clintons day) It is reasonable to ask do we have to have 450 bases globally. When we get to the point the the GOP shuts down the goverment ruins our credit rating all facts not whining and military people are facing not getting paid how is that providing the most bad *** military in the world?? Afghanistan will disintegrate to caos and civil war as soon as we pull our money out and our appetite for heroin funds thier tribes which are the largest producers in the world while we look the other way.

We need to maintain our bases here in the US not shut them down put people out fo work in lew of maintaining huge foriegn presense where we are not wanted or needed just to supply money to corupt contractors like Haliburton.

Also for the first time in history we are having more suicides deaths in the military than from active duty What the F---- is up with that Sir!!! if things are so good and Bad ***. We are not looking at the total cost of war which means all the damaged men comming home not being taken care of and the total cost of that You like many others are an Ostretch with your head in the ground and hide behind patriotic Bravado more than willing to send young men to die and get maimed over and over to accomplish nothing.

Small government, to me, means eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse at every level of government to the extent possible. It means that every agency and department is and should be subjected to regular review and inspection to avoid such things. It means setting caps on government expansion, such that if a new department is created, another must be dismantled. It means a federal government that is aligned with the duties and authority given it by the Constitution, and that state governments have control of the rest.

I'm not rich, and I'm not a member of the Tea Party.

The federal government has encroached more and more in recent years over the rights of the states, mostly by using the 'Interstate Commerce Clause' to justify this. In many cases, the Supreme Court has gone along with the gag. I'm against that. I favor the Jeffersonian model of federal authority over the Hamiltonian model. I agree

It means what I said. I support the Constitution. All of it. I'm ignoring your rant. What you call a rant is plain simple facts supported by many educated people that asks the simple question why justify it with more than its right?

I am not being specific because I have nothing to be specific about. Social change is a pressure. Pressure requires resistance or it moves instantly. Instant change is often detrimental to society. The word 'conservative' itself means to conserve - to keep the status quo - to keep things as they are. While things do and must change, instant change can be as dangerous (or more dangerous) than no change. So the role of society is to provide those people who want change and push for it, and those who resist such change, to slow its progress. Both are necessary to a smoothly-functioning society. Now I thought this was well said in a generic way but there is a radical extreme and some say facist trend trying to force social change at this time with huge financial backing atempting to interfere with the democratic process even the left are being presured by the NRA to vote bipartisen in favor on the upcomming contempt charges.

I just think the constant linking to any left bashing comentator and when pressed a fall back position to Guns and God serves nothing. Congress won't do the hard work of what the country needs and some how if not in this next election it will have to get worse before it gets better?

No, it does not make me stop and ponder. Ask me again in January of 2013.
I am not going to take your bait and defend the war in Afghanistan, tax breaks, or whatever else you're moaning about. You did fine untill this last sentence Since a leading economist respected nationally and globally recently stated that our national security has never been more threatened than by our huge defict( hence we are bankrupt barrowing from the Chinese due to not collecting tax revenues as historically done in Clintons day) It is reasonable to ask do we have to have 450 bases globally. When we get to the point the the GOP shuts down the goverment ruins our credit rating all facts not whining and military people are facing not getting paid how is that providing the most bad *** military in the world?? Afghanistan will disintegrate to caos and civil war as soon as we pull our money out and our appetite for heroin funds thier tribes which are the largest producers in the world while we look the other way.

We need to maintain our bases here in the US not shut them down put people out fo work in lew of maintaining huge foriegn presense where we are not wanted or needed just to supply money to corupt contractors like Haliburton.

Also for the first time in history we are having more suicides deaths in the military than from active duty What the F---- is up with that Sir!!! if things are so good and Bad ***. We are not looking at the total cost of war which means all the damaged men comming home not being taken care of and the total cost of that You like many others are an Ostretch with your head in the ground and hide behind patriotic Bravado more than willing to send young men to die and get maimed over and over to accomplish nothing.

Small government, to me, means eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse at every level of government to the extent possible. It means that every agency and department is and should be subjected to regular review and inspection to avoid such things. It means setting caps on government expansion, such that if a new department is created, another must be dismantled. It means a federal government that is aligned with the duties and authority given it by the Constitution, and that state governments have control of the rest.

I'm not rich, and I'm not a member of the Tea Party.

The federal government has encroached more and more in recent years over the rights of the states, mostly by using the 'Interstate Commerce Clause' to justify this. In many cases, the Supreme Court has gone along with the gag. I'm against that. I favor the Jeffersonian model of federal authority over the Hamiltonian model. I agree

It means what I said. I support the Constitution. All of it. I'm ignoring your rant. What you call a rant is plain simple facts supported by many educated people that asks the simple question why justify it with more than its right?

I am not being specific because I have nothing to be specific about. Social change is a pressure. Pressure requires resistance or it moves instantly. Instant change is often detrimental to society. The word 'conservative' itself means to conserve - to keep the status quo - to keep things as they are. While things do and must change, instant change can be as dangerous (or more dangerous) than no change. So the role of society is to provide those people who want change and push for it, and those who resist such change, to slow its progress. Both are necessary to a smoothly-functioning society. Now I thought this was well said in a generic way but there is a radical extreme and some say facist trend trying to force social change at this time with huge financial backing atempting to interfere with the democratic process even the left are being presured by the NRA to vote bipartisen in favor on the upcomming contempt charges.

I just think the constant linking to any left bashing comentator and when pressed a fall back position to Guns and God serves nothing. Congress won't do the hard work of what the country needs and some how if not in this next election it will have to get worse before it gets better?